Having bad mood quotes:

  • I hate to work out. I get in a bad mood when I have to do it! -- Sofia Vergara
  • When I wake up in a bad mood, I try not to stay in one. Learn to make the best of what you have. -- Faith Hill
  • I am president and do not have the right to give in to emotions. I have bad moods, very bad moods, but I never feel despair. -- Dmitry Medvedev
  • To understand me, you have to meet me and be around me. And then only if I'm in a good mood - don't meet me in a bad mood. -- Avril Lavigne
  • I enjoy going to work and having a good time. It's tough when you got to work with people who just are in a bad mood all the damn time. -- Queen Latifah
  • I'm embarrassed that people will know that I can't ride a bicycle. For years, I have been feigning bad ankles and saying I wasn't in the mood for a bike ride. -- Jill Soloway
  • I have a friend who, if she has a bad hair day, it affects her whole mood because it is part of her sexuality, her confidence. I don't have that problem any more. -- Cathy Freeman
  • Every time you feel depressed about something, try to identify a corresponding negative thought you had just prior to and during the depression. Because these thoughts have actually created your bad mood, by learning to restructure them, you can change your mood. -- David D. Burns
  • If someone decides they're not going to be happy, it's not your problem. You don't have to spend your time and energy trying to cheer up someone who has already decided to stay in a bad mood. Believe it or not, you can actually hurt people by playing into their self-pity. -- Joyce Meyer
  • There is no evidence that dogs have the kind of complex emotional lives and value systems that we do. It's one reason why we love them so much, in fact. They are neither "good" nor "bad." They don't hold grudges, act in petty ways, or seek revenge. They read our moods, but not our minds. -- Jon Katz
  • I'm not saying you have to be totally despondent or anything, but... in New York, it's cold sometimes; it rains sometimes; even if everything in your life is great, bad weather can set the mood. You can write songs in New York because it's not always perfect. To write a good song, things can't be perfect. -- Tom Odell
  • I am mean; I'm nasty at times. I don't feel like talking to people at times. When I am in a bad mood and have had a really awful day, don't come in my face because I am not tolerant and I am not a goddess; I can't handle it after a point. I am going to get up, and I am going to scream, and I am going to say bad things to you. -- Kajol
  • Music can change lives. Whether you are having a good or bad day, the power of music can change one's mood. -- Jess Bowen