Fear of evil quotes:

  • Good and evil do not exist for me any more. The fear of evil is merely a mass projection here and on Earth. -- Hans Bender
  • The two great movers of the human mind are the desire of good and the fear of evil. -- Amit Abraham
  • Fear is pain arising from the anticipation of evil. -- Aristotle
  • Even the crudest, most derivative novel is an expression of the author's hopes and fears and ideas about good and evil. -- Steven Saylor
  • It is the strange fate of man, that even in the greatest of evils the fear of the worst continues to haunt him. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • It is better by noble boldness to run the risk of being subject to half the evils we anticipate than to remain in cowardly listlessness for fear of what might happen. -- Herodotus
  • I don't buy into any of that hogwash. They put that out to sell tickets. It's just a classic horror movie, with the Greek drama formula of good versus evil, and lots of fear. -- Margot Kidder
  • In morals what begins in fear usually ends in wickedness; in religion what begins in fear usually ends in fanaticism. Fear, either as a principle or a motive, is the beginning of all evil. -- Anna Jameson
  • The generality of men are naturally apt to be swayed by fear rather than reverence, and to refrain from evil rather because of the punishment that it brings than because of its own foulness. -- Aristotle
  • When one has the feeling of dislike for evil, when one feels tranquil, one finds pleasure in listening to good teachings; when one has these feelings and appreciates them, one is free of fear. -- Buddha
  • Old age is the supreme evil, for it deprives man of all pleasures while allowing his appetites to remain, and it brings with it every possible sorrow. Yet men fear death and desire old age. -- Giacomo Leopardi
  • Outsourcing was the bogeyman of the '90s. Protectionists portrayed it as an evil that would take American jobs away. Yes, some jobs did go offshore as people feared, but it made the global economic pie grow bigger. -- Vivek Wadhwa
  • I have a controversial opinion about evil, because I don't believe evil exists. I believe that actions are dark and destructive but I don't believe evil is a thing. I believe it's a by-product of man's fear and desperation. -- Victor Salva
  • It is curious how, from time immemorial, man seems to have associated the idea of evil with beauty, shrunk from it with a sort of ghostly fear, while, at the same time drawn to it by force of its hypnotic attraction. -- Richard Le Gallienne
  • My friends, whoever has had experience of evils knows how whenever a flood of ills comes upon mortals, a man fears everything; but whenever a divine force cheers on our voyage, then we believe that the same fate will always blow fair. -- Aeschylus
  • This society in which we live is radically changing. What previous generations saw as evil is now embraced as being good. It is a dangerous and slippery slope upon which we stand when we reject what Solomon called the beginning of wisdom - the fear of God. -- Ray Comfort
  • Probably the one Bible passage that is read by Jews and Roman Catholics, Protestants, Islam, more than any other chapter is Psalm 23. And in Psalm 23 there is a verse that says, 'Surely, yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.' -- Robert H. Schuller
  • We keep on saying 'Jack' and 'he,' but that's one of the great things about the Ripper: its a mystery, which is part of the fascination and the fear. If you can see evil and face it, it often doesn't look so evil, but the Ripper never got caught. -- Jerome Flynn
  • I'm a writer of faith who worries about the intolerance of religion. I look at the past and fear we haven't learned from it. I believe that humanity is capable of evil as well as great acts of courage and goodness. I have hope. Deep down, I believe in the human spirit, although sometimes that belief is shaken. -- Julianna Baggott
  • The good news is that even though we walk through this valley of death, we don't have to fear, at least not for ourselves! Unfortunately, there is no way to skip over the valley altogether, we must face death and the evidence of evil all around us. But there will come a day... And what a day that will be! -- Ted Dekker
  • What is the benefit of fasting in our body while filling our souls with innumerable evils? He who does not play at dice, but spends his leisure otherwise, what nonsense does he not utter? What absurdities does he not listen to? Leisure without the fear of God is, for those who do not know how to use time, the teacher of wickedness. -- Saint Basil
  • Fear is prophetical of evil. -- Benjamin Whichcote
  • Fear is a greater evil than evil itself. -- Saint Francis de Sales
  • Nature soaks every evil with either fear or shame. -- Tertullian
  • I fear no man, no beast or evil, brother. -- Hulk Hogan
  • Fear comes not from God but from the evil one. -- Gordon B. Hinckley
  • Fear is implanted in us as a preservative from evil. -- Samuel Johnson
  • When men don't fear god, they give themselves to evil -- Ray Comfort
  • When men don't fear God, they give themselves to evil. -- Ray Comfort
  • Often the fear on one evil leads us into a worse. -- Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux
  • The worst thing about getting old is evil men cease to fear you -- Seneca the Younger
  • Fear, either as a principle or a motive, is the beginning of all evil. -- Anna Brownell Jameson
  • I will fear no evil for I am the baddest beast in the land. (Nick) -- Sherrilyn Kenyon
  • The world's oldest wisdom: each evil thought infuses the mind, sooner or later, with an unholy fear. -- Sri Chinmoy
  • So it is the fear, weakness, selfishness, and cowardice of onlookers that permit evil behavior to persist. -- Laura Schlessinger
  • Fear not of evil.. Everyday dem flesh it grow old Changes of the time take the toll. -- Damian Marley
  • Things which are accidentally the causes either of hope or fear are called good or evil omens. -- Baruch Spinoza
  • Know one knows whether death, which people fear to be the greatest evil, may not be the greatest good. -- Plato
  • We must substitute fear for faith, for fear is only inverted faith; it is faith in evil instead of good. -- Florence Scovel Shinn
  • The Holy Spirit can cast out the evil spirit of the fear of man. He can make the coward brave. -- Charles Spurgeon
  • So farewell hope, and with hope farewell fear,Farewell remorse: all good to me is lost;Evil,be thou my good. -- John Milton
  • Fear was the worst evil ever to plague a man, for with it came hesitation and with that, inaction, failure, death. -- Melissa McPhail
  • Sir, you must not neglect doing a thing immediately good from fear of remote evil; -from fear of its being abused. -- Samuel Johnson
  • It's not the gods But our own hearts We need to fear. The evil starts Against all odds Not there but here. -- Vikram Seth
  • Though I walk through the valley of death I will fear no evil, for I am the evilest motherfucker in the valley -- Alex Garland
  • There is nothing to fear from gods, There is nothing to feel in death, Good can be attained, Evil can be endured. -- Epicurus
  • It is one thing to fear God as threatening, with a holy reverence, and another to be afraid of the evil threatened. -- John Owen
  • War is an unmitigated evil. But it certainly does one good thing. It drives away fear and brings bravery to the surface. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • Every fresh act of sin lessens fear and remorse, hardens our hearts, blunts the edge of our conscience, and increases our evil inclination. -- J. C. Ryle
  • Some people are so evil when they enter a house; happiness escapes through the window and unhappiness and fear installed in its place -- Bangambiki Habyarimana
  • With his mind free from the inflow of thoughts and from restlessness, by abandoning both good and evil, an alert man knows no fear. -- Gautama Buddha
  • It is the fear of God which gives us the confidence to face men and their evil and to be confident of ultimate victory. -- Rousas John Rushdoony
  • Our enemies believed America was weak and materialistic, that we would splinter in fear and selfishness. They were as wrong as they are evil. -- George W. Bush
  • The underlying reason for this is the Europeans' fear that Islamists could gain power. Many still consider authoritarian Arab regimes to be the lesser evil. -- Alvaro de Vasconcelos
  • As the mind of each man is conscious of good or evil, so does he conceive within his breast hope or fear, according to his actions. -- Ovid
  • To despond is to lie ungrateful beforehand. Be not looking for evil. Often thou drainest the gall of fear while evil is passing by thy dwelling. -- Martin Farquhar Tupper
  • We fear storms and wild beasts, but we do not censor them. If we must guard ourselves from evil influences we thereby admit their seductive appeal. -- Philip Slater
  • Love of Allah gives us spiritual life; hope in His Reward is the greatest incentive to do good; and fear of His Wrath stops us from evil. -- Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi
  • Analysis takes back with one hand what it gives with the other. I recoil in fear and loathing from that deplorable evil: continuous functions with no derivatives. -- Charles Hermite
  • Injustice is not evil in itself, but only in the fear and apprehension that one will not escape those who have been set up to punish the offense. -- Epicurus
  • Obsessing on evil is boring. Rousing fear is a hackneyed shtick. Wallowing is despair is a bad habit. Indulging in cynicism is akin to committing a copycat crime. -- Rob Brezsny
  • Deliver us from evil - from moral duplicity and weakness, from laziness and spiritual complacency, from those lies we tell ourselves from our fear of facing the truth. -- Rich Mullins
  • Love passes by us, robed in meekness; but we flee from her in fear, or hide in the darkness; or else pursue her, to do evil in her name. -- Khalil Gibran
  • But evil has been around since the Garden of Eden, and God's plan for victory was designed before the world began. The Bible tells us to fear no evil. -- David Jeremiah
  • Love expects no reward. Love knows no fear. Love Divine gives - does not demand. Love thinks no evil; imputes no motive. To Love is to share and serve. -- Sivananda
  • In battling evil, excess is good; for he who is moderate in announcing the truth is presenting half-truth. He conceals the other half out of fear of people's wrath. -- Khalil Gibran