Human figure quotes:

  • In the Orthodox religion, you don't draw the human figure. It's against the rules. -- Paul Rand
  • You ask why I'm fascinated by the human figure? As a human animal, I am interested in some of my fellow animals: in their minds and bodies. -- Lucian Freud
  • One of the things that I tell beginning writers is this: If you describe a landscape, or a cityscape, or a seascape, always be sure to put a human figure somewhere in the scene. Why? Because readers are human beings, mostly interested in human beings. People are humanists. Most of them are humanists, that is. -- Kurt Vonnegut
  • What interests me most is neither still life nor landscape: it is the human figure. -- Henri Matisse
  • The head has the most beautiful appearance, as well as the highest station, in a human figure. -- Joseph Addison
  • Surely the vogue of those twisted and contorted human figures must be as short as it is artificial. -- Harriet Monroe
  • To paint a human figure you must not paint it; you must render the whole of its surrounding atmosphere. -- Umberto Boccioni
  • It is through the human figure that I best succeed in expressing the nearly religious feeling that I have towards life. -- Henri Matisse
  • When sculpting the human figure in stone it is necessary to draw the whole form out of the content of the head. -- Rudolf Steiner
  • Only the human figure exists; landscape is, and should be, no more than an accessory; the painter exclusively of landscape is nothing but a bore. -- Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
  • A boat is the hardest think I know of to put into perspective. It is so much like a human figure, there is something alive about it. -- Barry S. Strauss
  • There are three kinds of forms in the human figure: Ovoid forms - egg, ball and barrel masses; Column forms - cylinder, cone; Spatulate forms - box, slab and wedge blocks. -- Burne Hogarth
  • Computer enhancement has spread to still photography in advertisements, fashion pictorials, and magazine covers, where the human figure and face are subtly elongated or remodeled at will. Caricature is our ruling mode. -- Camille Paglia
  • Recently I have taken to isolating limbs, the torso. Why am I blamed for it? Why is the head allowed and not portions of the body? Every part of the human figure is expressive. -- Auguste Rodin
  • The construction of the human figure, its tremendous variety of balance, of size, of rhythm, all those things make the human form much more difficult to get right in a drawing than anything else. -- Henry Moore
  • Students work in schools making life studies for years, win prizes for life studies and find in the end that they know practically nothing of the human figure. They have acquired the ability to copy. -- Robert Henri
  • Listen, my friend, all forms that exist in God's universe can be found in the human figure. A man's body and face can tell everything he represents. So how could I ever exhaust my interest in it? -- Irving Stone
  • One year before the Rapture "...that proves how marvellous God's love is, even for the most miserable human beings, being that demons can never take a human figure in a perfect form, and so the most stupid people are able to discover them." Nicholas Remy, Daemonolatreiae libri tres, 1595." -- Phillip W. Simpson
  • I believe in people. I feel, love, need and respect people above all else, including natural scenery, organized piety and nationalistic superstructures. One human figure on the slope of a mountain can make the mountain disappear for me, one person fighting for truth can disqualify for me the entire system which had dispensed it. -- Leonard Bernstein
  • I have been photographing our toilet, that glossy enameled receptacle of extraordinary beauty. Here was every sensuous curve of the human figure divine but minus the imperfections. Never did the Greeks reach a more significant consummation to their culture, and it somehow reminded me, in the glory of its chaste convulsions and in its swelling, sweeping, forward movement of finely progressing contours, of the Victory of Samothrace. -- Edward Weston
  • Sometimes I can't figure designers out. It's as if they flunked human anatomy. -- Erma Bombeck
  • I think the human mind is fascinating. I love figuring out why people are doing what they do. -- Danielle Fishel
  • A tree against the sky possesses the same interest, the same character, the same expression as the figure of a human. -- Georges Rouault
  • Technology challenges us to assert our human values, which means that first of all, we have to figure out what they are. -- Sherry Turkle
  • In many ways, acting is really like a science to me to figure out the human behavior of any character that I'm playing. -- Pauley Perrette
  • I found I am not an anarchistic form creator; I'm intuitive, and I'm trying to figure out a way to explore human fragility. -- Thomas Vinterberg
  • Good generalship is the realisation that you've got to figure out how to accomplish your mission with the minimum loss of human life. -- Norman Schwarzkopf
  • Good generalship is a realization that... you've got to try and figure out how to accomplish your mission with a minimum loss of human life. -- Norman Schwarzkopf
  • I think the greatest challenge in environmentalism and the most rewarding challenge is trying to figure out how humans can meet their needs while protecting the environment. -- Gale Norton
  • It's just human nature to try and figure things out. So, when we're in the midst of a situation, we usually try to reason our way through it. -- Joyce Meyer
  • The human race is fundamentally insane. If you put two of us into a room together, we're soon gonna start figuring out good reasons to kill one another. -- Frank Darabont
  • The communism of Karl Marx would probably be actually the best for everybody as a whole. But what he didn't figure into was human nature, and that's what corrupts it. -- Jesse Ventura
  • No one will die because of bad acting. No one will die because you missed a cue. We're all human beings. If mistakes are made, you figure out that you're going to live. -- Kate Baldwin
  • I just remember that pivotal moment when you're a young adult, and you realize that these authority figures are human beings, too, and they're figuring out their lives just as you are, and they're flawed. -- Gia Coppola
  • For all their expertise at figuring out how things work, technical people are often painfully aware how much of human behavior is a mystery. People do things for unfathomable reasons. They are opaque even to themselves. -- Gary Wolf
  • I don't eschew autobiographical writing, but I'm not interested in mine to be so straightforward. The things that tend to move me the most are often those that I have to figure out its meaning for myself. The human being's ability to make a metaphor to describe a human experience is just really cool. -- Aimee Bender
  • We get so swept up in sort of what the media tells us to care about and all these other influences that we really have to dig down deep and figure out what is it that we as human beings really care about and want for ourselves. When you figure that out, you see who you really are. -- Sara Rue
  • I always compare human beings to animals. It's a nice way to figure out who they are. -- Vincent Cassel
  • One serial killer sends me a human head in a box, and I get all spooked; Go figure. -- Laurell K. Hamilton
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  • I'm pretty mutable as a human being, period - if you put me on Pluto, I can figure it out. -- Erykah Badu
  • Trying to figure things out was my gig. Without the human condition, there's no struggle, no pain and that means no laughter. -- Lenny Bruce
  • Human beings would split the atom and invent television, nylon, and instant coffee before they could figure out the age of their own planet. -- Bill Bryson
  • Human entertainment will have moved on to something new. Then the ultimate challenge for us is, can we figure out what that new form of entertainment is? -- Reed Hastings
  • The shaman is the figure at the beginning of human history that unites the doctor, the scientist and the artist into a single notion of care-giving and creativity. -- Terence McKenna