Daniel Larusso Quotes in The Karate Kid Part III (1989)


Daniel Larusso Quotes:

  • Daniel Larusso: You know, this is the 80s, Mr. Miyagi. You can't be so damn passive!

  • [Cobras are leaving Daniel/Jessica stranded on ropes]

    Daniel Larusso: Hey!

    Snake: Yes, sweetheart?

    Daniel Larusso: Pull us up, man!

    Mike Barnes: The stakes just went up. Give us the tree.

    Jessica Andrews: No, Daniel, don't!

    Daniel Larusso: [does anyway] All right, but just be careful.

    Dennis: [laughing evilly] What are you going to do with it?

    Snake: Replant it.

    [raises it and acts like he's gonna thrust it in the canyon]

    Snake: Down there!

    Daniel Larusso: NO!

    Jessica Andrews: NO!

    Mike Barnes: [disgusted] Enough talk. Give me the tree!

    [takes it]

    Mike Barnes: Okay. Now you want it, right?

    Daniel Larusso: Yes!

    Jessica Andrews: Yes!

    Mike Barnes: And you don't want me to replant down there?

    Daniel Larusso: Yes.

    Jessica Andrews: Yes.

    Mike Barnes: Hey, Daniel.

    [breaks the trunk of the tree]

    Mike Barnes: Make a wish.

    [goes off laughing very hard with Dennis and Snake]

    Daniel Larusso: [looks at the injured tree very heart broken]

  • Daniel Larusso: [tentatively] Mr. Miyagi?

    [holds up injured tree]

    Daniel Larusso: [a crash of thunder strikes outside]

    Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: [seeing this drops broom in sad shock but calmly takes the tree and starts fixing it]

    Daniel Larusso: [worried sad] Will it be okay?

    Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Depend if root's strong.

  • Daniel Larusso: Why do I have to do this with this thing?

    Terry Silver: Because it's a part of the training. Because I'm teaching techniques that you don't have. Techniques you'll need to win the tournament. What, do you think you can rely on that crane crap?

    [does a phoney impression of it]

    Daniel Larusso: Well, I did pretty well with it last time.

    Terry Silver: Hey, wake up and smell the coffee, Mr. Larusso. Last time you weren't fighting this.

    [shows him a picture of Mike Barnes]

  • Terry Silver: [at the climax of Daniel's training] Visualize: this is not a bunch of sticks and pipes anymore; this is not some pathetic mugger who needs a couple of dollars so he can eat. No! This is a deadly, hungry wrecking machine who wants to detatch your head from the rest of your body and mount it over his fireplace!

    [Daniel gashes his fist on the 2X4 with Mike Barnes' picture]

    Terry Silver: It's blood. So what? Make believe it's HIS! This guy wants to BREAK you! HUMILIATE you! STOMP YOU INTO THE GROUND! NOW WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?

    Daniel Larusso: ...NAIL HIM!

    Terry Silver: SHOW ME! DO IT!

    [Daniel breaks all three 2X4s]

    Terry Silver: YES! You nailed him! You're ready!

  • Snake: [entering shop] What's that smell?

    Mike Barnes: I don't know.

    [sniffs air]

    Mike Barnes: It smells like yellow streak.

    Daniel Larusso: Hey! Okay! This isn't funny anymore.

    Snake: [real cocky] Oh, I know.

    Mike Barnes: Sign the application yet?

    Daniel Larusso: No.

    Snake: [calls across the room] Hey Dennis! He didn't sign it yet.

    Dennis: [puts something down he was looking at and shakes his head back and forth making tsking sounds. Then he karate chops some shoji windows]

  • Daniel Larusso: Why don't you just take off.

    Dennis: [shoves Daniel hard] You take off!

  • Daniel Larusso: [practicing karate in garden when suddenly the gate busts open]

    Mike Barnes: Hey shit head! Why'd you call the cops on me?

    Daniel Larusso: Why'd you take the trees?

    Mike Barnes: You have no proof.

    Daniel Larusso: Did the tooth fairy leave the application?

    [the two fight until Barnes has Daniel on the ground]

    Mike Barnes: [steps on Daniel's throat] How'd you make it last year? Much less win?

    Terry Silver: Let him up!

    Mike Barnes: Who are you? His mother?

    Terry Silver: Maybe.

    [They fight until, Terry Silver has Mike by the hair]

    Mike Barnes: [afraid he's going to fall, he leans a hand on Silver for balance]

    Terry Silver: Don't touch me. Don't touch me!

    Mike Barnes: [shaking lets go]

    Terry Silver: Now, if I ever even see you on the same street with this kid I will seriously mess you up. Okay?

    Mike Barnes: Ok...

    Terry Silver: OKAY?

    Mike Barnes: YES!

    Terry Silver: [lets him go] Good!

    [kicks his butt]

    Terry Silver: Now get the hell out of here!

    Mike Barnes: [zooms out of garden]

    Terry Silver: [helping Daniel up] Who was that guy?

    Daniel Larusso: The guy I'm going to be fighting.

    Terry Silver: Oh. Well, here I brought your book.

    Daniel Larusso: Thanks.

    Terry Silver: Now let me give you a little lesson on how to deal with punks like that.

  • Terry Silver: There you are.

    Daniel Larusso: Yeah. I had to do some thinking.

    Terry Silver: And?

    Daniel Larusso: I decided not to fight in the tournament this year. I figured that's the least of respect I owe you. Just to let you know.

    Terry Silver: You owe me alot more than that, Danny-boy.

    Daniel Larusso: Oh, I can have the payment for the lessons in a couple of weeks. I just need to get the money.

    Terry Silver: No money. You're getting in that ring and fighting the tournament. That will be how you pay for the lessons.

    Daniel Larusso: Wait. Mr. Silver, you can't make me do anything I don't want to do.

    Terry Silver: [laughs] Danny, Danny. Since the moment I met you, I've been making you do things you don't want to do.

    Daniel Larusso: [confused] What do you mean?

    Terry Silver: What do I mean?

    [calls in office]

    Terry Silver: Shall we show him what I mean?

    Mike Barnes: [steps out] I'm what he's talking about $hit head.

    Terry Silver: We have a little agenda here, Daniel.

    [so excited spits out]

    Terry Silver: Either you fight one day or you fight for the rest of your life.

    [even more hyped up]

    Terry Silver: So what's it going to be Danny boy?

    Daniel Larusso: It's going to be that I'm not going to fight.

    Terry Silver: You don't have to. You can just stand there and let him kick your@$$ for the whole 3 minutes.

    Mike Barnes: [attacks Daniel] You're doing this to yourself.

  • [the Cobras are pulling Daniel/Jessica but stop about 95% of the way up so they can get the application]

    Daniel Larusso: Hey! Pull us up!

    Snake: First give us the application.

    Daniel Larusso: No! I'll give it to you when we get up there.

    Mike Barnes: [lets Jessica fall for 1/2 second. She's fallen 5 feet]

    Daniel Larusso: All right! All right!

    [gives it to Snake]

    Daniel Larusso: Here.

    Mike Barnes: Check it out.

    Snake: [does] It's cool.

    Mike Barnes: [points at Daniel lecturing] You back out of this and this will seem like a pretty nice dream compared to what we all will do to you... and her.

  • Daniel Larusso: I know you don't believe in fighting, but tournament karate isn't exactly fighting.

    Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Not exactly ping-pong, either.

  • Terry Silver: You think this is the end of it, old man? I'm gonna open Cobra Kai dojos all over this Valley. Hell, I might even teach for free! From now on, all that anyone will know about is Cobra Kai karate. John Kreese's karate. You won't even be a memory!

    Daniel Larusso: Yes, he will. You won't.

    [Kreese and Silver are laughing hysterically, as Daniel turns to Miyagi]

    Daniel Larusso: NOW... will you train me?

    Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Hai. Now Miyagi train you.

  • Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: [Daniel is down on the mat at the All-Valley Karate Tournament, clutching his side... Miyagi rushes up] Daniel-san! Daniel-san!

    Daniel Larusso: Mr. Miyagi, it's over! It's over! Forget about it!

    Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: No! NO!

    Daniel Larusso: I'm afraid! Let's just get out of here! I just wanna go home!

    Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: No, get up! Get up! Must not! It's OK to lose to opponent. Must not lose to fear!

    Daniel Larusso: Yeah, well, I'm afraid! I'm afraid of him, all right? What do you want me to do?

    Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: HAI! You stay focused. Daniel-san, you best karate still inside you. Now time let out!

  • Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Inside you same place you karate come from.

    Daniel Larusso: My karate comes from you.

    Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Ah. Only root karate come from Miyagi. Just like bonsai choose own way grow because root strong you choose own way do karate same reason.

    Daniel Larusso: I do it your way.

    Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Hai. One day you do own way.

  • Daniel Larusso: If Mr. Miyagi doesn't sell this tree we're looking for, he loses his business. He's broke. His Social Security can barely cover the expenses on his rowboat. This tree is like money in the bank.

    Jessica Andrews: Great. So now we're robbing a bank.

  • Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: [Terry's revenge plan is working and Miyagi is concerned about Daniel's change in personality] Daniel-san, why you doing this to yourself?

    Daniel Larusso: Doing what?

    Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: What you doing.

    Daniel Larusso: Because Mr. Miyagi extreme situations require extreme measures. Okay?

    Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Oh, Daniel-san, that not sound like you talking.

    Daniel Larusso: Well, it is me talking, all right?

    [opens door to his room and confronts Miyagi face to face]

    Daniel Larusso: Look, I'm sorry if you don't like it but I've got problems, okay, and if you're not going to be part of the solution, just don't give me a hard time about it! All right? Okay, you got it?

    [both are very hurt and upset]

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