Jewish history quotes:

  • In Jewish history there are no coincidences. -- Elie Wiesel
  • I'm a Larry David fan, right? And it seems to me that Jewish history from the Talmud on has been a self-deprecating, self-critical kind of humor. -- Peter Eisenman
  • Won't it be wonderful when black history and native American history and Jewish history and all of U.S. history is taught from one book. Just U.S. history. -- Maya Angelou
  • It's very clear from Biblical history and Jewish history that Jewish monotheism wasn't developed in an instant, that it became gradually the accepted norm. But undoubtedly, Jewish ancestors were polytheists. -- Robert Winston
  • Jewish history turns out not to be an either/or story - as in, either pure Judaism detached from its surroundings or else assimilation - but rather, for the vast majority, the adventure of living in between. -- Simon Schama
  • Presently, the Commission for Commemorating 350 Years of American Jewish History has been brought about to encourage and sponsor a variety of historical activities that advance our understanding of the American Jewish experience as it marks this milestone anniversary. -- Jon Porter
  • There is more to Jewish history than Auschwitz. -- Romain Gary
  • Zionism is the most stupendous fallacy in Jewish history -- Henry Morgenthau, Sr.
  • I find it very hard to write about Jewish history. -- Simon Schama
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  • It's not right to think about all of Jewish-German history as shrouded by the smoke of the crematorium. -- Simon Schama
  • You don't have to be Jewish to understand the history of Europe in the 20th century, but it helps. -- Tony Judt
  • Historically, I come from Jewish history. I had the classic upbringing in the Yeshiva, learning, learning, and more learning. -- Elie Wiesel
  • In the 5,000-year history of Jewish thought, the notion of a God-man is completely anathema to everything Judaism stands for. -- Reza Aslan
  • My family history, like that of many Polish, German and Jewish families from Central Europe in the 20th century, is complex. -- Donald Tusk
  • Only through acknowledgment of the erasure and void of Jewish life can the history of Berlin and Europe have a human future. -- Daniel Libeskind
  • Over the course of history, many Jews have ultimately embraced Christianity - some forcibly, some in order to advance in non-Jewish society, some out of wholehearted belief. -- Meir Soloveichik
  • To be Jewish is to be specifically identified with a history. And if you're not aware of that when you're a child, the whole tradition is lost. -- Joyce Carol Oates
  • Without a Jewish state, the iron truth of history is that the Jewish people sooner or later become even more vulnerable to the next wave of anti-Semitism. -- Jack Schwartz
  • I am not conventionally religious, but I am an ongoing student of the Old and the New Testament and the history of the Jewish people and the birth of Christianity. -- Robert Littell
  • If the main thing the next generations know about Jewish history is that we were persecuted and suffered, they will lose sight of the tremendous heritage of Jewish culture, theology, and wisdom. -- Deborah Lipstadt
  • Written with grace and thoroughly researched, One People, One Blood is an ethnography with a lot of heart that also sheds new light on a fascinating and fraught chapter in recent Jewish history. -- Ruth Behar
  • Look at Jewish history. Unrelieved lamenting would be intolerable. So for every ten Jews beating their breasts, God designated one to be crazy and amuse the breast-beaters. By the time I was five I knew I was that one. -- Mel Brooks
  • Through educational programming, Jewish American History Month will help raise the awareness of a people, their history and contributions. It will help combat anti-Semitism, a phenomenon that is on the rise and that unfortunately still exists in our Nation. -- Jan Schakowsky
  • None of the participants ever arrived at a clear understanding of the actual horror of Auschwitz, which is of a different nature from all the atrocities of the past, because it appeared to prosecution alike as not much more than the most horrible pogrom in Jewish history. -- Hannah
  • Jewish history has been tragic to the Jews and no less tragic to the neighboring nations who have suffered them. Our major vice of old as of today is parasitism. We are a people of vultures living on the labor and good fortune of the rest of the world. -- Samuel Roth
  • Jewish history has been in my cultural DNA since I was a child growing up in post-war London. In the midst of that dark, gray, lamenting monochromatic world of the '50s, I had a sense that both Jewish and English history were full of color and light and animation. -- Simon Schama
  • Major Trends [is] the canonical modern work on the nature and history of Jewish mysticism. For a sophisticated understanding, not only of the dynamics of Jewish mysticism, but of the exquisite complexities of Jewish history and tradition, Major Trends is a major port of entry through which one must pass. -- Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi
  • If certain Jewish communities had distinctive qualities, they were due to history, not biology. -- Shlomo Sand
  • Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end -- Isaac Mayer Wise
  • Only through acknowledgment of the erasure and void of Jewish life can the history of Berlin and Europe have a human future -- Daniel Libeskind
  • If every human rights atrocity is described as a Holocaust,[Adolf] Hitler's attempted obliteration of the Jewish people is diminished or de-recognised in our history. -- Jeremy Corbyn
  • There are fewer and fewer Jews in Ireland, but we still have one of the most famous Jewish characters in literary history, of course, in Leopold Bloom. -- Colum McCann