Imagination and art quotes:

  • What if imagination and art are not frosting at all, but the fountainhead of human experience? -- Rollo May
  • Philosophy and Art both render the invisible visible by imagination. -- George Henry Lewes
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  • It's amazing what you can do with an E in A-Level art, a twisted imagination and a chainsaw. -- Damien Hirst
  • I have learned the art of filling in your lines with your visuals and your movies and your imagination. -- Daphne Zuniga
  • Skill without imagination is craftsmanship and gives us many useful objects such as wickerwork picnic baskets. Imagination without skill gives us modern art. -- Tom Stoppard
  • Only in men's imagination does every truth find an effective and undeniable existence. Imagination, not invention, is the supreme master of art as of life. -- Joseph Conrad
  • Poetry is that art which selects and arranges the symbols of thought in such a manner as to excite the imagination the most powerfully and delightfully. -- William C. Bryant
  • Bad people are, from the point of view of art, fascinating studies. They represent colour, variety and strangeness. Good people exasperate one's reason; bad people stir one's imagination. -- Oscar Wilde
  • I don't think art is propaganda; it should be something that liberates the soul, provokes the imagination and encourages people to go further. It celebrates humanity instead of manipulating it. -- Keith Haring
  • The goal of 'Data Detectives' is to spark the imagination of students around the globe by making them think about new technologies that will impact humanity in ways similar to language and art. -- Rick Smolan
  • I understand what it is to go through emotional trauma and retreat and go into the world of your imagination. I understand how art and music can be a place of safety in a world of reinvention. -- Sam Taylor-Wood
  • The value of writing about art is its effect on the imagination. Paintings allow us to inhabit another culture, place, and time period, and address the issues of those time periods that resonate with our own time. -- Susan Vreeland
  • Israel is a wonderful place to be an artist - a place where imagination flourishes. Israeli culture is refreshingly avant garde - making films, music, performance art and visual art that continues to push the envelope, inspire and empower. -- Ryan Kavanaugh
  • The Chinese art world does not exist. In a society that restricts individual freedoms and violates human rights, anything that calls itself creative or independent is a pretence. It is impossible for a totalitarian society to create anything with passion and imagination. -- Ai Weiwei
  • I design all my sets. With my tour and my album artwork, I co-design that with people who are better at drawing than me. But I've got a good imagination. I went to art school so I understand how to communicate my ideas. -- Paloma Faith
  • I believe that it's an author's job to cast his imagination into the far spaces. Your life should - and I think it's inescapable that it will - inform your work. I'm all for using anything that can make your art better, but your intuition should be an equal partner. -- Brent Weeks
  • It's a great excuse and luxury, having a job and blaming it for your inability to do your own art. When you don't have to work, you are left with the horror of facing your own lack of imagination and your own emptiness. A devastating possibility when finally time is your own. -- Julian Schnabel
  • Each one seems to be, in some way, essentially different from the others, and each is a surprise to me. I think that making books, or any kind of art, might also be like mining. The artist digs into his or her life and imagination and never knows what they'll find. That's the adventure. -- Mordicai Gerstein
  • On some level, acting is the art of pretend, and you have to have a highly cultivated sense of imagination. You have to be able to see things that aren't there, no matter what aspect of acting, whether it's green screen, whether it's on stage, whether it's anything else, whether you're working on the radio. -- Stephen Lang
  • Art degraded, Imagination denied. -- William Blake
  • Art is the sex of the imagination. -- George Jean Nathan
  • Art is ruled uniquely by the imagination. -- Benedetto Croce
  • Imagination without skill gives us contemporary art. -- Tom Stoppard
  • Art is the manipulation of someone else's imagination. -- Sol Saks
  • The only realism in art is of the imagination. -- William Carlos Williams
  • Art is the child of imagination and gives life. -- Mirka Mora
  • Art is the colors and textures of your imagination. -- Meghan Trainor
  • Movies are the art form most like man's imagination. -- Francis Ford Coppola
  • ... Art is a soaring exercise of the human imagination. -- Daniel Bell
  • But fantasy kills imagination, pornography is death to art. -- Iris Murdoch
  • Technology, like art, is a soaring exercise of the human imagination. -- Daniel Bell
  • Art is the expression of imagination, not the reproduction of reality. -- Henry Moore
  • Imagination, not invention, is the supreme master of art as of life. -- Joseph Conrad
  • My imagination can picture no fairer happiness than to continue living for art. -- Clara Schumann
  • Art is an other door to IMAGINATION. And without imagination nothing is possible. -- MHQ
  • Both art and faith are dependent on imagination; both are ventures into the unknown. -- Denise Levertov
  • Can art be completely invented? It's a matter of shaping reality with the help of imagination. -- Aharon Appelfeld
  • Your dreams and your imagination are the keys to ART so capture all of yours in this notebook..... -- TA Richards
  • Imagination should be integrated with life, not turned into a separate activity, art, that monopolizes one's whole existence. -- Louis Dudek
  • I have learned the art of filling in your lines with your visuals and your movies and your imagination -- Daphne Zuniga
  • To speak of morals in art is to speak of legislature in sex. Art is the sex of the imagination. -- George Jean Nathan
  • The imagination is the vehicle of sensibility. Transported by the imagination, we attain life, life itself, which is absolute art. -- Yves Klein
  • Toy Soldiers was my introduction to film. I certainly didn't think I was doing art by any stretch of the imagination. -- Tim Robbins
  • I understand abstract art as an attempt to feed imagination with a world built through the basic sensations of the eyes. -- Jean Helion
  • Imagination is nostalgia for the past, the absent it is the liquid solution in which art develops the snapshot of reality. -- Cyril Connolly
  • You can understand nothing about art, particularly modern art, if you do not understand that imagination is a value in itself. -- Milan Kundera
  • Art that submits to orthodoxy, to even the soundest doctrines, but lacks imagination and deep self-expression is lost leaving only the craftsmanship. -- Andre Gide
  • An art aims, above all, at producing something beautiful which affects not our feelings but the organ of pure contemplation, our imagination. -- Eduard Hanslick
  • Art requires imagination. It requires Creativity. Creativity requires experience and experience comes from your life. And your life is expressed in your art. -- Bruce Lee
  • A genius masters the art of observation, and unites with the source of imagination to create advancements in the cause for human evolution. -- T.F. Hodge
  • The past is not the present: pretending it is corrupts art and thus both rots the mind and shrivels the imagination and conscience. -- Paul Fussell
  • If we can reach in wih the art and touch the imagination of the child, no matter who, we have affected that child. -- Ossie Davis
  • The essence of art is to recapturel the fantasy and the imagination of a child again, but without the innocence of a child. -- Romare Bearden
  • Autonomy, adventure, imagination: entrepreneurshi p comprehends all this and more for us. The characteristic art form of our age may be the business plan. -- William Deresiewicz
  • Art is the extended arm of your imagination, The feast of inspiration for your muse. Art isn't just creativity, its a way of life. -- Sarah Curran
  • Gather knowledge... Visit galleries, museums, art and craft fairs... Read books and magazines. Take workshops. Use your senses. Experience stimulates your memory and imagination. -- Nita Leland
  • What his imagination is to the poet, facts are to the historian. His exercise of judgment comes in their selection, his art in their arrangement. -- Barbara Tuchman
  • In literature and art memory is a synonym for invention. It is the life-blood of imagination, which faints and dies when the veins are empty. -- Robert Aris Willmott
  • I think art certainly is the vehicle for us to develop any new ideas, to be creative, to extend our imagination, to change the current conditions. -- Ai Weiwei
  • If you end your story, it's a static work of art, a finite circle. But if you don't, it belongs to anyone's imagination. It stays alive forever. -- Jodi Picoult
  • To read a novel is a difficult and complex art. You must be capable not only of great fineness of perception, but of great boldness of imagination. -- Virginia Woolf
  • Art is the response to the demand for entertainment, for the stimulation of our senses and imagination, and truth enters into it only as it subserves these ends. -- George Santayana
  • If you're going to perform inception, you need imagination. You need the simplest version of the idea-the one that will grow naturally in the subject's mind. Subtle art. -- Christopher Nolan
  • The only way art lives is through the experience of the observer. The reality of art begins with the eyes of the beholder, through imagination, invention and confrontation. -- Keith Haring
  • Out with stereotypes, feminism proclaims. But stereotypes are the west's stunning sexual personae, the vehicles of art's assault against nature. The moment there is imagination, there is myth. -- Camille Paglia
  • The great end of art is to strike the imagination with the power of a soul that refuses to admit defeat even in the midst of a collapsing world. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Art is about imagination. When you look at a picture from Salvador Dali, that's about imagination. When you look at Picasso, that's about imagination. Doing stuff from your heart. -- LL Cool J