Turn of the tide quotes:

  • The lowest ebb is the turn of the tide. -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • We meet again, at the turn of the tide. A great storm is coming, but the tide has turned. -- J. R. R. Tolkien
  • The lowest ebb is the turn of the tide. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow We are such stuff as dreams are made of. -- William Shakespeare
  • The disintegration of the culture starts with the artist. I'm on a crusade to turn the tide in the arts, to restore dignity to the arts and, by extension, to the culture. -- Thomas Kinkade
  • In securing the future of the planet, we secure happiness for ourselves. One of the aims of the Greens is to turn around the tide of pessimism amongst the young people of the world. -- Bob Brown
  • The only way we can challenge Islamism is to engage with one another. We need to make it as abhorrent as racism has become today. Only then will we stem the tide of angry young Muslims who turn to hate. -- Maajid Nawaz
  • One individual can begin a movement that turns the tide of history. Martin Luther King in the civil rights movement, Mohandas Ganhi in India, Nelson Mandela in South Africa are examples of people standing up with courage and non-violence to bring about needed changes. -- Jack Canfield
  • A whole lot of us believers, of all different religions, are ready to turn back the tide of madness by walking together, in both the dark and the light - in other words, through life - registering voters as we go, and keeping the faith. -- Anne Lamott
  • The first lesson my kids got about the ocean was to respect it. You can never turn your back on the ocean when you're dealing with tides and currents - factors beyond your control. You have to be the CEO of your family on the water. CEO stands for 'constant eyes on,' and it's something I never forget. -- Summer Sanders
  • For you I know I'd even try to turn the tide. -- Johnny Cash
  • Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn. -- Harriet Beecher Stowe
  • I remain a simple man who has more questions than answers. Please join me as I seek to turn that tide. -- Bill Duke
  • If Joan of Arc could turn the tide of an entire war before her eighteenth birthday, you can get out of bed. -- E. Jean Carroll
  • Slowly but surely, we're beginning to turn the tide on childhood obesity in America. Together, we are inspiring leaders from every sector to take ownership of this issue. -- Michelle Obama