Understanding the past quotes:

  • Absolute truisms rot brains absolutely.[...]'Power corrupts' is useless as a tool for understanding the past, and gives us nothing as a guide to action. -- Steven Brust
  • It states, History should be regarded as a means for understanding the past and solving the challenges of the future. It also suggests that this celebration of the end of slavery is an important and enriching part of the history and heritage of the United States. -- Mark Foley
  • It is only education and understanding of the past that teaches us not to repeat history. -- Eugene Jarecki
  • I've worked very hard at understanding myself, learning to be assertive. I'm past the point where I worry about people liking me. -- Pam Dawber
  • I've come to believe that all my past failure and frustration were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy. -- Tony Robbins
  • I don't think the news department will have to lie down and play dead like it has in the past. By and large the network has been understanding, but then so have I. -- Roone Arledge
  • I'll never stop dreaming that one day we can be a real family, together, all of us laughing and talking, loving and understanding, not looking at the past but only to the future. -- LaToya Jackson
  • Since the middle of the twentieth century, our understanding of the American past has been revolutionized, in no small part because of our altered conceptions of the place of race in the nation's history. -- Drew Gilpin Faust
  • There are thus great swathes of the past where understanding is more important and reputable than judgement, because the principal actors performed in line with the ideas and values of that time, not of ours. -- Douglas Hurd
  • Not to sound too Dr. Phil all of a sudden, but I think the key to survival is to embrace one's past and to not run away from it. And to come to some sort of relationship with it or understanding of it. -- Anderson Cooper
  • The deciphering of ancient scripts changed forever the way Europeans were able to imagine the story of humanity, destroying centuries of received authority about the past with repercussions as important for our understanding of time and history as the geological studies of the same period. -- Neil MacGregor
  • There is no teacher, living or past, who can give us the actual understanding of Truth. A teacher can only put our feet upon the path and point the way. That is all. It is wholly dependent on the individual to make his way to Truth. -- Paul Twitchell
  • Exploring and colonizing Mars can bring us new scientific understanding of climate change, of how planet-wide processes can make a warm and wet world into a barren landscape. By exploring and understanding Mars, we may gain key insights into the past and future of our own world. -- Buzz Aldrin
  • An Obama administration truly looking to break with the molds of the past would stop treating Africa as an obligation and start treating it as globalization's next great opportunity, understanding that Chinese - along with Indians and Arab sovereign wealth funds - are natural partners in this process. -- Thomas P.M. Barnett
  • I'm so suspicious of our own understanding of the past. I just think that your mind plays absolute tricks on you and fools you every minute of every day. And so when you're talking about the past, you're talking about something that never happened. At least it didn't happen the way you think it happened. -- Felix Dennis
  • The critic has to do more of what the book critics and art critics have done in the past. Which is give you a context for understanding the restaurant, give you a better way to appreciate it, give you the tools to go in there and be a more informed diner who can get more pleasure out of the experience. -- Ruth Reichl
  • Understanding the past requires pretending that you don't know the present. -- Paul Fussell
  • Today, public understanding of our past and our system of government is pitifully low. -- Eric Liu
  • The present is the past rolled up for action, and the past is the present unrolled for understanding. -- Ariel Durant
  • The job of being president, understanding the particular policies that America has gotten itself into over the past 400 years. -- Kwame Kilpatrick
  • With the historian it is an article of faith that knowledge of the past is a key to understanding the present. -- Kenneth M. Stampp
  • We need a proper understanding of the past to correctly judge the present if we ever are to foretell the future. -- Craig D. Idso
  • Ive worked very hard at understanding myself, learning to be assertive. Im past the point where I worry about people liking me. -- Pam Dawber
  • Juliet's version of cleanliness was next to godliness, which was to say it was erratic, past all understanding and was seldom seen. -- Terry Pratchett
  • To glorify the past and paint the future is easy, to survey the present and emerge with some light and understanding is difficult. -- Lin Yutang
  • There was a weird, innate kind of understanding between me and Christina (Ricci). A psychic told us we were sisters in a past life. -- Michelle Williams
  • Hindsight is not necessarily the best guide to understanding what really happened. The past is often as distorted by hindsight as it is clarified by it. -- Amos Elon
  • Understanding the past requires pretending that you don't know the present. It requires feeling its own pressure on your pulses without any ex post facto illumination. -- Paul Fussell
  • Understand the nature and influence of repeating patterns, from childhood experiences or even from past lives. Wthout understanding, patterns tend to repeat, unnecessarily damaging the relationship. -- Brian Weiss
  • Understand the nature and influence of repeating patterns, from childhood experiences or even from past lives. Wthout understanding, patterns tend to repeat, unnecessarily damaging the relationship. -- Brian Weiss
  • Looking at the past must only be a means of understanding more clearly what and who they are so that they can more wisely build the future. -- Paulo Freire
  • This crisis is not just a crisis. Consumers are understanding for the first time that [their] degree of personal happiness doesn't rise past a certain earnings threshold. -- Fernando Rodes Vila
  • You cannot escape from your past! But you can understand it! And once you understand it, you don't have to escape from it any longer! Understanding liberates you! -- Mehmet Murat ildan