Twist ending quotes:

  • It's become very popular in contemporary films to have the twist ending. -- Bill Paxton
  • One of the main things when you get notes from a studio is they don't want anyone to be confused ever, everything has got to be so obvious at all times unless it's a twist ending. -- Rob Zombie
  • Schools of science and physics replacing each other at a faster and faster rate. Just the nature of our world is constant revision, constant...negation of previous beliefs, and so...the whole world is a twist ending. Every week is a twist ending. -- Chuck Palahniuk
  • My stories always have these twisted happy endings, and the boy always gets the girl. -- Chuck Palahniuk
  • I've never done a film before where every single person in the audience knows the ending. I mean suspense, twists are almost impossible these days. People are blogging your endings from their cinema seats. -- Danny Boyle
  • As a writer, I try to appeal to the 'elusive boy audience' the same way I try to appeal to everyone: I do the very best I can to create interesting characters, addictive plots, tons of conflict, believable settings, unexpected plot twists, intriguing beginnings, and satisfying endings. -- Marie Lu
  • Generally my typical books have lots of twists and turns a big surprise ending and then usually another surprise at the end and ideally, as in Garden of Beasts, we get to the very end and we find at the last few pages that there's yet another surprise. -- Jeffery Deaver