Perfect crime quotes:

  • Sometimes the hardest thing about committing the perfect crime can be keeping your genius to yourself. -- Sarah Lacy
  • To the mind, God is a perfect criminal. He has done such a perfect crime by creating this world that mind cannot trace how He did it. That is why the mind always freaks out about God. -- Prem Rawat
  • If you want to kill someone, you'd better pull off a perfect crime. Our security lies in the fact that that's damnably hard to do. -- Claude Lelouch
  • Children's bodies aren't like automobiles with the assailant's fingerprints lingering on the wheel. The world of sexual abuse is quintessentiall y secret. It is the perfect crime. -- Beatrix Campbell
  • The perfect crime is when you push someone to suicide. I once read a study that said everyone in the course of their life has thought of killing someone. -- Claude Lelouch
  • Our body remains alive, yet sooner or later our soul will receive a mortal blow. The perfect crime--for we don't know who murdered our joy, what their motives were, or where the guilty parties are to be found. -- Paulo Coelho
  • You know what I mean? Real and unreal, beautiful and strange, like a dream. It got me high as a kite, but it didn't last long enough. It ended too soon and left nothing behind." That's how it is with dreams," said Priscilla. "They're the perfect crime. -- Tom Robbins
  • Every photographed object is merely the trace left behind by the disappearance of all the rest. It is an almost perfect crime, an almost total resolution of the world, which merely leave the illusion of a particular object shining forth, the image of which then becomes an impenetrable enigma. -- Jean Baudrillard
  • I rely on guns for protection in life. God does not say, 'This is la-la land.' God doesn't say, 'Welcome to Earth. Everything's perfect. There's no crime. There's no murder. There's no death.' The world is imperfect, and you have to be on guard. -- Luke Scott
  • I think one of the biggest mistakes that America has made - and maybe the world because this is, sort of, the core of communism and socialism - is that you can have perfect solutions to social problems like poverty, like crime. You're not going to eliminate all crime. Maybe you'll never eliminate all poverty. -- Rudy Giuliani
  • If every crime victim had to have perfect judgment, we could empty our prisons. -- Claire McCaskill
  • Marshall's crime is to pretend to handle imperfect competition with tools only applicable to perfect competition. -- Paul Samuelson
  • Jekyll and Hyde, in particular, is such an important novel in terms of suspense and setting a perfect scene for crime -- Alanna Knight
  • I am done with the hour-long [true crime] shows: "She was a happy married wife. Everything was perfect. Until the trip to Aruba." -- Billy Lawrence