Great empires quotes:

  • It is always the adventurers who do great things, not the sovereigns of great empires. -- Baron de Montesquieu
  • Great persons, like great empires, leave their mark on history. -- Janet Wallach
  • It is always the adventurers who do great things, not the sovereigns of great empires. -- Baron de Montesquieu
  • Europe is a molehill. All great empires and revolutions have been on the Orient; six hundred millions live there. -- Napoleon Bonaparte
  • The thing that's really important to understand is, the last thing an empire traditionally does is drive itself into bankruptcy. You've seen that with the great empires. -- Juan Enriquez
  • It's always been the case that you have the really rich, and the really poor. But hey, look, all the great empires have their periods where they rule the world, and then they crumble. -- Mickey Rourke
  • Great Britain has lost an empire and has not yet found a role. -- Dean Acheson
  • A great empire, like a great cake, is most easily diminished at the edges. -- Benjamin Franklin
  • I think it's a great shame that America stopped being a republic and became an empire. -- Marianne Faithfull
  • London, that great cesspool into which all the loungers and idlers of the Empire are irresistibly drained. -- Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Magnanimity in politics is not seldom the truest wisdom; and a great empire and little minds go ill together. -- Edmund Burke
  • A common soldier will make an empire, but he will eventually meet his fate and be condemned to the Great Rock. -- Nostradamus
  • Skepticism has never founded empires, established principals, or changed the world's heart. The great doers in history have always been people of faith. -- Edwin Hubbel Chapin
  • The great empire will be torn from limb, the all-powerful one for more than four-hundred years: Great power given to the dark one from slaves come. -- Nostradamus
  • Women often come up not knowing how to make decisions. We get wishy-washy. We become great wage earners - breadwinners - but we don't know how to control empires. -- Jackee Harry
  • Iran, in its former incarnation as Persia, created the world's first empire, produced titanic figures like Cyrus, Darius, and Xerxes, and is one of the great fonts of world culture. -- Stephen Kinzer
  • The increase of territory and power of empires by force of arms has been the policy of all great powers, and it has always been possible to get the approval of their state religion. -- John Boyd Orr
  • If Wanda can control more than 20 per cent of the world's three most important film markets - the United States, Europe and China - then it will have an empire with great voice in the industry. -- Wang Jianlin
  • Jordan has a strange, haunting beauty and a sense of timelessness. Dotted with the ruins of empires once great, it is the last resort of yesterday in the world of tomorrow. I love every inch of it. -- King Hussein I
  • The west has a great deal to answer for in the Middle East, from Britain's belated empire-building after the First World War to the US and British policy that condemns modern Iraq to the material and social squalor of a half-century ago. -- James Buchan
  • There are times when the art world seems like a religious empire. There are great cathedral galleries and pilgrimage sites where treasured art pieces are displayed like holy relics, and this can certainly be a great pleasure on a rainy Sunday afternoon. -- Michael Leunig
  • That is the great mistake about the affections. It is not the rise and fall of empires, the birth and death of kings, or the marching of armies that move them most. When they answer from their depths, it is to the domestic joys and tragedies of life. -- Amelia Barr
  • I'm a film buff and I was keen to find out about the response to Daniel Craig's 007. 'Empire' and 'Hot Dog' had great reviews, and finally he's been accepted as the new Bond. So many millions go into that franchise that if you make a mistake, it's awful. -- Burn Gorman
  • In the Great Mongol Empire, Mongols governed by a written law called the 'Ih Zasag,' which is translated as 'the Great Order.' It was an era when the Mongols strove to establish a new world order, thus, justice, peace and cooperation in their relations with other states and peoples. -- Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj
  • The London I entered was a great bustling metropolitan city at war, an imperial power fighting to hold on to that empire. And the teeming colonial subjects of that empire did not, on the whole, want England to lose that war, but they also did not want the empire to emerge unchanged from it. This, for very many of us, was the hard dilemma. -- Peter Abrahams
  • Great empires are not maintained by timidity. -- Tacitus
  • For harmony makes small states great, while discord undermines the mightiest empires. -- Sallust
  • Empires fall, ids explode, great symphonies are written, and behind all of it is a single instinct that demands satisfaction. -- Sherwin B. Nuland