Looking out for yourself quotes:

  • Patriotism is easy to understand in America. It means looking out for yourself by looking out for your country. -- Calvin Coolidge
  • If you're only looking out for yourself, you will always be scared. But if there are other factors, other concerns and considerations driving you, you will always find the strength and courage to overcome the danger and the fear. -- J.H. Myn
  • Being selfish to me means that you have to look out for yourself and you don't have to sacrifice. -- Herbie Mann
  • Surround yourself with good people. People who are going to be honest with you and look out for your best interests. -- Derek Jeter
  • Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it. -- Bruce Lee
  • Sometimes you don't have the time to prepare yourself for looking good in front of the mirror with what you're wearing. And then when you go to work or go out, you don't like it. I spend a lot of time preparing. -- Renzo Rosso
  • I think expressing yourself and working hard can't help but have great results. Look at Zach Galifanakis. He didn't tweet. He didn't have a podcast. He just went out and did the funniest standup you'll ever see in your life. And he was rewarded for that. -- Scott Aukerman
  • I would only have been too pleased if someone had asked me for my data. If you really believed in your data, you wouldn't mind someone looking at it. You should be able to respond that if you don't believe me go out and do the measurements yourself. -- James Lovelock
  • You won't see a picture of me rolling around in a gutter, but I sometimes have a photo taken when I'm leaving a club looking tired, and there'll be headlines saying, 'She's out of control'. You can't prepare yourself for those things; you just have to shrug them off. -- Pixie Lott
  • When you start your career, you have to figure out a way to separate yourself from the pack. So I went for a kind of preppy, psycho-killer look: I had short hair, grey flannel pants, and a button-down shirt. I think it worked, because nobody else was looking that way at that time. -- Loudon Wainwright III
  • If you look at my Instagram, girls are just beating down my door for tips or a job or mentorship. I can't hire every single one of them. My story is one thing that gives them hope. It's an unconventional story with anecdotes, commonsense advice and a big dose of permission to figure things out for yourself. -- Sophia Amoruso
  • I don't happen to approve of plastic surgery. I think God put plastic surgeons on this earth for good reasons - people get burned or people might have a nose like Pinocchio and that has to be fixed. But to just chop yourself up to look a few years younger? You could come out looking like a Picasso picture. -- Iris Apfel
  • Anyone who wants to be an entrepreneur like someone else is actually looking in the wrong direction. You don't look out for inspiration, you look in. You have to ask yourself how can I be better today, at solving the problem I am trying to solve for my company. I wouldn't encourage anyone to be like me. Just be like you. -- Ashton Kutcher
  • I've seen people spend days, if not months, researching and gathering data, but only at the end did they finally figure out what they were really looking for; then they have to redo a lot of stuff. If after a day or so you force yourself to put together your tentative conclusions, then you'll have guidance for the rest of your research. -- Robert Pozen
  • Look, at the same time that I don't want to be a celebrity, I understand that when you make movies you put yourself out in the public eye. I'd be a baby and a fool to be like, 'Why are there cameras taking pictures of me?' when I'm on a billboard for a movie. I think that's a very absurd concept. -- Jonah Hill
  • To be a writer you have to be out in the world, you have to risk yourself in the world, you have to be immersed in the world, you have to go out looking for it. This becomes harder as you get older because there's less energy, the days are shorter for older people and it's not so easy to go out and immerse oneself in the world outside. -- V. S. Naipaul
  • ability to see yourself clearly possible only after you stop looking out for you. -- lity munshi
  • Life is too short to surround yourself with people who aren't looking out for you. -- Sharon Van Etten
  • Find ecstasy within yourself. It is not out there. It is in your innermost flowering. The one you are looking for is you. -- Rajneesh
  • Idiot. Which road do you take when you're running from something weaker than yourself? Or maybe you're the one looking for an excuse to back out. -- Nobuhiro Watsuki