Patience to others quotes:

  • I don't think I have the ability or patience to teach badminton to others. -- Saina Nehwal
  • We have no patience with other people's vanity because it is offensive to our own. -- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  • Patience with family members and others who are close to us is vital for us to have happy homes. -- Joseph B. Wirthlin
  • You have to find the peace and patience within yourself to be a model and an example to others and not judge. -- Judith Light
  • It seems likely that many of the young who don't wait for others to call them artists, but simply announce that they are, don't have the patience to make art. -- Pauline Kael
  • For many years, I tried to make New Year's resolutions. I made lists and shot for great heights: I would show altruism and exert moral strength, patience and all those other great attributes. -- Henry Rollins
  • I do not have much patience with a thing of beauty that must be explained to be understood. If it does need additional interpretation by someone other than the creator, then I question whether it has fulfilled its purpose. -- Charlie Chaplin
  • Like anyone, you could love someone, and it doesn't mean that you're equipped or you were taught or have the patience or the love or the wherewithal to be a good parent. One has nothing to do with the other. -- Elizabeth Rodriguez
  • The only thing of weight that can be said against modern honor is that it is directly opposite to religion. The one bids you bear injuries with patience, the other tells you if you don't resent them, you are not fit to live. -- Bernard de Mandeville
  • To get nostalgic about other people's music, or even about your own, makes a terrible statement about the condition of your life and your prospects for the future. I have no patience with that kind of attitude, whether it's on radio or among friends. -- Neil Peart
  • Deep down, I know that I am a child of God who has inherited divine capacities; some of them I strive to develop, others are left languishing. I also have a human side. I lose my temper, lose patience and sometimes judge others and myself. -- Mary Manin Morrissey
  • You have to respect your parents. They are giving you an at-bat. If you're an entrepreneur and go into the family business, you want to grow fast. Patience is important. But respect the other party... My dad and I pulled it off because we really respect each other. -- Gary Vaynerchuk
  • Above all, remember that God looks for solid virtues in us, such as patience, humility, obedience, abnegation of your own will - that is, the good will to serve Him and our neighbor in Him. His providence allows us other devotions only insofar as He sees that they are useful to us. -- Saint Ignatius
  • A satyagrahi has infinite patience, abundant faith in others, and ample hope. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • We applaud patience, but prefer it to be a virtue that others possess. -- N. T. Wright
  • The more you know yourself, the more patience you have for what you see in others. -- Erik Erikson
  • We have so much patience with ourselves, why not borrow some of that and use it on others. -- Lettie Cowman
  • Charity, patience and tenderness are very beautiful gifts. If you have them, you want to share them with others. -- Pope Francis
  • Patience is the ability to suffer a long time under the mistreatment of others without growing resentful or bitter. -- Jerry Bridges
  • You keep on going until you get it as close to being right as the time and patience of others will allow. -- Harrison Ford
  • Patience helps us to view imperfections in others more generously to the end that we may learn to be more wise than they have been. -- Neal A. Maxwell
  • There are some persons who are content with everything and others who are scarcely content with anything. These latter need patience to bear with themselves. -- Vincent de Paul
  • Through service to others, we develop a Christlike love and we experience joy. Service teaches patience and long-suffering as well as gentleness, goodness, and faith. -- Merrill J. Bateman
  • It takes five years for a willing person's mind to change. Have patience with yourself and others when treading in an area protected by a taboo. -- Garrett Hardin
  • I've been accused of riding roughshod over others' emotions, and I admit, when I feel a friend is being over-indulgent, my patience is in short supply. -- Mariella Frostrup
  • Think of the patience God has had for you and let it resonate to others. If you want a more patient world, let patience be your motto -- Steve Maraboli
  • In this world of Maya, which is averse to the Lord, full of trials and tribulations, only patience, humility and respect for others are our friends for Hari bhajana. -- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati