Relationships trying to work quotes:

  • My relationship with my readers is somewhat theatrical. One of the main things I try to do in my work is delight my readers. -- Mark Leyner
  • To establish personal relationships with the people you work with is stupid, because you never know when the winds will change. I try not to get too close to people. -- Eric Braeden
  • Without really trying to, I've become a sort of jailhouse lawyer of relationships - someone who's had to do so much work on her own case that I can now help you with yours. -- Tracy McMillan
  • I can't cultivate a relationship with my child if it's between takes. I tried that on a movie and realized, 'This is not going to work.' It will work some of the year, but not 12 months a year. -- Katherine Heigl
  • Actually, I think my view is compatible with much of the work going on now in neuroscience and psychology, where people are studying the relationship of consciousness to neural and cognitive processes without really trying to reduce it to those processes. -- David Chalmers
  • I love changing. I hate it when people try to box me in to a relationship or in a work context. Any situation where I feel boxed in freaks me out. And I feel the need to reinvent myself or I'll get bored. -- Stephen Daldry
  • I'd say that if you had a strained relationship with your mom, for whatever reason, the best thing to do is be open with each other, talk it over, try and work it out somehow as opposed to just putting a wall up and pushing them away. -- Victoria Justice
  • I just think that with music, it's kind of like life, and so the people you work with, you generally develop a relationship. You don't have to try to explain things. You just know. It's like you're in the band together and striving for the same goal. -- Ariel Rechtshaid
  • Perhaps because my relationship with my father went through such a long, bumpy time, it's been very important for me to work to try to keep lines of communication open between my sons and myself to try to avoid my father's mistakes. At least if you're making mistakes, make different mistakes. -- Salman Rushdie
  • We've never slammed people over the head or made 'The Flash' an after-school special. With us, it's always been presenting the world in which we live. The world in which we live, men and women work together; different races work together, and you have gay friends, and people have relationships. We just try to show that. -- Andrew Kreisberg
  • I work a lot of hours, and in this business you really try to keep as busy as you possibly can. Sometimes when you really focus on kids in your free time you lose the husband and wife relationship to some degree. It's been a real focus for us to make sure we stay focused on us two. -- Cameron Mathison
  • I come from an alcoholic Irish background - I know where I was going! But I met my wife and started to practise Buddhism, which is a levelling experience for me, and there hasn't been a day I've missed in 40 years. I apply it to everything - to my work and relationships. I try to be a compassionate person. -- Patrick Duffy
  • If you are trying to balance the scales of justice and equality in all your work relationships, you're going to come up short. -- Judy Sheindlin