Preventing cancer quotes:

  • We have forgotten that curing cancer starts with preventing cancer in the first place. -- David Agus
  • Enoki mushrooms, a tasty variety commonly sold in grocery stores, were one of the first mushrooms studied for preventing cancer. -- Paul Stamets
  • Scores of studies support the power of certain natural foods to prevent cancer. -- Joel Fuhrman
  • We're not going to find a magic cure for cancer. We've got to prevent it. -- Joel Fuhrman
  • The vast knowledge we have to prevent cancer, heart disease, and other chronic illnesses is staggering. -- Tom Rath
  • The time has come to seriously ask whether antioxidant use much more likely causes than prevents cancer. -- James D. Watson
  • Most breast cancer-related deaths can be prevented through simple and painless preventive measures. A late diagnosis can result in more serious, long-term consequences. -- Olympia Snowe
  • An estimated 2 million American women will be diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer this decade and screening could prevent up to 30% of these deaths for women over 40. -- Matthew Lesko
  • I'm a researcher, so I'm realistic that there's nothing I'm doing that's going to prevent me from getting cancer in the future. But I can slow it down. -- Tom Rath
  • Go to the doctor, get a checkup, and get Pap smears regularly. Cervical cancer is very preventable, and if you catch it early, there are tons of ways to treat it as well. -- Mandy Moore
  • Kids whose puberty begins too soon face not just psychological risks, but physical ones too, with an increased likelihood of cancer, as well as skeletal changes that could prevent them from attaining their full adult height. -- Jeffrey Kluger
  • Preventative medicine has to be the direction we go in. For example, if colon cancer is detected early - because a person knew he had a genetic risk and was having frequent exams - the surgery is relatively inexpensive and average survival is far greater than 10 years. -- Craig Venter
  • Fiber has a beneficial effect in preventing colon cancer. -- David Jenkins