Infernal devices quotes:

  • Amor verus numquam moritur: True love never dies -- Cassandra Clare
  • No one can say that death found in me a willing comrade, or that I went easily. -- Cassandra Clare
  • Gideon Lightwood said he was at the Institute in Madrid. What on earth was he doing there?' 'Faffing about, most likely', said Will. -- Cassandra Clare
  • I can offer you my life, but it is a short life; I can offer you my heart, though I have no idea how many more beats it shall sustain -- Cassandra Clare
  • The more beautiful the skin is, the more deadly it is. That's what Will's like. All that pretty face and whatnot just hides how twisted up and rotten he is on the inside. -- Cassandra Clare
  • Of course, the guests were also staring because they know of my relationship with Camille, and are wondering what we might be doing here in the library... alone." He wiggled his eyebrows at Tessa. -- Cassandra Clare
  • Well, I don't want you to die," Tessa said. "I don't know why I feel it so strongly -- I've just met you -- but I don't want you to die." "And I trust you," he said. "I don't know why -- I've just met you -- but I do. -- Cassandra Clare
  • In my own work, I don't have favorite characters, but I have characters that I relate to the most. And I relate the most to Simon from 'The Mortal Instruments,' and also Tessa from 'The Infernal Devices.' They're more sort of bookish and shy characters. -- Cassandra Clare
  • I am in the U.K. for inspiration because I'm doing a follow on series to 'The Infernal Devices,' called 'The Last Hours.' It's a re-telling of 'Great Expectations' with 'Shadowhunters'... because why not! It's set in 1903, so I'm doing a lot of locational research. -- Cassandra Clare