Two religions quotes:

  • Every place in the world where there are two peoples - two religions, two languages - there is friction and conflict. -- Avigdor Lieberman
  • England has forty-two religions and only two sauces. -- Voltaire
  • Can you really put a price on annoying two religions at once? -- Stephen Colbert
  • I found there a country with thirty-two religions and only one sauce. -- Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
  • When someone is full of Love and Compassion, he cannot draw a line between two countries, two faiths or two religions. -- Mata Amritanandamayi
  • For the majority of English people there are only two religions, Roman Catholic, which is wrong, and the rest, which don't matter. -- Duff Cooper
  • If you have two religions in your land, the two will cut each other's throats; but if you have thirty religions, they will dwell in peace -- Voltaire
  • Our basic problem today is that we have two religions in conflict, humanism and Christianity, each with its own morality and the laws of that morality. -- R.J. Rushdoony
  • We are committed to free access and free practice, to the members of the other two religions, to the holy shrines in Jerusalem. To the Muslims, to the Christians. -- Yitzhak Rabin
  • It rests with every professor of the religion of Jesus to settle within himself to which of the two religions, that of Jesus or that of Paul, he will adhere. -- Ferdinand Christian Baur
  • For this remains as I have already pointed out the essential difference between the two religions of decadence : Buddhism promises nothing, but actually fulfils; Christianity promises everything, but fulfils nothing. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
  • I dont agree with those who think that the conflict is simply between two religions, namely Christianity and Islam... To me, the key conflict is between irrational blind faith and rational, logical minds. -- Taslima Nasrin
  • If you are trying to raise a child to be a Jew, then you have to create a sense of Jewish identity. You really weaken that sense of identity if you celebrate two religions. -- Elliott Abrams
  • I hold that religion and faith are two different things. -- Pat Buckley
  • The first time I sang in the church choir; two hundred people changed their religion. -- Fred Allen
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  • Religion and philosophy, philosophy and religion - they're two words which are both... different. In spelling. -- Eddie Izzard
  • Male circumcision has been practiced for thousands of years and is a deeply important ceremony for two major religions. -- Brad Sherman
  • Science and religion are the two most powerful forces in the world. Having them at odds... is not productive. -- E. O. Wilson
  • Two things in India are religion - one is cricket, and one is movies - these are two things. -- Preity Zinta
  • Religion and culture are two important ways in which we as humans find our identity. That's certainly true for me. -- Gene Luen Yang
  • Most men's anger about religion is as if two men should quarrel for a lady they neither of them care for. -- E. F. L. Wood, 1st Earl of Halifax
  • Whether or not evolution is compatible with faith, science and religion represent two extremely different worldviews, which, if they coexist at all, do so most uncomfortably. -- Leonard Susskind
  • Haven't two hundred years of failed missionary work overseas taught anybody anything? You can't convert people to anything - whether religion, or something as inane as our flicks. -- Kevin Smith
  • It's a very different thing, religion and faith. Religion is man-made, it's man-regulated. And faith, you can define God as you wish. But I think they're two different things. -- Vera Farmiga
  • Art and Religion are, then, two roads by which men escape from circumstance to ecstasy. Between aesthetic and religious rapture there is a family alliance. Art and Religion are means to similar states of mind. -- Clive Bell
  • And these two elements are at odds with one another because Freud is utterly adversary to almost all the ways of structuring the human experience found in Western religions. No Western religion can countenance Freud's view of man. -- Chaim Potok
  • The two ethnic groups that remain fundamentally different from the Han Chinese - in terms of history, culture, language, religion and physical appearance - are the Uighurs and Tibetans. In these two groups, the Han Chinese come face to face with difference. -- Martin Jacques
  • What is a wife and what is a harlot? What is a church and what is a theatre? are they two and not one? Can they exist separate? Are not religion and politics the same thing? Brotherhood is religion. O demonstrations of reason dividing families in cruelty and pride! -- William Blake
  • The country of the Two Holy Places has in our religion a peculiarity of its own over the other Muslim countries. In our religion, it is not permissible for any non-Muslim to stay in our country. Therefore, even though American civilians are not targeted in our plan, they must leave. -- Osama bin Laden
  • Growing up in Britain as a rather loose Jew, the two things that didn't belong together were freedom and religious intensity. In America, they do. The Founding Fathers made a bet that if you didn't force everyone to profess religion in their own particular way, you could protect intellectual freedom, and religion would flourish. -- Simon Schama
  • I worship God. Religion and worship are two different things to me. Religion is by the book. I think too many people rely on the textbook: 'OK, it says to do this and it says to do that, so if I do this, this, and that, then I still can go out and do wrong because I did this, this, and that.' -- Eve
  • Two religions cannot both be right, because they contradict each other, yet they can both be wrong. -- Richard Dawkins
  • Human life is reduced to real suffering, to hell, only when two ages, two cultures and religions overlap. -- Hermann Hesse
  • All religions teach that two opposite forces act upon us and the human endeavour consists in a series of eternal rejections and acceptances. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • There are only two things in which the false professors of all religions have agreed--to persecute all other sects and to plunder their own. -- Charles Caleb Colton
  • No two persons think alike, even if they outwardly profess the same faith, so we have as many religions in Christianity as we have believers. -- Marcus Garvey