True despair quotes:

  • Let judges secretly despair of justice: their verdicts will be more acute. Let generals secretly despair of triumph; killing will be defamed. Let priests secretly despair of faith: their compassion will be true. -- Leonard Cohen
  • People think that when you're connected with other people it's more painful. The opposite is true. When you're connected to the river you have despair, but you also have joy, and there's a flow in the river. -- Eve Ensler
  • I do think that humanitarians and journalists alike have focused on all the things that go wrong, and that they sometimes leave the perception in the public that the war on poverty has been lost. That Africa is just a bottomless pit of despair. When, in fact, really the opposite is true on both fronts. -- Nicholas Kristof
  • True repentance never leads to despair. Its leads home. It leads to grace. -- John Ortberg
  • True repentance never leads to despair. Its leads home. It leads to grace." -- John Ortberg
  • The only true test of loyalty is fidelity in the face of ruin and despair. -- Eric Felten
  • The piano is always true to me. In times of despair, happiness, and joy, its mood is always my own. -- Bradley Joseph
  • People that want it to just be funny should not despair, because there is so much true crazy comedy coming up. -- Mary Steenburgen
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  • And I said to myself: That's true, hope needs to be like barbed wire to keep out despair, hope must be a mine field. -- Yehuda Amichai
  • Be good, be young, be true! Evil is nothing but vanity, let us have the pride of good, and above all let us never despair. -- Alexandre Dumas-fils