Grown children quotes:

  • I have four grown children and two tiny grandchildren. -- Brock Yates
  • Anyone who's a parent dreads that call in the middle of the night. I have four grown children and I still dread it. -- Tony Dungy
  • One of the most common reasons people renovate their homes is a change in their lifestyle - an upcoming wedding, a new baby, or grown children moving away. -- Candice Olson
  • I understand the sensitivities of grown children with little ones of their own!! They'll turn away a mother full of advice, but they'll never say no to one holding a mop. -- Cathy Guisewite
  • I have two children. They're grown children. I don't think they particularly enjoy it when I'm in a dangerous situation, but they also understand that this is something I feel strongly about. It's what I've done my whole life. -- Martha Raddatz
  • With grown children, we can look back at both our mistakes and what we did well in our parenting, having conversations with a greater degree of honesty than was possible before. In getting older themselves, our adult children may begin to comprehend the burdens and strengths we carried from our own parents. -- Wendy Lustbader
  • Parents offer an open womb. More than anyone else in your life, mothers, and sometimes fathers, can kiss it, and make it well whentheir grown children need to regress and repair. More than anyone else in your life, mothers, and sometimes fathers, can catch you when you start to fall. When you are in disgrace, defeat, and despair, home may be the safest place to hide. -- Frank Pittman
  • My first real awareness of Chechnya came when I was a college student studying in Russia. I arrived in St. Petersburg about two months after Anna Politkovskaya was assassinated for her reports on Chechnya. I lived with an elderly woman and her grown children in an apartment that was not too far from the neighborhood military cadet school. -- Anthony Marra
  • A grown child is a dangerous thing. -- Alice Walker
  • My children are grown now, they are more independent. -- Vanessa Paradis
  • Unlike grown ups, children have little need to deceive themselves. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Grown-ups are afraid for children. It's not children who are afraid. -- Maurice Sendak
  • Children are educated by what the grown-up is and not by his talk. -- Carl Jung
  • Actors often behave like children, and so we're taken for children. I want to be grown up. -- Jeremy Irons
  • Children are perfectly happy to sit next to spiders; it is only grown-ups who are frightened away. -- Craig Brown
  • It is remarkable how easily children and grown-ups adapt to living in a dictatorship organised by lunatics. -- A. N. Wilson
  • Little children love bright, shiny things - and in my experience, most grown-up women aren't very different! -- Sheherazade Goldsmith
  • The plays and sports of children are as salutary to them as labor and work are to grown persons. -- Samuel Richardson
  • Immigrant children are highly vulnerable. Their level of disadvantage and fragility has consistently grown due to factors outside their control. -- Irwin Redlener
  • They say that children become men, and men become children. Many generations have grown up, become men, and gone hence. -- Sholom Aleichem
  • Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them. -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • My work in books, films and talks lies almost wholly with children, and I have very little time to give to grown-ups. -- Enid Blyton
  • The thing I would most like to see invented is a way of teaching children and grown-ups the difference between right and wrong. -- Robert Maxwell
  • We learn differently as children than as adults. For grown-ups, learning a new skill is painful, attention-demanding, and slow. Children learn unconsciously and effortlessly. -- Alison Gopnik
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  • We're all like children. We may think we grow up, but to me, being grown up is death, stopping thinking, trying to find out things, going on learning. -- Mary Wesley
  • At this stage I am not involved with young adults as closely as many other writers. My children are grown up and my grandchildren are still quite young. -- Margaret Mahy
  • Every childhood has its talismans, the sacred objects that look innocuous enough to the outside world, but that trigger an onslaught of vivid memories when the grown child confronts them. -- Steven Johnson
  • One didn't issue instructions to comets. Grown children did what they had to do, and parents could only grit their teeth and watch and pray for them to get through it. -- Lisa Alther
  • People like to make children into little grown-ups. -- Mara Wilson
  • Aren't grown up people just little children at heart? -- Adolphe Menjou
  • Some children have the most disagreeable way of getting grown-up -- Lewis Carroll
  • Children sometimes understand things that most grown-ups do not see. -- Jonathan Kozol
  • Children have a master to teach them, grown-ups have the poets. -- Aristophanes
  • All grown-ups were once children... but only few of them remember it. -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • My children have grown up around animals. They're not scared of them. -- Candace Cameron
  • I'm not raising the children-I'm raising the grown-ups that they're going to be. -- Louis C. K.
  • Children have one kind of silliness, as you know, and grown-ups have another kind. -- C. S. Lewis
  • Racism is a grown-up disease and we must stop using our children to spread it. -- Ruby Bridges
  • The mischief of children is seldom actuated by malice; that of grown-up people always is. -- Antoine Rivarol
  • All children... feel a demonic sympathy with those things that cause disorder in the grown-up world. -- Thomas M. Disch
  • Children are like grown people; the experience of others is never of any use to them. -- Alphonse Daudet
  • Children always turn towards the light. Oh that grown-up people in this world became like little children! -- Julius Charles Hare
  • If children are different from us, they are more spontaneous. Grown-up lives have become overlaid with dross. -- Maurice Sendak
  • It is only grown-ups who want children to be children; children themselves always want to be real people ... -- Jill Paton Walsh
  • Grown-ups have developed an unpleasant habit of comforting themselves for their degradation by pretending that children are childish. -- T.H. White
  • Children know so little, they must learn quickly to imitate grown-ups whenever they feel unsure in a situation. -- Francesca Marciano
  • In the window, I fantasize... about providing grown-ups and children alike with the greatest gift of all: insight... -- David Rakoff
  • All that children need is love, a grown-up to take responsibility for them, and a soft place to land. -- Deborah Harkness
  • You know, it's just politics, it's a game grown-ups like to play, like we lil' children play with toys. -- Sharon Maas
  • That's the way they are. You must not hold it against them. Children should be very understanding of grown-ups. -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • Children's games are stronger than you remember once you've grown up and left them behind. They're always fair, and never kind. -- Mira Grant
  • Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them. -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • Also, perhaps children are sterner than grown-up people in their refusal to suffer, in their refusal, even, to feel at all. -- Elizabeth Bowen
  • I know now it is children who accept life; grown people cover it up and pretend it is different with drinks. -- Rumer Godden
  • Only grown-ups think that the things children say come out of nowhere. We know they come from the deepest parts of ourselves. -- bell hooks
  • The truth is that it is our attitude towards children that is right, and our attitude towards grown-up people that is wrong. -- Gilbert K. Chesterton
  • And a great misunderstanding is that children think their parents are grown-up, and parents feel obliged to act as if they were. -- Anna Quindlen
  • Babies and young children are like the research and development division of the human species, and we grown-ups are production and marketing. -- Alison Gopnik
  • Children know from a remarkably early age that things are being kept from them, that grown-ups participate in a world of mysteries. -- Anthony Hecht
  • Babies and young children are like the research and development division of the human species, and we grown-ups are production and marketing, -- Alison Gopnik
  • All people on the planet are children, except for a very few. No one is grown up except those free of desire. -- Rumi
  • The small hopes and plans and pleasures of children should be tenderly respected by grown-up people, and never rudely thwarted or ridiculed. -- Louisa May Alcott
  • Khaddar is an activity that can absorb all the time of all available men and women and grown-up children, if they have faith. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • Even in this world of course it is the stupidest children who are most childish and the stupidest grown-ups who are most grown-up. -- C. S. Lewis
  • Children are given Mozart because of the small quantity of the notes; grown-ups avoid Mozart because of the great quality of the notes. -- Artur Schnabel
  • Children were strangers you loved because you could love. If they gave back love when they were grown you were ahead of the game. -- Bernard Malamud
  • I feel like I own all the kids in the world because, since I've never grown up myself, all my books are automatically for children. -- Ray Bradbury
  • Once your children are grown up and have children of their own, the problems are theirs and the less the older generation interferes the better. -- Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Though we marry as adults, we don't marry adults. We marry children who have grown up and still rejoice in being children, especially if we're creative. -- Diane Ackerman
  • Maura had decided sometime before Blue's birth that it was barbaric to order children about, and so Blue had grown up surrounded by imperative question marks. -- Maggie Stiefvater
  • At home, I have a wife, fortunately, and my children are all grown, and I have many grandchildren. I spend weekends with my grandchildren; I adore them. -- I. M. Pei
  • Why do grown-ups think it's easier for children to bear secrets than the truth? Don't they know about the horror stories we imagine to explain the secrets? -- Cornelia Funke
  • Well, in order to become a grown man, in order to become significant in my family and significant in my children's life, I had to learn my lessons. -- Bobby Brown
  • The greatest lessons in life, if we would but stoop and humble ourselves, we would learn not from the grown-up learned men, but from the so-called ignorant children. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • David Sedaris wrote in one of his books that people like to make children into little grown-ups, which to him is about as funny as a dog in sunglasses. -- Mara Wilson
  • There is little that gives children greater pleasure than when a grown-up lets himself down to their level, renounces his oppressive superiority and plays with them as an equal. -- Sigmund Freud
  • Unlike these powerful grown-ups, children have no ideologies to reinforce, no superstructure of political opinion to promote, no civic equanimity or image to defend, no personal reputation to secure. -- Jonathan Kozol