Looking for change quotes:

  • Close elections tend to break toward the challenger because undecided voters - having held out so long against the incumbent - are by nature looking for change. -- Ron Fournier
  • You mature as far as your understanding of what it's going to take, and you increase your stamina. You don't let frustration overtake you when you're looking for change. -- Eddie Vedder
  • Albertans were looking for change. And so I think that we're staying true to our principles by working to deliver on that change. And I think that is what people were looking for -- Rachel Notley
  • When you take a drug to treat high blood pressure or diabetes, you have an objective test to measure blood pressure and the amount of sugar in the blood. It is straight-forward. With autism, you are looking for changes in behavior. -- Temple Grandin
  • You are not going to change the minds of people who are looking for attention. -- Buzz Aldrin
  • In their search for quality, people seem to be looking for permanency in a time of change. -- John Naisbitt
  • I think transportation and corrections are not the first two areas that I would go looking for massive change. -- William Weld
  • The family is changing, not disappearing. We have to broaden our understanding of it, look for the new metaphors. -- Mary Catherine Bateson
  • Aside from my work, in my everyday private life, I'm not a very adventureous person. I don't look for change. -- Namie Amuro
  • People are always looking for the single magic bullet that will totally change everything. There is no single magic bullet. -- Temple Grandin
  • I'm just looking always for characters that change, because I want to get better, as an actor and as a person. -- Jeffrey Dean Morgan
  • I definitely don't look my age. So I actively look for roles that will help people change their perception of me. -- Elijah Wood
  • What I look for in any book is an argument, based on evidence, that changes the way I think about something important. -- Barry Schwartz
  • Skateboarding was everything to us growing up. It changes the way you see the world: you spend all day looking for ditches. -- Harmony Korine
  • We've become a race of Peeping Toms. What people oughta do is get outside their own house and look in for a change. -- John Michael Hayes
  • Every few generations there are people who come along that change the way we look at the world, for musical enthusiasts Monk is one of these individuals. -- John Conyers
  • You can look for external sources of motivation and that can catalyze a change, but it won't sustain one. It has to be from an internal desire. -- Jillian Michaels
  • The times may have changed, but the people are still the same. We're still looking for love, and that will always be our struggle as human beings. -- Halle Berry
  • Anyone who says, 'Books don't change anything,' or - more commonly - that crime fiction is the wrong genre for promoting social change - should take a closer look. -- Andrew Vachss
  • The sky is always there for me, while my life has been going through many, many changes. When I look up the sky, it gives me a nice feeling, like looking at an old friend. -- Yoko Ono
  • You play a certain way for so long, and change is good. So I look forward to change, and I look forward to playing with the proper talent that we were able to put together. -- Dwyane Wade
  • I found my sound early on. Look at U2: they haven't changed their music for 20 years. Anyway, many people come unstuck when they try to change what they do and what they are known for. -- Joan Armatrading
  • My lifestyle, my life, everything has changed because of this show. Has it made me look different? Yes, it's changed everything for me, everything from this show. And I cannot thank every single part of 'Sons of Anarchy' enough. -- Theo Rossi
  • Change only favours minds that are diligently looking and preparing for discovery. -- Louis Pasteur
  • If you're looking for a place with no change, try a soda machine. -- Max Lucado
  • Change ain't looking for friends. Change calls the tune we all dance to. -- Al Swearengen
  • A lot of people change their band names because they're looking for a change of atmosphere. -- Justin Vernon
  • By looking the other way on climate change we facilitate a collective denial, and we do it for each other. -- Margaret D. Klein
  • The main thing you can change is how you perceive yourself. Stop looking in the mirror and realize that youre living for yourself, not other people. -- Amanda Seyfried
  • I've got a mission to help people improve and massively change their lives and create breakthroughs, so I'm always looking for them and I'm the first guinea pig. -- Tony Robbins