Horrible relationships quotes:

  • I have a long track record of really horrible relationships and a divorce behind me; so I'm not the guy to ask. I just got really fortunate with this one. -- James Denton
  • There are very few women from my mother's generation who worked like that, who just kept a career going all her life and raised children and had horrible relationships and lost all her money and got it back again. -- Carrie Fisher
  • I have absolutely no empathy for camels. I didn't care for being abused in the Middle East by those horrible, horrible, horrible creatures. They don't like people. It's not at all like the relationship between horses and humans. -- Rachel Weisz
  • The seductiveness of war derives in part from its location on this boundary of the human, the inhuman, and the superhuman. It requires us to confront the relationship among the noble, the horrible, and the infinite; the animal, the spiritual, and the divine. -- Drew Gilpin Faust
  • I'm pretty horrible at relationships and haven't been in many long-term ones. Leaving and moving on - returning to a familiar sense of self-reliance and autonomy - is what I know; that feeling is as comfortable and comforting as it might be for a different kind of person to stay. -- Carrie Brownstein
  • What's interesting is that you can have a set that's very calm, very smooth, very cooperative... and end up with a terrible movie. And you can have a set that's really horrible as far as relationships and volatility, and come up with a great movie. Sometimes that energy gets infused into what ends up on film - it's interesting in that way. -- Tobin Bell
  • I can say I'm a relationship person, and I like relationships. I think I also like relationships because then you don't have to date because dating is horrible. -- Greta Gerwig