Pretty shoes quotes:

  • As women, we all have certain weaknesses. I know one who can't resist pretty shoes but has nothing suitable to wear with them. Others adore frilly lingerie but never have any money to buy outer clothing. -- Edith Head
  • I just love pretty things, whether it is art, a song or a pair of shoes. -- Rita Ora
  • Any style that Nike makes in all black, shoe, sweatshirt, onesie, doesn't matter, I pretty much need to have. -- Alexander Wang
  • I'm pretty sure I'm going to fall in my GaGa shoes one night on tour and I'm hoping it becomes a Youtube sensation. -- Chris Colfer
  • Money doesn't buy elegance. You can take an inexpensive sheath, add a pretty scarf, gray shoes, and a wonderful bag, and it will always be elegant. -- Carolina Herrera
  • I perfectly understand the obsession with shoes. I myself am pretty obsessed. I have a few hundred pairs of shoes in general, because I've been collecting shoes for a long time. -- Christian Louboutin
  • Perfect heroines, like perfect heroes, aren't relatable, and if you can't put yourself in the protagonist's shoes, not only will they not inspire you, but the book will be pretty boring. -- Cassandra Clare
  • I'm just a normal person. It's not like I come home and think about opera. My thoughts are about completely other things. Shoes! Dresses! Expensive ones: with a pretty silhouette, beautiful fabrics. -- Anna Netrebko
  • I have a whole area in my closet for displaying shoes. They are in rows. But nobody comes in my closet, so they are only on display for me. It's pretty spectacular. -- Laura Marano
  • I've done pretty well in my career, and I've watched colleagues who have spent most of the paychecks they receive on shoes and cars rather than bricks and mortar, and that's not me. -- Anthony Warlow
  • When they first cast me, I was a pretty avid fan and vampire movies and Celtic mythology, so I was excited to get a chance to walk in Doyle's shoes and have fun with it. -- Glenn Quinn
  • Pope Francis has stressed humility and austerity - a far cry, according to many, from the predecessor's bling and Ferragamo shoes - those were pretty entertaining. And he's translating all of that into a policy agenda. -- Ronan Farrow
  • I definitely spend the most money on shoes, partly because vintage footwear can be a little funky - in a bad way. I like to keep things pretty simple up top and then go weird with the shoes. -- Chloe Sevigny
  • I think being Shaquille O'Neal would be the most amazing thing. There's nothing I would have done differently in his life. Everything he's done I think is pretty spot on, even, like, the bad rap videos, the shoes, the movies, everything. -- David Chang
  • The wrap party for the 'Lorna Doone' TV series was pretty special. We went to about four clubs, then four people's houses, and I got home at midday the next day. I'd been wearing ridiculous green shoes all night, and the dye had smudged all over my legs. -- Amelia Warner
  • In modeling, my height was a big challenge to overcome, because I was pretty much the shortest girl on the runway whenever I was doing the catwalk. The clothes didn't fit and the shoes didn't fit. It was an issue, but luckily, it didn't prevent me from working. -- Devon Aoki
  • I love those preliminary conversations about who a character is. You try on wigs, shoes and clothes. It's preferable when it's not about looking pretty. It can get a little dull to just be cute. We talk about things like, maybe my character can't afford these Christian Louboutins. -- Rachel McAdams
  • I'm addicted to laughing. I go to see a lot of comedy shows. I'm addicted to playing really loud and obnoxious rock music in my car. I'm addicted to beautiful clothes and shoes. I just love gorgeous stuff and work hard to acquire pretty things, shiny things. I'm addicted to shiny things! -- Nadia Giosia
  • The first record I bought was a Carl Perkins record, because I saw him at The Festival at Sandpoint, Idaho. I loved Elvis and I found out that he wrote 'Blue Suede Shoes'... so connecting that experience of going to see him play was pretty awesome. That's when I realised I wanted to play guitar. -- Josh Homme
  • I have close to 300 pairs of shoes. I'm fortunate enough to be in a position to get any shoes I want. So I have a pretty nice collection. It's pretty valuable. It's funny when sometimes I buy a pair of shoes and I look on eBay and it's already selling for $500. I just wanted to buy those shoes to wear them! -- Chumlee
  • I find it very difficult to wear nice, pretty shoes. I'm much more comfortable in boots or Birkenstocks or loafers. -- Kate Winslet
  • Even a strong man can succumb to the wiles of a pretty girl with pointy shoes. -- Joseph Delaney
  • Women may get to wear lots of pretty colors, but men get the comfortable shoes. Anita Blake Vampire Hunter -- Laurell K. Hamilton
  • I can't jump into other people's shoes, I can only speak for me. My songs are pretty much sermons put to music. -- Mike Willis