Science from scientists quotes:

  • Science is a set of rules that keep the scientists from lying to each other. -- Kenneth Stafford Norris
  • Science, almost from its beginnings, has been truly international in character. National prejudices disappear completely in the scientist's search for truth. -- Irving Langmuir
  • I fell in love with science and decided to continue for my Ph.D., and from there on, I was a scientist. -- Dan Shechtman
  • The moral issue here is whether the United States Congress is going to stand in the way of science and preclude scientists from doing lifesaving research. -- Rosa DeLauro
  • No doubt it is true that science cannot study God, but it hardly follows that God had to keep a safe distance from everything that scientists want to study. -- Phillip E. Johnson
  • Ideologically, the pursuit of science is not that different from the ideology that goes into punk rock. The idea of challenging authority is consistent with what I have been taught as a scientist. -- Greg Graffin
  • My efforts are focused on ensuring that CERN maintains a leading role in the fields of science, technology and education, and that it continues to be a place that unites scientists from around the world. -- Fabiola Gianotti
  • My childhood and adolescence were filled with visiting scientists from both India and abroad, many of whom would stay with us. A life of science struck me as being both interesting and particularly international in its character. -- Venkatraman Ramakrishnan
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  • When a scientist is ahead of his times, it is often through misunderstanding of current, rather than intuition of future truth. In science there is never any error so gross that it won't one day, from some perspective, appear prophetic. -- Jean Rostand
  • While it is quite reasonable for scientists to be skeptical of new ideas that do not fit within the accepted realm of scientific knowledge, the best science often emerges from situations where results carefully obtained do not fit within the accepted paradigms. -- Stanley B. Prusiner
  • I am one of those scientists who feels that it is no longer enough just to get on and do science. We have to devote a significant proportion of our time and resources to defending it from deliberate attack from organised ignorance. -- Richard Dawkins
  • I also think we need to maintain distinctions - the doctrine of creation is different from a scientific cosmology, and we should resist the temptation, which sometimes scientists give in to, to try to assimilate the concepts of theology to the concepts of science. -- John Polkinghorne
  • I've had a very unusual background in science - not the usual route of planning on being a scientist from age 3. I think my story shows that success is more about personal motivation and determination than it is about where you were born or what your economic status was. -- Craig Venter
  • That was the first major social sciences conference at which social scientists from all cultures wanted to reach a consensus on whether we can continue to pursue a national course in the social sciences or whether we need a cosmopolitan path that also connects us in a new way. -- Ulrich Beck
  • When I was a teenager, science meshed with my developing ideals - such as the challenge to authority that was central to punk rock. In science, anyone from any walk of life could make a discovery that would overturn prevailing hypotheses. And that was a cause for celebration among scientists. -- Greg Graffin
  • We have to overthrow the idea that it's a diversion from 'real' work when scientists conduct high-quality research in the open. Publicly funded science should be open science. Improving the way that science is done means speeding us along in curing cancer, solving the problem of climate change and launching humanity permanently into space. -- Michael Nielsen
  • My inbox is now bulging with touching emails from young women scientists who have been kind enough to write and thank me for inspiring them and helping them on their way. It has also been of great comfort to me to see many women at the top of science testifying for my record in supporting women scientists. -- Tim Hunt
  • Scientists habitually moan that the public doesn't understand them. But they complain too much: public ignorance isn't peculiar to science. It's sad if some citizens can't tell a proton from a protein. But it's equally sad if they're ignorant of their nation's history, can't speak a second language, or can't find Venezuela or Syria on a map. -- Martin Rees
  • Far from being magisterial in its objectivity, science was conditioned by history, society, and the prejudices of scientists. -- Thomas Kuhn
  • The logic of science was infallible, and if the scientists were sometimes mistaken, this was assumed to be only from their mistaking its rules. -- Robert M. Pirsig
  • Science is a set of rules to keep us from telling lies to each other. All scientists really have is a reputation for telling the truth. -- Isaac Asimov
  • One of the great commandments of science is, 'Mistrust arguments from authority'. (Scientists, being primates, and thus given to dominance hierarchies, of course do not always follow this commandment.) -- Carl Sagan