Not being dramatic quotes:

  • Right now, if you're interested in being a dramatic actor, they're not making that many just regular dramas. Movies have to have some other thing going on. -- Ethan Hawke
  • I always focused on being an actor. I did stand-up briefly, but I also did a lot of dramatic work. But since I've been on 'The Daily Show,' people think I'm a comedian. That's not how I see myself. -- Aasif Mandvi
  • In Hitchcock's eyes the movement was dramatic, not the acting. When he wanted the audience to be moved, he moved the camera. He was a subtle human being, and he was also the best director I have ever worked with. -- Bruce Dern
  • I think shows that are completely dramatic are a lie. People use humor to cope. That is how we deal with things. In the darkest situations, there's humor. And if you don't show that, you're not being true to real life. -- Jenji Kohan
  • Now, what tends to happen is that the stories get hyped. And the medicines are not quite as revolutionary and as dramatic as they seem to be. But, certainly, various phases of this problem are being attacked by the pharmaceutical companies. -- Mort Kondracke
  • I never really thought about myself being in really big movies at all. In fact, I always though I'd do, I don't know, smaller movies is not quite the right word, but more character-oriented, dramatic things. I took myself a little bit seriously. -- Chris Pine
  • There are many different ways of being funny. I'm not sure that there's so many different ways of being dramatic. -- Isabelle Huppert