Cara Quotes in He Never Died (2015)


Cara Quotes:

  • Cara: How old are you?

    Jack: I have no idea. But I'm in the Bible if that means anything.

    Cara: What? No.

    Jack: It's pronounced "Cayenne", but I'm known as Cain.

    Cara: I think I'm gonna throw up.

  • Cara: So... the civil war, what was that like?

    Jack: I don't know, I was in china...

  • Cara: I don't know what you don't understand about this. I refuse, okay? You're probably just going to kill another room full of people.

    Jack: [shakes his head noncommittally]

    Cara: You are?

    Jack: Probably.

    Cara: Come on!

  • Cara: Could you just not look at me? It's just uh, you know with uh - the blood and the holes in your head - Oh, God! Just don't look at me!

  • Cara: Look... I know you walk all the time

    Jack: Yep... How far you going ?

    Cara: It's about 12 blocks

    Jack: You'll be alright

    [as he turns and walks away]

    Cara: Yeah... I'll be fine... Well... see ya

  • Jack: I'm going to go and interrogate the man in my bathroom... your money's there

    [pointing to the chest full of money]

    Cara: I can just leave ?

    Jack: I don't see why not... you'll never see me again

  • Cara: This is you?

    [pointing to an old photo]

    Jack: Yeah.

    Cara: Isn't that your dad or grand dad?

    Jack: I'm not even sure if I even had a father

    Cara: [holding picture up so Jack can see] This person... in this picture... is you?

    Jack: Yeah.

    Cara: From 1914?

    Jack: Yeah.

    Cara: I don't believe that.

    Jack: OK.

  • Cara: Who - who are they, Jack?

    Jack: I don't know - some kind of low class mafia, maybe.

  • Cara: I didn't know you had a daughter until recently. Where is she, by the way?

    Jack: Probably with her mother at this point.

  • Cara: That woman nearly suffocated him... Well, just look at her children. Even when they were tiny, in the nursery, they must do what she wants them to do, be what she wants them to be. Only then would she love them. It's not Lady Marchmain's fault. Her God has done that to her.

    Charles Ryder: But surely you're Catholic too.

    Cara: Oh, yes, but a different sort. Well, it's different in Italy. Not so much guilt. We do what the heart tell us, and then we go to confession.

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