Not getting attention quotes:

  • There's not a lot of original ways to get attention in the press. -- Emma Roberts
  • I loved getting tutored and having that one-on-one attention that you sometimes do not get in regular school. -- Tia Mowry
  • I've been amazed watching people who are not ready with their scripts when they're getting a lot of attention. -- Allison Anders
  • We're all posting and clicking and sharing, but we're not devoting enough attention to get anything meaningful from it all. -- Shawn Amos
  • When I dress in a certain way and do my hair and makeup in a certain way, it's not to get attention. -- Victoria Beckham
  • I get scared of a lot of attention. I get scared of the spotlight. And I'm not talking about on the basketball court. -- Jeremy Lin
  • I was very chatty and talkative and always getting sent out of class for talking too much and not paying attention, passing notes. -- Lucy Punch
  • I was always the kid in school who tried to get attention, not necessarily the class clown, but I'd do little unexpected performances. -- Leonardo DiCaprio
  • It's hard not to get depressed when you pay attention to the world and how strangely and corrupt the people in it sometimes behave. -- Viggo Mortensen
  • You get social pressure from your parents, who teach you to pay attention to certain things and not to others. You get it in school. -- Martha Beck
  • I'm not one of those people that goes into details of my personal life on national TV to get attention. Some things are better left unsaid. -- Mariah Carey
  • I'm not a girl who started getting into music and using my femininity to get attention. When I was getting into it, it was all pure skill. -- Lizzo
  • There are so many cameras. There is so much instant media attention, not just for celebrities, but for normal people that get thrust in the reality world. -- Lorenzo Lamas
  • I like to get attention for the things I think are important. And I think it is important that entrepreneurs - especially young ones - not be abused. -- Jason Calacanis
  • We say that children are bad at paying attention, but we really mean that they're bad at not paying attention - they easily get distracted by anything interesting. -- Alison Gopnik
  • I don't go out, so I don't get attention from girls. They're not going to have posters of me on their walls. I just try to get on with my life. -- Gareth Bale
  • Everyone's attention span is getting shorter. As a result, everything - films, music, art - gets watered down and dumber. Every now and again, you get something great, but not often. -- Kelis
  • A lot of the stories are internal. They leak it to me wanting to get attention, wanting to get that headline. More times than not, I will not give it to them. -- Matt Drudge
  • After a while, you just want transportation, and things like cool cars or motorcycles are all about getting attention. I get all the attention I could ever need, so I kind of like being in a minivan and people not paying so much attention to me. -- George Clooney
  • A lot of artists feel it's not worth it to sign with a major label, because if you don't have a giganto hit, then you're not going to get a video made. You're not going to probably get much tour support. You're not going to get promotion. You're certainly not going to get a publicist who's going to pay much attention to you. -- Ann Powers
  • Cabel gives her a quizzical look. "I am totally not getting enough attention here. -- Lisa McMann
  • It's a process of getting to know people. That's what photography is to me. It's about paying attention, not screwing up and blowing a great opportunity. -- Eugene Richards