Looking for conflict quotes:

  • When you're a writer, you're always looking for conflict. It's conflict that drives great stories. -- William Kent Krueger
  • An actor is looking for conflict. Conflict is what creates drama. We are taught to avoid trouble [so] actors don't realize they must go looking for it. Plays are written about...the extraordinary, the unusual, the climaxes. The more conflict actors find, the more interesting the performance. -- Michael Shurtleff
  • There is no conflict in looking good. You buy things you need, and then you do something good for society. -- Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
  • In making films, I'm constantly looking for people who are in conflict and who are going to surprise you and challenge you. -- Jehane Noujaim
  • I think all art comes out of conflict. When I write I am always looking for the dramatic kernel of an event, the junctures of people's lives when they go in one direction, not another. -- Joyce Carol Oates
  • I think the Cold War works as a great analogy or simile for different kinds of conflict. It's funny, when you look back at it, it's one of the last times that the boundaries were clear. Now, as we see on 'Homeland,' there are no clear boundaries and enemies. -- Matthew Rhys
  • As the character talks and moves, the world around him is slowly revealed, just like dollying a camera back for a wider look at things. So all my stories start with a character, and that character introduces setting, culture, conflict, government, economy... all of it, through his or her eyes. -- Robin Hobb
  • I found that looking at the Israeli/Palestinian conflict from an outside vantage point was actually quite distancing. The history of the conflict, the personalities, the violence, the distrust, and the seeming lack of viable solutions made meaningful involvement feel impossible. What changed that, for me, was changing the vantage point. -- Jason Alexander
  • Looking at the earth from afar you realize it is too small for conflict and just big enough for co-operation. -- Yuri Gagarin