Movie editing quotes:

  • So if we're going to build new applications that require a large time investment, like say movie editing - today that doesn't matter for the enterprise desktop, but eventually it will when we get closer to consumers - you really need to have a cross-platform story. -- Miguel de Icaza
  • I directed a movie and now, I'm going to do the editing. -- Salma Hayek
  • That's the thing about making a movie: You never finish editing. They just take it away from you. -- Abel Ferrara
  • Editing is the only process. The shooting is the pleasant work. The editing makes the movie, so I spend all my life in editing. -- Garry Marshall
  • I can't sit on my bum very long in a movie theater seat, and when I'm directing, I always want to move the camera or edit. -- Tony Scott
  • I wrote 'All is Lost' while editing 'Margin Call'. I did that long before I knew if I was ever going to get to make another movie. -- J. C. Chandor
  • Sometimes when you're editing a movie, you have the thing that you don't expect - which is you make it longer and longer as you go along. -- Wes Anderson
  • I'm in awe of directors like the Coen brothers who can shoot their script and edit it, and that's the movie. They're not discovering the movie in postproduction. They're editing the script they shot. -- Spike Jonze
  • The storytelling in a movie is in the cut; it's in the edit. It's not an actor's job, really. Your job is such a tiny little thing, and I love the feeling of juggling or tightrope walking. -- Kerry Bishe
  • They make Spy Kids, they make Scream, they make A Scary Movie. This doesn't do that, so it could be a very bad marriage. I'm trying to keep this potential nightmare quiet because we're just finishing editing. -- Terry Gilliam
  • Once you sign on as an actor, you know, you don't go to the editing room, you don't see how they cut, you don't see how they score, you don't see how they cast the rest of the movie. -- Albert Brooks
  • When you make a 3-D movie you actually have to plan the way the visuals look because there's a parallax issue, and there's an issue of editing; you can't edit very quickly in 3-D because the eye won't adjust fast enough for it. -- Joe Dante
  • There's the movie you write, there's the movie you shoot and the movie you edit, and often, you find that you're getting the same information out of a scene that you already have and a scene that's actually more powerful, so you have to make the tough decision to take it out. -- Tate Taylor
  • What you write on the page has nothing to do with when you're on set. When you're on set, it has nothing to do with when you're in the editing room. And when you're in the editing room, it has nothing to do with the final movie. You just have to let it go. -- Lori Petty
  • I'm so independent in writing stuff and controlling what I do. Sometimes I get calls from people asking to be in their movie, but I'm always writing or editing, and I can never get around to doing it. I'm so much more interested in my own stuff. I think I drive my agent crazy. -- Chris Lilley
  • You do need to edit yourself as you shoot because you have fewer options in a smaller movie. In other words, when I'm shooting a big movie, and I got an 85 day shooting schedule or more, then I'm saying I have enough time to shoot option A and B and C and D for every scene. -- David Twohy
  • When it comes to the ratings, I don't know what the rating system is. So when it comes to me, I've learned, with the little experience that I have, that when I feel really good about a movie in the editing room, it works. And when I've felt like a movie wasn't working, it didn't work. -- Tim Story
  • As soon as you're finished shooting, you have to go into the edit room and choose all of the shots that you're going to commit to because the visual effects vendor has to get it because they'll spend months on it. So, you're editing out of sequence before you've gotten a film for the movie and the performances. -- Richard LaGravenese
  • I am inspired just by the way a scene can be interpreted by the actors. It can make a huge difference on the type of music that you write. It's best for me if I don't work at all on a project until the movie is shot and I have some sort of edit in front of me. -- Marco Beltrami
  • With an independent movie, it's like, 'Okay I know what I want, and I got to go for it.' I just got to get the A version of this. Occasionally we'll try a B version, but not often. We'll just get what's scripted and try to do that as best we can, so you sort of edit while you shoot an independent movie. -- David Twohy
  • The shooting of the movie is the truth part and the editing of the movie is the lying part, the deceit part -- Paul Hirsch
  • Shooting an improv-based film is incredibly liberating, exhilarating, and fun, but editing that kind of movie can be difficult for obvious continuity reasons. -- Hannah Fidell
  • Editing is the only process. The shooting is the pleasant work. The editing makes the movie, so I spend all my life in editing -- Garry Marshall
  • You have to know what you're shooting. Don't just make your movie in the editing room and just get everything you can on the day. -- Patrick Wilson
  • My whole life is a movie. It's just that there are no dissolves. I have to live every agonizing moment of it. My life needs editing. -- Mort Sahl
  • If we had a completely found footage feel, with no editing, then we would have a twenty four hour movie and that doesn't really work either. -- Daniel Stamm
  • I've always equated the writing process with editing, sort of like when I get through editing the movie, that's like my last draft of the screenplay. -- Quentin Tarantino