Global thinking quotes:

  • [On Vice-President Henry A. Wallace:] Much of what Mr. Wallace calls his global thinking is, no matter how you slice it, still globaloney. -- Clare Boothe Luce
  • Moonshot thinking starts with picking a big problem: something huge, long existing, or on a global scale. -- Astro Teller
  • Traveling around the world during the World Cup in 2006, I was thinking, 'Wow, this is such an incredible and global event.' -- Jehane Noujaim
  • I'm always thinking as an outsider, and I'm always mindful of whether a company can be impactful on a global basis. Frankly, I'm paranoid about anyone anywhere who could be a competitive threat. -- Danny Rimer
  • We have a lot of customers in Japan, but they don't quite get the local content that they always need, so we want to encourage all of our product teams to start thinking globally. -- Jon Oringer
  • Don't underestimate the power of your vision to change the world. Whether that world is your office, your community, an industry or a global movement, you need to have a core belief that what you contribute can fundamentally change the paradigm or way of thinking about problems. -- Leroy Hood
  • I get the impression that most Chinese entrepreneurs are so focussed on doing what they need to do to succeed in the Chinese market - which is a big enough challenge even for the established players - that nobody is thinking much about the longer run or the bigger global picture. -- Rebecca MacKinnon
  • My observation is China is thinking more as a global player than regionally, in both politics and economics. -- Ban Ki-moon
  • The current model is global suicide. We need a revolution. Revolutionary thinking. Revolutionary action. Natural resources are becoming more and more scarce. -- Ban Ki-moon
  • Stop thinking about global warming as a future threat and understand it instead as a present emergency, one that requires a far stronger policy response than we'd imagined. -- Bill McKibben
  • A terrific, stimulating book...Ramalingam clearly and engagingly shows how the use of complex adaptive systems thinking can significantly strengthen and enhance the impacts and effectiveness of global foreign aid. -- Jerry Sabloff