Having no chance quotes:

  • You have to make lots of birdies and give your opponent no chance. -- Michelle Wie
  • If you do not believe you can do it then you have no chance at all. -- Arsene Wenger
  • There's no more film; now everything's digital. I welcome this. It's fantastic for me to have a new chance. -- Bernardo Bertolucci
  • No one should be incarcerated for debt or squeezed for money they have no chance of getting their hands on. -- Barbara Ehrenreich
  • There's no wrong you can't make right again, so be kinder to yourself; you know, have fun, take chances. Those bounds. -- Jewel
  • If the Indy Racing League didn't have the Indianapolis 500, do you think it would have lasted more than six months? No chance. -- Mario Andretti
  • Thousands of Americans are forced to join unions as a condition of employment, with little to no chance of ever having their voices heard. -- Tim Scott
  • There was no child oncology in Uzbekistan and in Russia you don't have a chance because there are already so many on the waiting lists. -- Oksana Chusovitina
  • I have no intention of lingering through a season, just to have a chance to be an alternate on a relay. I don't want that. -- Carl Lewis
  • When it comes to the American dream, no one has a corner on the market. All of us have an equal chance to share in that dream. -- J. C. Watts
  • Looking back, of course, it was irresponsible, mad, forlorn, idiotic, but if you don't take chances then you'll never have a winning hand, and I've no regrets. -- Bernard Cornwell
  • If life is a video game, then most of us have no chance of winning, if by winning you mean succeeding in a quest or saving a princess. -- Douglas Lain
  • Workers in decent jobs view the economy as unjust if they or their children have virtually no chance of climbing to a higher rung in the socioeconomic ladder. -- Edmund Phelps
  • There is no better gift a society can give children than the opportunity to grow up safe and free - the chance to pursue whatever dreams they may have. -- John Roberts
  • We have the tendency to run away from suffering and to look for happiness. But, in fact, if you have not suffered, you have no chance to experience real happiness. -- Nhat Hanh
  • Atheists have to live with the knowledge that there is no salvation, no redemption, no second chances. Lives can go terribly wrong in ways that can never be put right. -- Julian Baggini
  • Love bravely, live bravely, be courageous, there's really nothing to lose. There's no wrong you can't make right again, so be kinder to yourself, you know, have fun, take chances. There's no bounds. -- Jewel
  • I have the freedom to take chances, to say no. I have the freedom to be who I really want to be, rather than have to conform to this or that just to stay alive. -- Robert Redford
  • Tennis is like, it gives you a lot of chances, but if you don't take those chances, it takes a lot of chances away from you. It's just the scoring pattern. We cannot dwell over a loss or a win for very long. We have no time to celebrate; we have no time to dwell; we have to move on. Wake up the next day and try and win the match. -- Sania Mirza
  • The Jews deserved to die. I have no regrets. If I had the chance I would do it again. -- Alois Brunner
  • I discovered, though, that once having given a pig an enema there is no turning back, no chance of resuming one of life's more stereotyped roles. -- E. B. White