Life continue quotes:

  • Sweet life continues in the breeze, in the golden fields. -- Jack Kerouac
  • As your understanding of life continues to grow, you can walk upon this planet safe and secure, always moving forward toward your greater good. -- Louise Hay
  • Searching for our kindred dead isn't just a hobby. It is a fundamental responsibility for all members of the Church. We believe that life continues after death and that all will be resurrected. -- James E. Faust
  • Let the clock and the earth do their own thing... Let the comings and goings of life continue... But YOU stay HERE and NOW. This exercise is to bring you to the Eternal Present where it all is. -- Ram Dass
  • The stories that I want to tell, especially as a director, don't necessarily have a perfect ending because, the older you get, the more you appreciate a good day versus a happy ending. You understand that life continues on the next day; the reality of things is what happens tomorrow. -- Drew Barrymore
  • Reality continues to ruin my life. -- Bill Watterson
  • God continues to work miracles in my life. -- Willie Aames
  • Life will continue on the other side of the veil. -- Joseph B. Wirthlin
  • There's life outside Backstreet Boys that is going on and continuing. -- A. J. McLean
  • We have to be realistic. If we don't win, life will continue. -- Hayden Fry
  • I'm still strong and in the best shape to continue living my life. -- Compay Segundo
  • My life is going to continue to be public, and I just accept that. -- Robert Knepper
  • I will continue to pursue my music and live my life with my family. -- Chris Daughtry
  • I think that life is about growth. You continue to grow and progress, hopefully. -- Amy Smart
  • God gave me life to continue to do things that I would never have done. -- Stevie Wonder
  • I don't see myself as famous at all so I'm continuing my life as normal. -- Ashley Madekwe
  • The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die. -- Juliette Lewis
  • And in which we say that life is eternal but continue to struggle to survive. -- Neale Donald Walsch
  • I live my life day by day, and that's how I continue to live it. -- Naomi Campbell
  • The continued existence of wildlife and wilderness is important to the quality of life of humans. -- Jim Fowler
  • Even the most malignant gods would not continue to inflict life upon humanity, time without end. -- Taylor Caldwell
  • An autobiography is a life story. It starts when you're born and continues until the end. -- Richard Hell
  • Our business in life is not to succeed, but to continue to fail in good spirits. -- Robert Louis Stevenson
  • The state comes into existence for the sake of life and continues to exist for the sake of good life. -- Aristotle
  • I have continued to paint; my father - who was savaged by the critics - continued to paint until practically the last week of his life. -- Jamie Wyeth
  • Continue to live life to the fullest. -- Auliq Ice
  • I found that life has to be edited to continue. -- Tracey Emin
  • Spread love and continue life. Keep creating life, that's my message! -- Sizzla
  • We all have struggles in life but we have to continue to fight -- Mike Tyson
  • One cannot start a new life, you can only continue the old one. -- Imre Kertész
  • I follow life's changes, continue with my time-outs, and remain curious about what's next. -- Kim Cattrall
  • All men start life as a road-user and only few continue it as a road-creator! -- Mehmet Murat ildan
  • This is good, life must continue, we are fighting barbarians, but we must remain human. -- David Benioff
  • Sometimes in life, we have to continue to learn the same lesson until it sticks. -- Jeremy Piven
  • Lifelong readers continue to read, finding in books the means to enjoy life or endure it -- Samuel L. Jackson
  • Desire is life trying to continue to be life. All living things desire... Life is wanting. -- Kim Stanley
  • Fitness is a journey, not a destination; you must continue for the rest of your life. -- Kenneth H. Cooper
  • Let go of the spirit of the departed, and continue the celebration of your own life. -- Allen Ginsberg
  • I love my fans very much. They give me the confidence to continue things in life. -- Bow Wow
  • I run so my goals in life will continue to get bigger instead of my belly. -- Bill Kirby
  • We continue to shape our personality all our life. If we knew ourselves perfectly, we should die. -- Albert Camus
  • You continue to live them out, making your life a worthy expression of leaning into the light. -- Barry Lopez
  • I'm learning and changing all the time, and I expect to continue doing so my entire life. -- Van Jones
  • In the dark days of your life, you will need the wings of hope to continue flying. -- Mehmet Murat ildan
  • Dogs and other animals - goats, donkeys, cows, a grumpy rooster - continue to change my writing life. -- Jon Katz
  • Life would continue to exist and grow. Cause and effect still exist even where there is no time. -- Aeriel Miranda
  • Dogs and other animals - goats, donkeys, cows, a grumpy rooster - continue to change my writing life." -- Jon Katz
  • All writers begin as readers, and the ones worth reading continue life as more prolific readers than writers. -- Thomas Swick
  • If you have a complex life, make it simple; if you have a simple life, continue it that way! -- Mehmet Murat ildan
  • Unless young blacks are brought into the mainstream of economic life, they will continue to be on the curbstone. -- Walter Annenberg
  • Pioneering spirit should continue, not to conquer the planet or space ... but rather to improve the quality of life. -- Bertrand Piccard
  • I think in life, if you continue to challenge yourself, you can pride yourself in what you continuously accomplish. -- J. R. Martinez
  • To experience true life, we must continue the Christian journey the same way we began it - by faith. -- Bill Bright
  • I'm going to continue writing. I'll always be a storyteller. But I'm also taking time to enjoy my life. -- Jennifer Weiner
  • So I'll continue to continue to pretend my life will never end, and flowers never bend with the rainfall. -- Paul Simon
  • However hard life is, deep in our hearts we know that it is worth to continue till the end! -- Mehmet Murat ildan
  • Life must continue, even with the security situation so bad, because I have ambitions. I love this sport too much. -- Dana Hussein
  • You continue to change your approach until you achieve what you want using whatever life gives you along the way. -- Tony Robbins
  • My dream is to continue to be an artist who gets to be different individuals from different walks of life. -- Hosea Chanchez
  • Everything I did and continue to do happens for a reason, and honestly, I don't regret much in my life. -- Jaime Pressly
  • I don't know how often I can discuss one incident in my entire life, but I'll continue to do that. -- O. J. Simpson
  • You know, it's funny how songs continue to grow and evolve and become a new and deeper reflection of your life. -- Gloria Estefan
  • Preventing a suicide is not necessarily a beneficent act if it forces the potential suicide to continue in a life of misery. -- Gene Lester David Lester
  • Always, a form of self-equilibration, a soul or psyche, is trying to assert itself, to continue the melody of its self-realized life. -- Kenny Smith
  • After creating something and hearing from someone that it really helped them or changed their life motivates me to continue doing this. -- Jeet Banerjee
  • I'll no doubt just continue stumbling and bumbling through life, putting myself in precarious places, rising sadder if not wiser, as always. -- Allan Weisbecker
  • Should one continue to base one's life on a system of belief that--for all its occasional wisdom and frequent beauty--is demonstrably untrue? -- Charles Templeton
  • Research must continue to be the centerpiece of intellectual life, and our commitment to research must grow, because our problems are growing. -- Ernest L. Boyer
  • As far as we know, as a species, the only reason we were put on this planet is to help continue life. -- Allen Evangelista
  • Hopefully, I can continue to do anything I want. I just want to do things that I'm passionate about in this life. -- Liv Tyler
  • Television and comic books are, and continue to be, probably the biggest influence in my life. It's the biggest influence on everybody's life. -- Gene Simmons
  • I want to continue to produce film, television, and theater, and to make the most amazing music that I've made in my life. -- Alicia Keys
  • Psychology is action, not thinking about oneself. We continue to shape our personality all our life. To know oneself, one should assert oneself. -- Albert Camus
  • Accept the challenges of life and you'll continue to find that winning is the spirit of living . . . it's merely a state of mind. -- Mychal Wynn
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  • The disposition to continue to learn throughout life is perhaps one of the most important contributions that schools can make to an individual's development. -- Elliot W. Eisner
  • Likewise, we continue to follow Jesus as we struggle with sin. Repentance ushers us into a life of greater struggle, not out of one." -- J.D. Greear
  • I desire to live in peace and to continue the life I have begun under the motto 'to live well you must live unseen -- Rene Descartes
  • Because life is short but sweet for certain We're climbing two by two To be sure these days continue These things we cannot change -- Dave Matthews
  • Monsieur l'abbé, I detest what you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to continue to write. -- Voltaire
  • Each year of life brings us nearer to our decline, but I will continue to seek a listener until I'm dead in a ditch. -- Steven Patrick Morrissey
  • Each year of life brings us nearer to our decline, but I will continue to seek a listener until I'm dead in a ditch. -- Steven Patrick Morrissey
  • The question is not so much whether there is life on Mars as whether it will continue to be possible to live on Earth -- Immanuel Kant
  • I'm not sure I'll ever be famous by anyone's definition. I can only hope to be allowed by the audience to continue my life's work. -- Brandi Carlile
  • With an estimated population of nine billion people by 2050, we cannot continue to consume resources at the same rate and maintain our quality of life. -- David Suzuki
  • I want to continue being crazy; living my life the way I dream it, and not the way the other people want it to be. -- Paulo Coelho
  • While doing visits to hospitals, I have prayed over children with life threatening illnesses and continue to bring Jesus to every stage I walk on. -- Jonathan Cain
  • I continue to be a strong believer in the life-saving importance of early detection, and I encourage everyone to be proactive about their preventive screenings. -- Roy Blunt
  • As nuclear and other technological achievements continue to mount, the normal life span will continue to climb. The hourly productivity of the worker will increase. -- Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • Jews bear children not only because the carnal election of Abraham must continue. For Jews, raising children is essential to living a rounded ethical life. -- Meir Soloveichik
  • You don't reach points in life at which everything is sorted out for us. I believe in endings that should suggest our stories always continue. -- Lauren Oliver
  • Oil may run out, liquidity may dry up, but as long as ink flows freely, the next chapter of Life will continue to be written. -- Alex Morritt
  • I think my biggest focus for myself is learning how to continue to get through the trauma that my father has caused in my life. -- Lindsay Lohan
  • That image of the countryside being a threatening place still exists. People continue to resist the challenge of learning about aspects of life they don't understand. -- Mary Wesley
  • You don't want to live in the past. Everything in life is in the future. You don't want to continue to be buried in the past. -- Raila Odinga
  • All my life, I will continue obstinately to write about love, solitude and passion among the kind of people I know. The rest don't interest me. -- Francoise Sagan
  • The attitude of saints toward their possessions most assuredly signifies whether they continue to preserve their self life or whether they have consigned it to death. -- Watchman Nee
  • Fortune seldom troubles the wise man. Reason has controlled his greatest and most important affairs, controls them throughout his life, and will continue to control them. -- Epicurus
  • Americans thinking that America will continue to lead the world in innovation and quality of life without some quick and serious educational improvements are dangerously delusional. -- Dean Kamen
  • I've been dedicating my life to doing remixes and sample based music. Whether you're into it or not I'm going to continue to pump it out. -- Girl Talk
  • The Ford Motor Company has always been part of my life, and I continue to draw a lot of energy from this wonderful and exciting business. -- William Clay Ford, Sr.
  • To say that you can love one person all your life is just like saying that one candle will continue burning as long as you live. -- Leo Tolstoy
  • As long as children and young men and women find pleasure in study, they will continue studying throughout life - and upon that depends their happiness. -- L. Ron Hubbard
  • If you expect to continue to purchase stocks throughout your life, you should welcome price declines as a way to add stocks more cheaply to your portfolio. -- Warren Buffett
  • Continue practice into everyday life with a single meditation, always keeping in mind the intention to help others in all activities, eating, dressing, sleeping, walking, or sitting. -- Jamgon Kongtrul
  • A liberated Internet will continue to be a reality in your life (and in the lives of your children) if rules like Net Neutrality are in place. -- Justine Bateman
  • The miracle of being able to pay attention to other people in your life, and the miracle of being in time, and to continue being in time. -- Kiki Smith
  • Gymnastics has given me everything in my life. I will continue to stay involved and try to give back to the sport that has given me so much. -- Nastia Liukin
  • I took some time off to enjoy my life, but figure skating is something I love and something I will continue doing for the rest of my life. -- Oksana Baiul
  • You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life. -- Albert Camus
  • Only through hardship, sacrifice and militant action can freedom be won. The struggle is my life. I will continue fighting for freedom until the end of my days. -- Nelson Mandela
  • Then I went home to continue my life, which had changed a little, as lives do every day, inching by microspecks forward toward whatever surprises are coming next. -- Lois Lowry
  • Most of us continue to believe that those who show utter contempt for human life by committing remorseless, premeditated murder justly forfeit the right to their own life. -- Alex Kozinski
  • Jodie Foster may continue to outwardly ignore me for the rest of my life, but I have made her one of the most famous actresses in the world. -- John Hinckley Jr.
  • As the body cannot be sustained without corporeal food, nor continue in natural life, so without this life-giving food the soul cannot persist in the spiritual life of grace. -- Denis the Carthusian
  • If Republicans want to be seen as more compassionate, they should continue to stand proudly for the sanctify of life and marriage. And they should do so without apologizing. -- Gary Bauer
  • You have to work hard at staying in contact with your friends so that the relationships will continue and live on... Friendships, along with love, make life worth living. -- Mike Krzyzewski
  • I think that sonically, music speaks volumes more than words do, and I have always thought that and will continue to think that for the rest of my life. -- Zach Condon
  • I have had close relationships with three species of wild pigs, each a chance encounter on a different continent, and all continue to enrich my life in surprising ways. -- Lyall Watson