Grow rich quotes:

  • Think and grow rich. -- Napoleon Hill
  • Those who spend too fast never grow rich. -- Honore de Balzac
  • SOPA has been described as hitting a carpet tack with a sledgehammer. But technology was a sledgehammer to the music industry, one that allowed digital distributors like Apple to grow rich. -- Peter Lerangis
  • It's impossible for a dishonest person to grow rich in business. -- James Cook
  • Landlords grow rich in their sleep without working, risking or economising -- John Stuart Mill
  • There is as much trickery required to grow rich by a stupid book as there is folly in buying it. -- Jean de la Bruyere
  • A man may grow rich in Turkey even, if he will be in all respects a good subject of the Turkish government. -- Henry David Thoreau
  • Man was born to be rich, or to inevitably grow rich, by the use of his faculties: by the union of thought with nature. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • If you decide to become a veterinary surgeon you will never grow rich, but you will have a life of endless interest and variety. -- James Herriot
  • When a broken tank is filled with water, It certainly will leak on every side. Weak men who grow rich Seldom leave an inheritance. -- Sakya Pandita
  • If I should ever by chance grow richI'll buy Codham, Cockridden, and Childerditch,Roses, Pyrgo, and Lapwater,And let them all to my eldest daughter. -- Edward Thomas
  • Here every man may be master and owner of his owne labour and land...If he have nothing but his hands, he industrie quickly grow rich. -- John Smith
  • When you begin to think and grow rich, you will observe that riches begin with a state of mind, with definiteness of purpose, with little or no hard work. -- Napoleon Hill
  • Man was born to be rich, or grow rich by use of his faculties, by the union of thought with nature. Property is an intellectual production. The game requires coolness, right reasoning, promptness, and patience in the players. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • A banker warned the British poet Robert Graves that one could not grow rich writing poetry. He replied that if there was no money in poetry, there was certainly no poetry in money, and so it was all even. -- Robert Graves
  • I may grow rich by an art I am compelled to follow; I may recover health by medicines I am compelled to take against my own judgment; but I cannot be saved by a worship I disbelieve and abhor. -- Thomas Jefferson
  • Landlords grow rich in their sleep without working, risking or economizing. The increase in the value of land, arising as it does from the efforts of an entire community, should belong to the community and not to the individual who might hold title. -- John Stuart Mill
  • We should always look upon ourselves as God's servants, placed in God's world, to do his work; and accordingly labour faithfully for him; not with a design to grow rich and great, but to glorify God, and do all the good we possibly can. -- David Brainerd
  • We should always look upon ourselves as God's servants, placed in God's world, to do his work; and accordingly labour faithfully for him; not with a design to grow rich and great, but to glorify God, and do all the good we possibly can." -- David Brainerd
  • They say you never grow poor taking profits. No, you don't. But neither do you grow rich taking a four-point profit in a bull market. Where I should have made twenty thousand dollars I made two thousand. That was what conservatism did for me. -- Jesse Lauriston Livermore
  • People who grow rich almost always improve their sex life. More people want to have sex with them. That's just the way human beings work. Money is power. Power is an aphrodisiac. Money did not make me happy. But it definitely improved my sex life. -- Felix Dennis
  • Thought and knowledge are natures in which apparatus and pretension avail nothing. Gowns, and pecuniary foundations, though of towns of gold, can never countervail the least sentence or syllable of wit. Forget this, and out American colleges will recede in their public importance whilst they grow richer every year. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • It is possible that the scrupulously honest man may not grow rich so fast as the unscrupulous and dishonest one; but the success will be of a truer kind, earned without fraud or injustice. And even though a man should for a time be unsuccessful, still he must be honest: better lose all and save character. For character is itself a fortune. . . . -- Samuel Smiles
  • We definitely weren't poor growing up, but we weren't rich. -- Matt Kemp
  • As you grow older, your whole life becomes very rich, multifaceted. -- Francesca Annis
  • One can remain eternally young if, each day, one grows rich by marvelous moments. -- Romy Schneider
  • A miser grows rich by seeming poor; an extravagant man grows poor by seeming rich. -- William Shenstone
  • We soon found that the white men were growing rich very fast, and were greedy. -- Chief Joseph
  • If a rich person invests in a business, either directly or through stock purchases, it means business can grow and hire more people. -- Terry Savage
  • Humanity is the rich effluvium, it is the waste and the manure and the soil, and from it grows the tree of the arts. -- Ezra Pound
  • Aging is an inevitable process. I surely wouldn't want to grow younger. The older you become, the more you know; your bank account of knowledge is much richer. -- William Holden
  • When the topic is growing income inequality, it's hard to prettify an imbalance between the rich and everybody else, so instead, conservatives try to argue that it doesn't exist. -- Timothy Noah
  • A tree is such a rich metaphor in a million beautiful ways. You can consider a tree growing and consider its connectedness to all things above and under the ground. -- Ann Brashares
  • If you are a Rothschild, a Rosenwald, a Gimbel, or even a Waldbaum, growing up Jewish can be a rich experience. For the rest of us, it could be just so-so. -- Gene Saks
  • This society cannot go forward, the way we have been going forward, where the gap between the rich and the poor keeps growing. It's not politically viable; it's not morally right; it's just not going to happen. -- Michael Bloomberg
  • When I was growing up, I don't remember being told that America was created so that everyone could get rich. I remember being told it was about opportunity and the pursuit of happiness. Not happiness itself, but the pursuit. -- Martin Scorsese
  • Science is not about control. It is about cultivating a perpetual condition of wonder in the face of something that forever grows one step richer and subtler than our latest theory about it. It is about reverence, not mastery. -- Richard Powers
  • I find it hard to be labelled in this new 'super-rich' category because we all grew up with very little. The idea that 'to get rich is glorious' is really a new phenomenon. I certainly didn't grow up like that. -- Zhang Xin
  • Growing richer every day, for as rich and poor are relative terms, when the rich are growing poor, it is pretty much the same as if the poor were growing rich. Nobody is poor when the distinction between rich and poor is destroyed. -- James L. Petigru
  • What I quickly discovered is that our so-called new South Africa has as much material for a story-teller as the old one. The landscape hasn't really changed. Who is in power now is different to who was in power then, but the squatter camps grow like cancer, the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. -- Athol Fugard
  • Rich people constantly learn and grow. Poor people think they already know. -- T. Harv Eker
  • And thou my minde aspire to higher things; Grow rich in that which never taketh rust. -- Philip Sidney
  • I wonder why rich people always grow fat I suppose it's because there's nothing to worry them. -- Edith Wharton
  • Where else but in America can a poor black man like Michael Jackson grow up to be a rich white woman? -- Red Buttons
  • The poor are the human manure in which grow the harvests of life, the harvests of joy which the rich reap. -- Octave Mirbeau
  • I feel like it's okay for us to grow up because a lot of us want to get rich and die young. -- Master P
  • Grow deep roots to harvest rich fruit! When your roots run deep, you cannot help but bear the fruit of the Spirit. -- Michael Beckwith
  • Rich people use debt to leverage investments and grow cash flows. Poor people use debt to buy things that make rich people richer. -- Grant Cardone
  • I'm from a middle class family. I didn't grow-up rich, but I didn't grow-up poor. Each guy has to stick to his own story. -- SonReal
  • The more deeply we grow into the psalms and the more often we pray them as our own, the more simple and rich will our prayer become. -- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  • and rich like good soil... makes me want to listen and hear it grow. the songs are honest and dimensional. it's music to my ears. -- Amy Ray
  • What lawsuits grow out of the graves of rich men, every day; sowing perjury, hatred, and lies among near kindred, where there should be nothing but love! -- Charles Dickens
  • Each class preaches the importance of those virtues it need not exercise. The rich harp on the value of thrift, the idle grow eloquent over the dignity of labor. -- Oscar Wilde
  • For those that love the world serve it in action, Grow rich, popular, and full of influence; And should they paint or write still is it action, The struggle of the fly in marmalade. -- William Butler Yeats