Gun law quotes:

  • Gun bans disarm victims, putting them at the mercy of murderers or terrorists who think nothing of breaking the gun laws. -- Michael Badnarik
  • Our pre-9/11 gun laws allow our enemies in the War on Terror to arm themselves right here in our own country. -- Carolyn McCarthy
  • As a strong supporter of our 2nd Amendment rights, I believe tougher enforcement of our nation's existing gun laws must be done before any more laws are enacted and put on the books. -- Jeff Miller
  • Crime is actually less in places where people own guns. Washington, D.C., is a case in point. It has the strictest gun laws, but who has the highest crime rate in the country? Washington, D.C. -- Luke Scott
  • Your pot laws are great! But your gun laws are even better! -- Eddie Vedder
  • These gun laws are very much the creation of the Prime Minister. -- Amanda Vanstone
  • They're still out there talking about gun control measures, as if somehow terrorists care about what our gun laws are. -- Dalia Mogahed
  • What sort of a brain-dead idiot does it take to actually believe that gun laws will prevent criminals from obtaining and carrying guns? -- Neal Boortz
  • No American should live in fear of going to work or sending their kids to school. Let's end the fear. Let's enforce existing gun laws. -- Charles B. Rangel
  • If you've got a gun law that criminals will obey, why not just turn it into a murder law that criminals will obey-then we won't have to worry about the gun part. -- Andrew Ford
  • I just want everyone to know that 20,000 gun laws in the United States are unconstitutional. They infringe on your right to protect your life, the lives of your loved ones, and your property. -- Michael Badnarik
  • Don't condemn the gangbangers, they've got guns that are trafficked, that are not enforced, that are straw purchased and they come into places even that have strong gun laws. Why? Because we don't have sensible gun legislation. -- Sheila Jackson Lee
  • It confirms my idea that you also need more liberal gun laws. Guns lead to a polite society, as we like to say in the United States. And I think that all of western Canada would agree with me. -- Ann Coulter
  • We do have tough gun laws in Massachusetts. I support them. I won't chip away at them. I believe they help protect us and provide for our safety. I'm sure my positions won't make me the hero of the NRA. -- Mitt Romney
  • Strict gun laws are about as effective as strict drug laws...It pains me to say this, but the NRA seems to be right: The cities and states that have the toughest gun laws have the most murder and mayhem. -- Mike Royko
  • Let me share some facts with you about the law in most of our country. California is in many ways a little different from the rest of the world, and California has better gun laws than many states, although California's need to be improved. -- Michael D. Barnes
  • So, will his new gun laws - aimed primarily at law-abiding firearms owners - reduce the crime rate even further? Rock is hesitant to give a conclusive answer: "I think it will help. (But) I don't want to overstate it. I don't want to give any guarantees." -- Allan Rock
  • They have some pretty tough gun laws in Japan, as they do in any other civilized country in the world, and they're not killing each other off with firearms. You have very violent films in Europe, yet it's not causing the mayhem we see in our streets routinely here. -- Michael D. Barnes
  • As gun owners, my husband and I understand that the Second Amendment is most at risk when a criminal or deranged person commits a gun crime. These acts only embolden those who oppose gun ownership. Promoting responsible gun laws protects the Second Amendment and reduces lives lost from guns. -- Gabrielle Giffords
  • Indeed, that the Second Amendment poses no barrier to strong gun laws is perhaps the most well-settled proposition in American constitutional law. -- Erwin Griswold
  • Although the District of Columbiahas had a ban on handgun sale and possession since 1976, Washingtonresidents are held hostage by the lax gun laws of surroundingjurisdictions. -- Josh Sugarmann
  • . . when the target of crime is armed, there is more law present, more public policy present, and more public interest served than by all 20,000 gun laws in force. -- John Longenecker
  • Hillary Clinton has really strong plans, in terms of the economy, extending health care even further, making education more affordable, making smart gun law changes to prevent the kind of disasters we've been seeing on a daily basis. -- Natalie Portman
  • Do countries with strong gun control laws have lower murder rates? Only if you cherry-pick the data. -- Thomas Sowell
  • Millions and millions of people are proud gun owners, and they do it responsibly and by the law. -- Joe Manchin
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  • Federal law prohibits anyone convicted of a felony from owning a gun. Seems like kind of a good idea, no? -- Timothy Noah
  • The inability to pass reasonable gun safety laws after the Newtown massacre is something that weighs heavily on my mind. -- Eric Holder
  • The fight for sanity in our gun safety laws is not by any means over. In many ways it's just beginning. -- Michael D. Barnes
  • Safe storage and child access prevention laws are critical steps as we seek to reduce the occurrence of accidental shootings and suicides involving guns. -- Carl Levin
  • The assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert F. Kennedy led directly to the passage of a historic law, the Gun Control Act of 1968. -- Jeffrey Toobin
  • When you're encouraging - the government is encouraging guns to be sold illegally to people that shouldn't have them, the laws aren't being faithfully executed. -- Chuck Grassley
  • The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns, we decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they will win and the decent people will loose. -- James Earl Jones
  • I support gun control. But speaking honestly about the combustible mix of race and guns may be more important to stopping the slaughter in minority communities than any new gun-control laws. -- Juan Williams
  • This is the sheriff you're talking about, with a gun and badge that enforces the law. Nothing is going to stop me from cracking down on illegal immigration as long as the laws are there. -- Joe Arpaio
  • We've got some people who think Shariah law oughta be the law of the land, forget the Constitution. But the guns are there, the Second Amendment is there, to make sure all of the rest of the amendments are followed. -- Louie Gohmert
  • I'm one of those who believe the bumper sticker: If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. The first people who are going to be in line to turn in their guns are law-abiding citizens. Criminals are going to be left with guns. -- Gary Johnson
  • I want the state to take away people's guns. But I don't want the state to use methods against gun owners that I deplore when used against naughty children, sexual minorities, drug users, and unsightly drinkers. Since such reprehensible police practices are probably needed to make anti-gun laws effective, my proposal to ban all guns should probably be marked a failure before it is even tried. -- Aryeh Neier
  • I don't think I would use a gun, but who knows what a person would do in certain circumstances? My instincts are that I don't see the point of using violence to oppose violence, but many people would and the Brotherhood know that. For this reason they want an unarmed population. Adolph Hitler introduced gun laws shortly before he began to transport people to his concentration camps. -- David Icke
  • The law is an opinion with a gun. -- Stefan Molyneux
  • Redneck law: Must have a gun. Must shoot it regularly. -- Willie Robertson
  • I would favor a law that no one could ever buy a gun. -- Anita Alvarez
  • The answer to crime is not gun control, it is law enforcement and self-control. -- Alan Keyes
  • This bill says go after the criminal, don't go after the law-abiding gun manufacturer or the law-abiding gun seller. -- Larry Craig
  • If a law could keep dangerous weapons out of the hands of dangerous people, there would be virtually no gun crime at all. -- Harry Browne
  • When black men started bearing arms, these people who we think of as being pro-gun are saying, 'We ought to change this law. -- Stanley Nelson Jr.
  • I think ultimately that the rules that you make for gun control, people who are intent on killing themselves aren't too concerned with the rules. Law-abiding citizens are. -- Rand Paul
  • There is no law in the world - there is no law unwritten, there's no law on the books - that's gonna stop a criminal from getting a gun. -- Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood
  • There is no law in the world - there is no law unwritten, there's no law on the books - that's gonna stop a criminal from getting a gun. -- Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood
  • If I go home, get a gun, come back and shoot you, that may not be legal under New York law because you would have alternative ways to defend. -- Sonia Sotomayor