Reflection in writing quotes:

  • When you're writing a story in bits and pieces, month in and month out, there really isn't time or space for reflection, no room to learn what those scripts had to teach you. -- J. Michael Straczynski
  • When you write about animals, of course, you are really writing about the people who love and live with them. Animals mirror and reveal us. Dogs in particular are often reflections of us, and what we need them to be. -- Jon Katz
  • Your writing voice is the deepest possible reflection of who you are. The job of your voice is not to seduce or flatter or make well-shaped sentences. In your voice, your readers should be able to hear the contents of your mind, your heart, your soul. -- Meg Rosoff
  • When I'm writing, I'm constantly thinking about myself, because it's the only experience I have to draw on. And I don't see an exact reflection of myself in every face in the audience, but I know that my songs have validity to them, and that's why the fans are there. -- Chester Bennington
  • Ceaseless work, analysis, reflection, writing much, endless self-correction, that is my secret. -- Johann Sebastian Bach
  • Writing bridges the inner and outer worlds and connects the paths of action and reflection. -- Christina Baldwin
  • I think that's more a reflection of the fact I've never been a student of any particular school of writing, or even listening. -- Feist