Gun background checks quotes:

  • Most Americans believe that with freedom comes responsibility - and that one measure of responsible gun ownership is a background check. There must be an app for that. -- Christine Pelosi
  • Every gun sold should require a background check, period. -- Gary Ackerman
  • Two million felons have tried to buy a gun and, because of the background check, have been denied. -- Joe Biden
  • If I were governor, and a bill came to my desk that provided for background checks at gun shows, I would sign that. -- Wendy Davis
  • Expanding background checks will help create a uniform standard for all gun purchases and prevent criminals and the dangerously mentally ill from obtaining powerful weapons. -- Gabrielle Giffords
  • Should we have background checks, waiting periods? To drive a car you have to pass a test that shows you know how to drive your car safely, you should have to do the same thing with guns. -- Michael D. Barnes
  • When President Obama first unveiled his gun control proposals recommending a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines and better background checks, there seemed to be momentum behind the effort. But then the proposals ran into a wall. -- Robert Dallek
  • Making improvements to our background check system and cracking down on illegal gun trafficking are common-sense ways to prevent violence without punishing law abiding gun owners. We owe it to the American people to take real action to reduce gun violence in our communities. -- Martin Heinrich
  • I haven't pursued it as a senator because I know it's like spitting in the wind. But I still believe it's the right thing. And if I were governor and a bill came to my desk that provided for background checks at gun shows, I would sign that. -- Wendy Davis
  • There should be a background check every time a firearm is transferred. You shouldn't be able to go to a gun show and buy guns without a background check. There are Internet gun sales, classified ads in the newspapers - and you can buy guns without background checks. -- Michael D. Barnes
  • Non-crazy gun advocates - the ones who aren't stockpiling in preparation for a zombie invasion - don't like the idea of expanding background checks because they think it'll be a lot more paperwork. And it probably would make it more difficult to sell guns at, say, a flea market. -- Gail Collins
  • You can't really escape the fact that more reasonable gun regulations and procedures need to be in place, a strengthening and tightening of the national background check system. I don't know why any civilian would ever be able to purchase an assault weapon or the parts that go with it. -- Michael Nutter
  • Gun owners and non-gun owners alike agree on expanding background checks, making gun trafficking a serious crime with stiff penalties, making it illegal for all stalkers and all domestic abusers to buy guns, and expanding mental health resources so the mentally ill find it easier to receive treatment than to buy firearms. -- Gabrielle Giffords
  • We think it's reasonable to provide mandatory, instant criminal background checks for every sale at every gun show. No loopholes anywhere for anyone. -- Wayne LaPierre
  • I respect the Second Amendment. But I believe there should be comprehensive background checks, and we should close the gun show loophole, and close the online loophole. -- Hillary Clinton