Ben McBride Quotes in The People That Time Forgot (1977)


Ben McBride Quotes:

  • [hearing a dinosaur roar]

    Ben McBride: What is it, Doc?

    Norfolk: It can only be one thing. Prehistoric!

    [they hear another roar]

    Norfolk: Definitely prehistoric.

    [they hear a woman's scream]

    Norfolk: That's human.

  • [first lines]

    Charly: Okay, hold it.

    [Charly takes a picture of the Amphib's crew]

    Ben McBride: Is it all right if we get back to work now?

    Charly: Thanks awfully. Sorry to be such a bore.

    Lt. Graham: Not at all, Lady Charlotte. It's rather fun.

    Lt. Whitby: Ahem. Mr. Graham.

  • Ben McBride: Once we get to that Amphib, we're home and dry.

    Bowen Tyler: The land'll stop you, Ben. It's alive. That volcano's its heart. It controls everything.

    Ben McBride: How can the land be alive?

    Bowen Tyler: Ask Ajor if we can get out of here.

    [Adjor nods her head no]

  • [last lines]

    Charly: You know, my uncle will have a heart attack when we get back empty-handed. In fact, he'll probably fire me.

    Ben McBride: Maybe you weren't meant to make your name in pictures.

    Charly: Got any other ideas?

    Ben McBride: Oh, I'll think of something. Charly?

    Charly: Yes?

    Ben McBride: Why didn't you tell me about that gun you had stashed in your camera case?

    Charly: I was keeping it in case we got into a jam.

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