Government role quotes:

  • I will continue to advocate for a strong federal government role to establish the production, storage and distribution networks needed to support a hydrogen economy. -- Albert Wynn
  • Micro managing anything is not a great role for government. -- William Weld
  • And government's only role is to secure our rights for us. -- Roy Moore
  • Co-operation between governments still plays an important role and will remain indispensable. -- Lionel Jospin
  • Government has a role as well in what is referred to as redistributive justice. -- William Weld
  • Governments must now take a leading role in moving their nations in the right direction. -- Henry W. Kendall
  • I think the government has a role in protecting the fundamental rights of its citizens. -- Al Franken
  • NGOs have a significant role to play, alongside governments, in improving the status of women. -- Jenny Shipley
  • Managing people's sex lives is something that I don't think is a good role for government. -- William Weld
  • It is absolutely clear that government plays a key role, as a catalyst, in promoting long-run growth. -- Fareed Zakaria
  • I think government has a major role to play in helping us with the pursuit of happiness. -- William Weld
  • The role of the federal government should be neutral toward culture just as it is toward religion. -- Preston Manning
  • The Supreme Court and courts in general have been usurping the role of the legislative branch of government. -- Todd Akin
  • I happen to be one who believes very strongly that state and local governments have their proper roles. -- Don Nickles
  • The role of government is to steer us in the right direction, not do all the work for us. -- Joe Lhota
  • The role of the church and the government are fundamentally different. The church must always show compassion - always. -- Rick Warren
  • While many of Mr. Obama's ideas warrant skepticism, conservative opposition to any expanded role for government is a mistake. -- Paul Singer
  • Despite the enormous role that local government plays in our daily lives, the constitution makes not one mention of it. -- Anthony Albanese
  • National sovereignty is an obligation as well as an entitlement. A government that will not perform the role of a government forfeits the rights of a government. -- Richard Perle
  • I believe that smaller government is better government. But I also believe that in the areas where government does play a legitimate role, we should demand that it is done better. -- Scott Walker
  • I've always believed as a value that the government has a vital - not overwhelming, but vital - role to play in furthering human welfare and good. I think we have an important supportive role to play, hopefully intelligent and sensible. -- Dick Gephardt
  • One role of government is to go where venture capital won't. -- Joe Biden
  • Social entrepreneurship represents the opportunity to redefine the role of government. -- Robert Hacker
  • [Democrats] are trying on every front to increase the role of government. -- Barney Frank
  • The role of the federal government, if any, is to create more school choice. -- Jeb Bush
  • The primary role of professional societies is the lobbying of the government for special advantage -- Richard Lindzen
  • Before then, Britain was pessimistic and the role of government was largely managing Britain in decline. -- George Jones
  • The role of government is to create responsible greed to keep boundaries around what people do. -- Rebecca M. Blank
  • My quarrel is not with the legitimate role of government but with the unlimited role of government. -- Rick Perry
  • Individual believers are not to usurp the role of civil government and judge people who are offensive. -- Max Anders
  • Government should be weak, amateurish and ridiculous. At present, it fulfills only a third of the role. -- Edward Abbey
  • I want to make clear that we respect the role of government in our legal andeconomic system. -- Bill Gates
  • Bitcoin might revolutionise more than money or economics. It could transform the role and nature of government -- Leon Louw
  • I think that the Internet is going to be one of the major forces for reducing the role of government. -- Milton Friedman
  • We believe that the government has an important role to create the conditions that promote entrepreneurship, upward mobility, and individual responsibility. -- Paul Ryan
  • It is not the role of government to use the taxation and welfare system as a tool to level the playing field. -- Joe Hockey
  • Is the Church fulfilling a purely religious role when by its silence or friendly relationships it lends legitimacy to dictatorial and oppressive government? -- Gustavo GutiĆ©rrez
  • The country was founded on the principle that primary role of government is to protect property from the majority, and so it remains. -- Noam Chomsky
  • Liberal Democrats are inexorably opposed to tax cuts, because tax cuts give people more power, and take away from the role of government. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • My role in the government was not to think about narratives and consistency with narratives, but think of the human consequences of rules. -- Cass Sunstein
  • Is the Church fulfilling a purely religious role when by its silence or friendly relationships it lends legitimacy to dictatorial and oppressive government? -- Gustavo GutiĆ©rrez
  • As President Bush has said on numerous occasions, it is the government's role to create the conditions, the friendly environment, that will attract capital. -- Donald Evans
  • We have our differences since the beginning of America. It's a legitimate difference. What is the role of government, et cetera, federal, state, local? -- Nancy Pelosi
  • The realities of the modern global economy require government to play a substantial role in ensuring the national and economic security of the people. -- Matthew Continetti
  • Research is one of the Nation's very greatest resources and the role of the Federal Government in supporting and stimulating it needs to reexamined. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • The conservative idea is not that government has no role. You might have argued that in the thirties when conservatives opposed the New Deal. -- Charles Krauthammer
  • A corporation's primary goal is to make money. Government's primary role is to take a big chunk of that money and give it to others. -- Larry Ellison
  • Bush always has viewed himself as an "activist," which flies in the face of some conservative notions, such as the federal government's role in education. -- Robert Draper
  • I'm not a complete libertarian. There is a proper role in some areas of the government to have rules and regulations - I'm not an anarchist. -- Jack Abramoff
  • All the government decisions remain and won't be altered until I get in the role and have had a chance to discuss them with my colleagues. -- Jay Weatherill
  • The Constitution limits the role of government. The Constitution enumerates the freedoms of the people and enforces those freedoms against government, making sure government cannot encroach. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • The National Security Council's real role is to coordinate the various activities of the government of the United States in the furtherance of American foreign policy. -- Oliver North
  • I happen to agree with many of the liberal emphasis on compassion, justice and equality. I just disagree that it's the government's role to provide everything. -- Rick Warren
  • Progress does not compel us to settle centuries-long debates about the role of government for all time, but it does require us to act in our time. -- Barack Obama
  • The labour of the farmers, no doubt is of greater value than the financial capacity of the government and non-government institutions which can only play a supportive role. -- Girma Woldegiorgis
  • When it comes to the big issues like immigration, everyone has a role. The government has a role. The church has a role. Every Christian has a role. -- Shane Claiborne
  • The importance of the Bible to a church is to keep the church on track. The role of the Constitution in government is to keep the government on track. -- Ted Haggard
  • I talked about the barriers created by monopolies. I said that it was the role of government to break up these monopolies and that we couldn't do it alone. -- Joichi Ito
  • There is a role for government, but no matter how much money the government spends, it will never be able to take the place of parents and strong families. -- Marco Rubio
  • I believe the role of government is to stand side by side with our citizens to help them realize their dreams, not tell citizens how to live their lives. -- George W. Bush
  • Government does not create wealth. The major role for the government is to create an environment where people take risks to expand the job rate in the United States. -- George W. Bush
  • To me, that's the role of government: not to give people a hand out, but a hand up... giving people the tools to pave their own way to success. -- James Langevin
  • These are the same people who believe, in some cases, the federal government should not play any role in providing health care to our people or protecting the environment. -- Bernie Sanders
  • See, if you look at the drug war from a purely economic point of view, the role of the government is to protect the drug cartel. That's literally true. -- Milton Friedman
  • Conventional wisdom on government's role in inequality often has it backwards. Tax reforms have resulted in a more progressive federal income tax; government transfer payments have become less progressive. -- Paul Ryan