Ignoring society quotes:

  • Dirty old men, ignoring society, continue to follow nature. -- Mason Cooley
  • In our society, the women who break down barriers are those who ignore limits. -- Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • I am looking for suggestions on what we can do about extremists within our own society. They cannot be ignored. -- Tony Campolo
  • Today's society will ignore almost any form of public behavior except getting in the express line with two extra items. -- Paul Sweeney
  • You can't ignore the reality that faith and family, those two things are integral parts of having limited government, lower taxes, and free societies. -- Rick Santorum
  • We do a disservice to society if we ignore the evidence which shows that stable families tend to be associated with better outcomes for children. -- Iain Duncan Smith
  • When we talk of freedom and opportunity for all nations, the mocking paradoxes in our own society become so clear they can no longer be ignored. -- Wendell Willkie
  • The whole world is starting to realize that it was the most unwise thing for our society to have ignored women power, to run the society with male priorities. -- Yoko Ono
  • As legislators and as Members of Congress, it is our obligation to speak up for those who are being ignored in our society. The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) does just that. -- Gwen Moore
  • There is little or no point being chair of the Labour Party and being ignored when engaging with Labour ministers when you're trying to articulate something that affects ordinary people in society. -- Colm Keaveney
  • Freedom is the one value conservatives place above all others, yet time and again, their ideal of freedom ignores the growing imbalance of power in our society that's eroding the freedoms of most people. -- Robert Reich
  • A free and rooted society ought to consist of a web of moral obligations. We have the right to ignore them, but we ought to be actually obliged not to let other people starve or to let them lapse into destitution. -- Pankaj Mishra
  • You can't write about the past and ignore religion. It was such a fundamental, mind-shaping, driving force for pre-modern societies. I'm very interested in what religion does to us - its capacity to create love and empathy or hatred and violence. -- Geraldine Brooks
  • I think sometimes in life we want to ignore the problems of society and just think about the good. I believe in positive thinking and affirmative living, I also think it's really important to remember all of our disenfranchised members of society. -- Kerry Washington
  • We are not good at recognizing distant threats even if their probability is 100%. Society ignoring [peak oil] is like the people of Pompeii ignoring the rumblings below Vesuvius. -- James R. Schlesinger