Role of a father quotes:

  • I merely consider myself a father, and one role of a father is to provide financial resources for his family. -- Guy Kawasaki
  • Since the beginning, a woman's first and most important role has been ushering into mortality spirit sons and daughters of our Father in Heaven. -- Ezra Taft Benson
  • One of the things about being a boy, especially growing up without a father, is you really don't have that role model to teach you how to do things. -- Art Alexakis
  • The activity of being a husband, a father - those are roles, too, but underneath them is the spiritual center that connects us all, and that's what's most important. -- Hugh Jackman
  • I accepted the role of spokesman for Lipitor because I am dedicated to the battle against heart disease, which killed my father at age 62 and motivated me to become a medical doctor. -- Robert Jarvik
  • My father is a huge horse racing fan, so I was introduced to the sport long before 'Seabiscuit.' But the role made me an even bigger fan. Horse racing is one of my favorite sports. -- Elizabeth Banks
  • You can tell your uncle stuff that you could not tell your dad. That is kind of the role of an uncle. I feel very much like a father sometimes but sometimes I feel like a teammate. -- Dusty Baker
  • In little more than a generation, feminism has obliterated roles. If you wonder why so many men choose not to get married, the answer lies in large part in the contemporary devaluation of the husband and of the father - of men as men, in other words. -- Dennis Prager
  • My father was an immigrant who literally walked across Europe to get out of Russia. He fought in World War I. He was wounded in action. My father was a great success even though he never had money. He was a very determined man, a great role model. -- Arlen Specter
  • My father who was there in the house, he wasn't at all a role model. And my mother, who was trying to protect me from him as best she could, she took me everywhere with her, which gave me a tremendous amount of sensitivity to the things women go through. -- Tyler Perry
  • We can't just rail against crime. We must speak of the root problems - devastating family breakup, an insidious culture of violence that cheapens human life, skyrocketing prisoner recidivism rates that rob our communities of husbands and fathers - and recognize that there is a societal role in rehabilitation and restoration. -- Frank Wolf
  • It was inevitable at some point that I would bump into one of my father's plays. The reality of the situation is that I'm a jobbing actor, and any actor would give their eye-teeth to have one of those roles. It's a no-brainer! I'm pleased the stars have aligned around 'Arcadia.' -- Ed Stoppard
  • In the United States, nobody needs to remind people of their own role or their own power in creating the future they want to see. Perhaps it is something that is almost written into your cultural DNA: a desire to answer your Founding Fathers' call to create a 'more perfect union.' -- Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki
  • The Crystal Cathedral Ministries, the assets and the buildings, would still be in the hands of the ministries if my father would have simply walked away. When I accepted the role as the next senior pastor, he had agreed to be an ambassador-at-large and raise funds for the endowment fund. He didn't do that. -- Robert A. Schuller
  • The film 'The Diving Bell and the Butterfly,' based the book of the same name, has a line that enlightens and comforts me. The protagonist, who has lost all ability to move except one eye, discusses his role as a father. He notes, 'Even a fraction of a father is still a father.' -- Steve Gleason
  • The male role models I had all seemed to have been in the military. My father served in the army. My uncle was in the Marine Corps. Both of my grandfathers served in WWII. There weren't any career soldiers in my family, but when I was young it seemed like a way of arriving at adulthood. -- Kevin Powers
  • Al Gore's problem, in my view, is that he never liked politics. He's actually deeply uncomfortable in it but felt he had to do it because of his father. He's much more comfortable in a private sector role and has, in fact, been much more successful in a private sector role, and I admire him for that. -- Andrew Sullivan
  • Whole communities are growing up without fathers or male role models. Bringing up a family in the best of circumstances is not easy. To try to do it by placing the entire burden on women - 91% of single-parent families in Britain are headed by the mother, according to census data - is practically absurd and morally indefensible. -- Jonathan Sacks
  • The world is a challenging place in terms of wars and peace, basic human rights and freedoms. The Holy Father has a major role to play in global affairs. The pope is more than a spiritual leader. For the world's 1.2 billion Catholics, he is an inspiration of holiness and goodness and, above all, the faithful proclamation of the Gospel. -- Chris Smith
  • My father and mother are both very smart people and I always felt I was a little short of the mark. So I would compensate with a character like Logan Cale. He's wearing glasses, he's in a wheelchair, he's a computer genius. He's very far away from who I am, but I really wanted to play roles where I'd be taken seriously. -- Michael Weatherly
  • My father wasn't the best role model to me. -- Joe Torre
  • I never exploited my father's role in helping Jews avoid the concentration camps. -- Zbigniew Brzezinski
  • The director, of course, was Bob Fosse. But again, I worked with my father to prepare for the role. -- Liza Minnelli
  • My father had no sons, so I became queen. The only thing I had to do was perform the role. -- Margrethe II of Denmark
  • I won't say I'm the baddest, or portray that role, But I'm in the top 2, and my father's gettin' old. -- Big Daddy Kane
  • (On being asked if he preferred to be a rock god or sex god) I am neither. My favourite role is father. -- Lenny Kravitz
  • I had my father, and he was an amazing man and an amazing role model, so I always wanted to mirror that. -- Lance Gross
  • My father has been my role model. And I always looked up to him - be it his management philosophy or his approach towards life. -- Malvinder Mohan Singh
  • My first film role was a reporter. It's funny, because my father was a news reporter. I always thought there was something strange about that. -- Peter Jacobson
  • Being a father is the most important role I will ever play and if I don't do this well, no other thing I do really matters. -- Michael Josephson
  • It's just like being a father; you got to show them love and you got to show them the path. I don't like this role-model stuff, though. -- Duane Chapman
  • In the creative process there is the father, the author of the play; the mother, the actor pregnant with the part; and the child, the role to be born. -- Constantin Stanislavski