Long way gone quotes:

  • My God, I think about way back in the day when we were running around in Mary Janes and Doc Martens, that whole 90210-inspired look. I'm glad that's long gone. -- Meghan Markle
  • But as the Pope has a long arm, which might reach me in France, I have gone a little out of the way to tell him the plain truths contained in these pages. -- Edmond About
  • At the end of the day, life's about realising one's human potential. I don't know if I've realised mine, but I've certainly gone a long way towards realising some goals and some dreams. -- Linton Kwesi Johnson
  • I'd like to think I've left something in the world. Without in any way trying to be morbid, but life is very short, and I'd like to think I'd leave some body of work that would inspire other musicians long after I've gone. -- Paul Weller
  • The NFL has gone a long way to Disney-fy its image, but it's not Disney. It's the MMA. It's a violent, brutal human war, with rules. The same guy who says, 'I'm going to rob everybody,' is the same guy who would be successful in the NFL. -- Terry Crews
  • We've gotten so good at growing food that we've gone, in a few generations, from nearly half of Americans living on farms to 2 percent. We no longer think about how the wonderful things in the grocery store got there, and we'd like to go back to what we think is a more natural way. -- Nina Fedoroff
  • When my career first began, I didn't have children - so there's a whole lot of difference in the way I choose roles now. Not just films for my children, but how long I'm going to be away, and is Dad going to be home while I'm gone. That sort-of factor plays a part. -- Amy Irving
  • Pirates are the very essence of profit maximising entrepreneurs described in neoclassical economics. Yet, whilst films such as 'The Pirates of the Caribbean' and 'Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid' have gone a long way to popularise both pirates and outlaw behaviour, the truth of the matter is that piracy is illegal, and it kills. -- Peter Middlebrook
  • My first memory was of stories about the past - a past that, according to the storytellers, was superior in every way to the life then being lived. It didn't take me long, however, to understand that the present was all we had, for the past was gone, and nothing could be done about it. -- Horton Foote
  • I'd watch old movies with Judy Garland, Shirley Temple and Bette Davis and long to be part of that glamorous world. A lot of that glamour is gone now. In my own small way, I hope I'm bringing some of it back. But it would be great if I could inspire women to dress up. -- Imelda May
  • The way I pack is I look at how long I'll be gone and I pack day for day. If I'm going on a three-day fishing trip, I plot each day. I put most of that in a little bag. If I'm going from there to work on golf courses for a few days, I plot that trip. -- Jack Nicklaus
  • After I wrote my memoir, 'A Long Way Gone,' I was a bit exhausted. I didn't want to write another memoir; I felt that it might not be sane for one to speak about himself for many, many, many years in a row. At the same time, I felt the story of 'Radiance of Tomorrow' pulling at me because of the first book. -- Ishmael Beah
  • Make a journey in such a way that it becomes the dream of others even long after you have gone! -- Mehmet Murat ildan
  • If you could figure out how to live with family then you'd gone a long way toward finding your peace. -- Ben Fountain
  • The man who actually knows just what he wants in life has already gone a long way toward attaining it. -- Napoleon Hill
  • It was a cool day and very clear. You could see a long way-but not as far as Velma had gone. -- Raymond Chandler
  • You could tell by the way he talked, though, that he had gone to school a long time. That was probably what was wrong with him. -- John Kennedy Toole
  • Religions are often state-protected nurseries of pseudoscience, although there's no reason why religions have to play that role. In a way, it's an artefact from times long gone. -- Carl Sagan