Losing technology quotes:

  • Cinema reflects culture and there is no harm in adapting technology, but not at the cost of losing your originality. -- Jackie Chan
  • Well before September 11, it was understood that with modern technology, the rich and powerful will lose their near monopoly of the means of violence and can expect to suffer atrocities on home soil. -- Noam Chomsky
  • I don't want technology to take me so far that I don't have to use my brain anymore. It's like GPS taking over and losing your internal compass. It's always got to be tactile, still organic. -- Andrew Bird
  • The personal contact is a personal thing. The fact that some people don't know their neighbors, I don't think that technology is at fault. You don't lose anything with technology. You gain other avenues of understanding. -- John Warnock
  • Developments in information technology and globalised media mean that the most powerful military in the history of the world can lose a war, not on the battlefield of dust and blood, but on the battlefield of world opinion. -- Timothy Garton Ash
  • As technology progresses, and as it advances, many of us assume that these advances make us more intelligent, make us smarter and more connected to the world. And what I'd like to argue is that that's not necessarily the case, as 'progress' is simply a word for change, and with change you gain something, but you also lose something. -- Tom Wujec
  • In fact when you combine stem cell technology with the technology known as tissue engineering you can actually grow up entire organs, so as you suggest that sometime in the future you get in an auto accident and lose your kidney, we'd simply take a few skin cells and grow you up a new kidney. In fact this has already been done. -- Robert Lanza
  • With technology expanding at this ridiculous pace, bit by bit we're losing our humanity and our ability to connect with each other without having electronic media in the middle. -- Walter Trout