Price of fame quotes:

  • I think a lot of young people don't realize the price of fame is a lot higher than they imagine. -- Naturi Naughton
  • They're hungry for something they know nothing about, but we, we know all too well that the price of fame is the loss of privacy. -- David Sedaris
  • The hardest thing to do is to trust people. Even if you know them from way back when, it's hard to trust people. There's a lot we have to deal with, and it's the price of fame. -- Dwight Howard
  • I sometimes wonder if the tragedies my family has suffered are a kind of karmic price for all the fame and fortune the Bee Gees have had. -- Robin Gibb
  • The definition of success to me is not necessarily a price tag, not fame, but having a good life, and being able to say I did the right thing at the end of the day. -- Jeremy Luke
  • It's a tougher gig than what people think it is. The proper, real, genuine, worldwide movie stars don't get a lot of downtime from the world outside. That's a tougher price, I think, than what people's fantasy of fame account for. -- Ben Mendelsohn
  • One thing that people keep on saying to me is that the wealth and the fame must have made up for missing out on my childhood. But the idea of money - putting a price on your childhood - is ridiculous. You will never get those years back and you can't put a price on them. -- Tom Felton
  • Fame & fortune come with a price that fame finds insulting and fortune can't afford to pay back. -- Dean Cavanagh
  • Extraordinary beauty can be a curse to the one who possesses it. one pays a dear price for fame and fortune -- Sandra Brown
  • Toil and risk are the price of glory, but it is a lovely thing to live with courage and die leaving an everlasting fame. -- Alexander the Great
  • I was going to get myself recognized at any price. If I could not win fame by goodness, I was ready to do it by badness. -- Mary McCarthy
  • I dont have a problem with fame. I got into this business intending to be very successful, but I wanted it to be at my price. -- Jason Patric
  • I don't have a problem with fame. I got into this business intending to be very successful, but I wanted it to be at my price. -- Jason Patric