Captain Wanta Quotes in Congo (1995)


Captain Wanta Quotes:

  • Captain Wanta: [Homolka is eating a cake] Mr Homolka?

    Herkermer Homolka: Yes?

    Captain Wanta: Stop eating my sesame cake.

    [Homolka pauses in confusion]

    Captain Wanta: [shouting angrily] STOP EATING MY SESAME CAKE!

    [Homolka spits out the cake]

    Captain Wanta: What are you doing in my country, bag of shit?

    Herkermer Homolka: Captain, please, I only wish to explore and discover...

    Captain Wanta: This fellow

    Captain Wanta: [pokes Homolka's face with a stick] is a big. Bag. Of. Shit.

    Captain Wanta: [to Monroe] You should shake this RAT from off your neck. He owes money to everyone everywhere he goes. I will ask you to wait outside Mr. Homolka!

  • Captain Wanta: Stop eating my sesame cake.

    Herkermer Homolka: [stops in mid bite, eyes wide]

    Captain Wanta: Stop eating my sesame cake!

  • Captain Wanta: Have some, uh, coffee and cake.

    [they all sit, no one partakes of anything]

    Captain Wanta: [angrily] HAVE SOME!

  • Captain Wanta: [after Monroe pays him with two handfuls of money] MORE.

  • Captain Wanta: [stapling shut a bag of money] Don't want nobody peeking!

  • Captain Wanta: So Dr. Ross, I see you used to work for the C.I.A, and now you're Travi Com. Travi Com pays better than the C.I.A?

    Dr. Karen Ross: You have a BIG mouth.

    Captain Wanta: Everybody says that about me!

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