Favourite book quotes:

  • Until I was 16, I read nothing but science fiction. I loved William Gibson and I still do. But my favourite book when I was growing up, for a long time, was 'Snow Crash' by Neal Stephenson, which I must have read about a dozen times when I was a teenager. -- Ned Beauman
  • I don't have a favourite book, I have hundreds. -- John Green
  • Whats my favourite book? It changes all the time. -- Kevin Spacey
  • What's my favourite book? It changes all the time. -- Kevin Spacey
  • Bleak House by Charles Dickens is my favourite book. -- Trevor Phillips
  • You're not supposed to have a favourite book - it's like children. -- Michael Robotham
  • When I was growing up, 'Anna Karenina' was one of my favourite books. -- Paullina Simons
  • I'd love a signed first edition of 'City of Glass' by Paul Auster. My favourite book of all time. -- Steven Hall
  • I've always been interested in science - one of my favourite books is James Watson's 'Molecular Biology of the Gene.' -- Bill Gates
  • I certainly wasn't born with creative writing. Maybe there's a certain amount of learning and then it's up to the person. I think in the end it's your favourite books that are the best teachers. That's the way I've learned the most, by far. -- Markus Zusak
  • My favourite book - 'The Good Soldier' by Ford Madox Ford, which I have read about 20 times - is different from my favourite author, who is Iris Murdoch. I find her books exciting and unputdownable. Her characters are so carefully studied and in-depth; I love that. -- Ruth Rendell
  • She doesn't know I cry for the changing times. That just as I reread favourite books, some small part of me hoping for a different ending, I find myself hoping against hope that the war will never come. That this time, somehow, it will leave us be. -- Kate Morton
  • Successive generations of middle-class parents used to foist their own favourite books on their children. But some time in the late Eighties it began to wane - not because children had lost interest in adorable animals but because most of it was available on useful, pacifying video. -- Peter York
  • I read a lot of fantasy. I adored 'Anne of Green Gables'. But my favourite books as a child were probably Laura Ingalls Wilder's 'Little House' series, about a pioneer family in the mid-19th-century American west. I often thought of them as I was writing 'The Last Runaway'. -- Tracy Chevalier
  • My first favourite book was Are You My Mother? A picture book about a lost bird. After that my favourites changed almost yearly. I loved everything by Roald Dahl, but my favourite was probably Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. A librarian gave me a first edition of that book, which I treasure. -- Rick Yancey
  • No days, perhaps, of all our childhood are ever so fully lived as those that we had regarded as not being lived at all: days spent wholly with a favourite book. Everything that seemed to fill them full for others we pushed aside, because it stood between us and the pleasures of the Gods. -- Marcel Proust
  • My first favourite book was 'Are You My Mother?' A picture book about a lost bird. After that my favourites changed almost yearly. I loved everything by Roald Dahl, but my favourite was probably 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.' A librarian gave me a first edition of that book, which I treasure. -- Rick Yancey
  • My favourite book as a child was an old 'Newne's Children's Encyclopaedia' which my grandfather had bought just before World War II and donated to our family after seeing how interested we were in it. Each volume had special chapters called 'Things Boys can Do.' My brothers and I would pick out interesting projects. -- Barry Marshall
  • My favourite books are Charles Bukowski's 'Post Office' and 'Women.' -- Alex Pettyfer
  • I loved 'Middlemarch,' I think that's one of my favourite books of all time, actually. -- Eleanor Catton
  • Two of my favourite books are Henry Miller's 'Tropic of Cancer' and 'Tropic of Capricorn.' -- Lydia Lunch
  • One of my favourite books of all time: 'The Great Gatsby'. I just think it's so well written. -- Danielle de Niese
  • I love character and voice, and my favourite books have been the ones in which I've become completely absorbed. -- Helen Oyeyemi
  • You can't have a favourite meal, like you can't have a favourite movie or a favourite book or a favourite child. -- Michelle Pfeiffer
  • My favourite books series as a young child was the Frank L. Baum 'Wizard of Oz' series. They were beautifully written, oversized fat books with wonderful type and illustrations. -- Anita Shreve
  • I hate picking favourite books. I usually tend to stay away from all the 'top record' and 'favourite song' and 'favourite book', and I just think it doesn't do any good for anybody. -- Regina Spektor
  • I never had a favourite book! I liked all kinds of things - science fiction, so I read Heinlen and Ray Bradbury, and I also liked reading about kids like myself, so I read Judy Blume and Norma Klein and Paula Danzinger and a lot of other writers. I also read James Herriot! -- Rebecca Stead
  • With fantasy, one often has to think of a well-loved series before narrowing the selection to a favourite book. So it is with Zelazny. I've read his 'Princes in Amber' books so often, I know them almost verbatim, so much so that I am now trying to forget them so I can return to them with renewed pleasure. -- Neal Asher
  • Be not content with the best book; seek sidelights from the others; have no favourites. -- Lord Acton
  • There isn't a book that has changed me, but I have favourites such as 'Pride and Prejudice' which I often re-read. -- Carolina Herrera
  • My favourite part of writing a book is thinking up the ideas, and that can start a long time before I actually sit down at my desk. -- Anthony Horowitz
  • I've got lots of favourite authors, but I would say Nicci French because I look more forward to reading her next new book than any other author. -- Sophie Hannah
  • In my downtime, you'll mostly find me curled up with a book. I love reading biographies. My favourites are those of Dalai Lama, Osama Bin Laden, and Einstein. -- Madhur Bhandarkar
  • My favourite all-time work of fiction: Lord of the Rings. My favourite all-time nonfiction book: Guns, Germs, and Steel. Ask me again next week, you'll get a different answer. -- Orson Scott Card
  • Ford Maddox Ford's 'The Good Soldier' is my favourite novel. I first read it in the 1950s and have read it about 20 times since. It's possibly the best-constructed book in the English language. -- Ruth Rendell
  • I was still an avid reader of Mills & Boon romances - on publication day, I used to rush out of work to get to the local book store to grab my favourites before they all disappeared. -- Penny Jordan
  • I can understand the natural anxiety of readers when waiting for another installment of a favourite series, but I think it is much more important to get a book right than it is to have it appear on time. -- Garth Nix
  • Moorcock's interlinked 'Eternal Champion' series is a constant source of enjoyment. Of its tragic hero incarnations, my favourite is 'Elric of Melnibone,' and the best book has to be 'Stormbringer.' And as for that other sword, Excalibur? Pah! Use it to spread your butter. -- Neal Asher
  • When I was in my early 20s, my dream was to write mystery novels. I wanted to do what my favourite crime writer, Ross Macdonald, did - crank out a book a year. The only problem - and it was a considerable one - was that I stank. -- Linwood Barclay
  • The anti-apartheid prisoners on the island, like so many in every age and nation, found that Shakespeare had a peculiar ability to gentle their condition. They used to gather clandestinely to read the plays; on one occasion, the book was passed around for each man to mark his favourite lines. -- Daniel Hannan
  • When I was a child I devoured every book I could get my hands on. I loved losing myself in colourful and dramatic stories - and my absolute favourite was 'Charlie And The Chocolate Factory.' Everything about it electrified me, and when I re-read Roald Dahl's books as an adult it surprised me. -- David Walliams
  • When I was very young, one of my favourite books was Captain's Courageous and I suppose one of the reasons I loved it, it was a life I knew I should have had, learning all the different bits of the ship and learning to catch fish and rig sails and to -all the things that I never learned and I never learned the discipline, but I hungered after it. -- Clive James
  • I've chosen Peter Pan by JM Barrie as my favourite children's book. -- Tessa Jowell
  • ...next to the pleasure of reading a favourite fishing book comes that of persuading a friend to read it too. -- Arthur Ransome