Ignoring criticism quotes:

  • Poets should ignore most criticism and get on with making poetry. -- Anne Stevenson
  • To test a modest man's modesty do not investigate if he ignores applause, find out if he abides criticism. -- Franz Grillparzer
  • First, if you love the Kindle and it works for you, it isn't problematic, and you should ignore all my criticisms and read the way you want to read. -- Nicholson Baker
  • Criticism, even when you try to ignore it, can hurt. I have cried over many articles written about me, but I move on and I don't hold on to that . -- Diana Ross
  • This issue, if not addressed, leaves any President, including George Bush, open to the criticism that they are essentially ignoring the destruction of the nation and I believe that with all my heart. -- Tom Tancredo
  • It's dangerous to buy into praise and criticism for what you do when you're trying to present your music to people. I don't ignore it completely, but I don't dwell on it too much. -- Conor Oberst
  • When you're free of editorial control, you owe it to yourself to obtain feedback from friends and readers. Some take those criticisms to heart and incorporate it into their work, and some ignore them. -- Scott McCloud
  • Basically, whenever someone says they're wrong, conservatives too often fall back on claims that those who disagree with them are biased and thus worthy of being ignored, a convenient position that allows them to avoid debating uncomfortable criticisms. -- Kurt Eichenwald