Pretty teachers quotes:

  • My dad is a chemical engineer, and my mom was a teacher. They were pretty serious about education, but I always thought about things a little bit differently. -- Aaron Levie
  • The Sunday School teacher talked too much in the way our grade school teacher used to when she told us about George Washington. Pleasant, pretty stories, but not true. -- Frances Farmer
  • I used to work at a school as a teacher's assistant, and my mom is a principal at an elementary school. I don't know, I think that's a pretty good life, teaching kids. -- Conor Oberst
  • Given my age, I am pretty near the end, probably, of my career as a writer, a scholar, a teacher. And I wanted to speak of things I will not be able to do. -- George Steiner
  • Most of my teachers didn't like me. I didn't get good grades because I pretty much lived at the public access studio. I tried to be the class clown, so I spent a lot of time in detention. -- Trevor Moore
  • I loved school, I loved putting on my uniform and doing homework every day. I was one of those good students that the teachers liked. I guess that's got to be a pretty nerdy, geeky part of me. -- Yvonne Strahovski
  • I spoke French a bit, and I could speak a bit of this and that, and when you were taught those things by people who couldn't really do it, you can do some pretty wonderfully, imaginative horrific things to teachers. -- Diane Cilento
  • It was actually pretty difficult to grow up in the Star City. There were regular kids around me, and everybody knew that my father was a cosmonaut. Even at school, every teacher could comment on my behavior just because I was considered special. -- Roman Romanenko
  • I initially wanted to be a teacher, and then I was going to become an engineer and build bridges and highways, but pretty soon I went into the business world. I never did get to be a teacher except in a different way. -- Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.
  • I was reading five or six years ahead of my grade during public school. I was pretty bored. I made a contract with some of my teachers that if I didn't ask too many questions, I could work in the back of the room. -- Joshua Lederberg
  • I think the best teachers had a real interest in the subject they were teaching and a love for children. Some of the teachers were just doing their job, but others had that little extra. They really cared about children and they wore pretty dresses. -- Beverly Cleary
  • My dad was a football player - a soccer player - for Manchester United, and I loved playing football, but I also happened to be the guy in class who was pretty good at sight reading. My teacher gave me scripts, and I was very comfortable. -- Ian McShane
  • I'm pretty much using media all day because my school is online. It's sort of like homeschooling but also like going to real school - you log in and do all your work and email it to the teacher, and we have a teacher who oversees us on set. -- Nolan Gould
  • I remember one time in my junior year, in my art class, our teacher had us doing, like, finger paints, and I went and put a stripe on a girl's shirt, and it turned into a big paint fight. Paint all over the walls, all over everybody. It was pretty fun. -- CC Sabathia
  • Prior to going to college, I had a pretty strong accent, and that was one of the things I had to work on a lot. I went to North Carolina School of the Arts; my speech teacher... that was one of the things we really had to work on over the years, and thankfully I think it finally worked. -- Chris Parnell
  • Learning to drive in Canberra is pretty easy and I had great teachers in my parents. -- Melissa Breen
  • My parents, both of them had teachers in their family and were pretty well read. So my father voted for [Dwight] Eisenhower. -- Jeff Sessions
  • Directors are our teachers, and I'm always craving to work with a great director. They're pretty much the first thing that interests me about a project. -- Naomi Watts
  • There are a lot of polls that show that actually Americans have a pretty high opinion of teachers, that Americans think teachers are just about as prestigious as doctors. -- Dana Goldstein