Looking beyond quotes:

  • In politics, there is no use looking beyond the next fortnight. -- Joseph Chamberlain
  • I enjoy looking beyond the obvious and look at the stories happening all around me - you kind of formulate things in your mind and get excited about them. -- Imtiaz Ali
  • Definition Of A Wanderer: A guy who's always looking beyond -- Stephen King
  • Trusting God means looking beyond what we can see to what God sees. -- Charles Stanley
  • Without humility you can't love. Love means looking beyond the self to the other. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • Discipline means looking beyond the appearance, beyond that which is visible and acknowledging one Infinite Cause. -- Tom Johnson
  • Creative ideas come to the intuitive person who can face up to the insecurity of looking beyond the obvious. -- Walter Lippmann
  • Heroes, classical heroes have the look of eagles, too. They're looking beyond the immediate problem and into the future. -- William Shatner
  • The only way is to teach with love, which requires looking beyond what seems, and remembering we create with our judgements. -- Bryant H. McGill
  • Grand strategy is the art of looking beyond the present battle and calculating ahead. Focus on your ultimate goal and plot to reach it. -- Robert Greene
  • From an operating system research point of view, Unix is if not dead certainly old stuff, and it's clear that people should be looking beyond it. -- Dennis Ritchie
  • Just as Renaissance artists provided narratives for the era they lived in, so do I. I'm always looking beyond the surface. I've done that ever since I first picked up a camera. -- David LaChapelle
  • Just as Renaissance artists provided narratives for the era they lived in, so do I. I'm always looking beyond the surface. I've done that ever since I first picked up a camera." -- David LaChapelle
  • The front windows as are the watchmen of grief - I've been looking beyond expectation - Beyond myself - and I do not know as I love you - Which one of us is missing. -- Paul Eluard
  • Seeing, in the finest and broadest sense, means using your senses, your intellect, and your emotions. It means encountering your subject matter with your whole being. It means looking beyond the labels of things and discovering the remarkable world around you. -- Freeman Patterson
  • Prayer's important, not just as some kind of a metaphysical exercise, but I think it's a way to refresh one's own mind and motive. If you're praying, you're really looking beyond your own personal thoughts and the pressures that are around you. -- Mike Huckabee
  • Real government is about looking beyond the vested to the national interest, setting up the necessary conditions to enable the next, more enabled and more empowered generation to achieve a country as prosperous, a people as content, as ours deserve to be. -- Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
  • The age of isolation is gone. And gone are the days in which barbed wire served as demarcation lines, separating and isolating countries from one another. No country can escape looking beyond its boundaries to find the source of the currents which influence how it can live with others. -- Gamal Abdel Nasser
  • I have never been one to look beyond today. -- Tucker Carlson
  • People are scared to death and they're looking for something beyond themselves. -- Jerry B. Jenkins
  • You must look within for value, but must look beyond for perspective. -- Denis Waitley
  • Only the poet can look beyond the detail and see the whole picture. -- Helen Hayes
  • We now need to look beyond our immediate future and aim higher and farther. -- Paul Biya
  • Most employers just aren't willing to look beyond the dumbest or worst thing someone has done. -- Greg Boyle
  • I like a girl to wear oversize sweaters that look like my own - it's beyond sexy. -- Kellan Lutz
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  • We get very set in our ways and it's sometimes hard to look beyond what else is out there. -- Emilio Estevez
  • I'm not big on looking back beyond the moment in which decisions and events occur. I'm always pushing forward. -- David Stern
  • It is statesmanlike for the administration and Congress to look to our nation's welfare beyond their terms in office. -- Nick Clooney
  • Looking beyond the emerging markets, it is important not to lose sight of the growth opportunities that exist in the developed regions. -- Louis R. Chenevert
  • Fashion people think that the careful Nice companies are boring beyond measure. (Nice people think fashionistas look silly and should Get A Life). -- Peter York
  • You have to listen to adversaries and keep looking for that point beyond which it's against their interests to keep on disagreeing or fighting. -- Cyrus Vance
  • I now find magic in the mundane. I'm also more creative - better able to look beyond the obvious and come up with new story angles. -- Deborah Norville
  • But naturalists are now beginning to look beyond this, and to see that there must be some other principle regulating the infinitely varied forms of animal life. -- Alfred Russel Wallace
  • I discovered Deborah Ellis's books in the school library after my head teacher encouraged me to go beyond the school curriculum and look for books I might enjoy. -- Malala Yousafzai
  • I met Robert Crumb in 1962; he lived in Cleveland for a while. I took a look at his stuff. Crumb was doing stuff beyond what other writers and artists were doing. It was a step beyond Mad. -- Harvey Pekar
  • He was looking at her from behind the smiling that wasn't smiling but was something you were not supposed to see beyond. -- William Faulkner
  • I'm always looking for the idea in a scene or the philosophy that makes a scene worth existing beyond exposition. -- Bryan Fuller
  • The Eyes of the Future are looking back at us and they are praying for us to see beyond our own time. -- Terry Tempest Williams
  • The guardian angels of life sometimes fly so high as to be beyond our sight, but they are always looking down upon us. -- Jean Paul
  • What?" she asked again.He pointed ahead of them. "See that?""What, the snow?""Beyond that.""More snow?""Stop looking at the snow. -- Derek Landy
  • I try to connect to human emotion. I'm always looking for something primal, something really base that is beyond language, that people understand beyond language. -- Will Smith
  • She lay on her back, looking up at the sky, feeling no desire to move or think or know that there was any time beyond this moment. -- Ayn Rand
  • When we trust our creativity we encounter a supreme kind of enjoyment - an amazement at the natural unfolding of life beyond our ordinary way of looking at things. -- Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche