Perfect weather quotes:

  • When love comes, it comes without effort like the perfect weather. -- Helen Yglesias
  • Folks, this is perfect weather for today's game. Not a breath of air. -- Curt Gowdy
  • The perfect weather of Indian Summer lengthened and lingered, warm sunny days were followed by brisk nights with Halloween a presentiment in the air. -- Wallace Stegner
  • Some of the higher price of L.A. real estate does reflect the intrinsic pleasure of living there, as I'm reminded every time I walk out my door into the perfect weather. -- Virginia Postrel
  • The weather is perfect. The gods are shining on us. -- Frank Shorter
  • I love Wales, and Cardiff is great, but if I could just have the weather we have in California, it would be perfect. -- Owain Yeoman
  • I imagine Heaven would have very nice weather - perfect climate where you can wear a leather jacket or shorts and a sweater. -- Hilary Rhoda
  • Mom and I often talked about the trip we'd someday take together to the 'city of eternal spring' where she was born. In Kunming, she said, the fruits are sweeter, the mountains look like Chinese paintings, and the weather is always perfect. -- Tess Gerritsen
  • L.A. is cool. If I could have the rest of my family out there, I think it would make it that much better for me. As far as work and the weather, you can't really beat it. I just wish they had the New York social life out there. That would make it perfect. -- Michael B. Jordan
  • I'm not saying you have to be totally despondent or anything, but... in New York, it's cold sometimes; it rains sometimes; even if everything in your life is great, bad weather can set the mood. You can write songs in New York because it's not always perfect. To write a good song, things can't be perfect. -- Tom Odell
  • Autumn. Pretty leaves, pumpkin pie and sweaters. Perfect weather for reading. Winter is great but I hate shoveling. -- Eden Robinson
  • There was something horribly depressing, she felt, about watching the weather report. That life could be planned like the perfect summer picnic drained it of spontaneity. -- Galt Niederhoffer