Favorite subject quotes:

  • Betrayal... is my favorite subject. -- Norman Jewison
  • Math is one of my favorite subjects. -- Macaulay Culkin
  • Math and science were my favorite subjects besides theater. -- Jason Earles
  • I know people who are medicated and it's their favorite subject. -- David Lipsky
  • In seventh and eighth grade, grammar and vocabulary were not my favorite subjects. -- Aaron Lazar
  • In school, my favorite subject was math. That's where I learned to count money. -- French Montana
  • I don't like any category; categories are not my favorite subject. They're too confining. -- Paul Horn
  • My favorite subject was either English or History. I had a really awesome high school education. -- Ian Harding
  • My favorite subject was recess. Fortunately for me, I had a mother who believed I was smart. -- Ben Carson
  • Don't have a favorite subject, I think I want to carry on doing this because I really enjoy it. -- Rupert Grint
  • I went through a period of time when math was my favorite subject. Then math wasn't as fun so much. -- Noah Gray-Cabey
  • I liked math - that was my favorite subject - and I was very interested in astronomy and in physical science. -- Sally Ride
  • I'm not exactly a maths genius - I'm really good at maths, maths was my favorite subject in school, but I wasn't a genius. -- Matt Dallas
  • Math is my favorite subject. It's the universal language. I like the fact that wherever you go in the whole world, two plus two will still be four. -- Dakota Blue Richards
  • My favorite subject in high school was English. I love reading and writing, and I felt really supported in this subject, and my least favorite was math, since I felt completely lost. -- Christie Laing
  • In school, some of my favorite subjects... I mean, art was my favorite subject. I loved art! I used to go during lunch time to the art room and paint or draw or something. -- Derek Hough
  • I like historical pieces. History was my favorite subject in school, it was the only subject I excelled in. I love the idea of history and the idea that we may have the opportunity to learn from our past mistakes. -- Cary Elwes
  • That favorite subject, Myself. -- James Boswell
  • After all, everyone's favorite subject is themselves. -- Neil Strauss
  • Sports became a favorite subject of reflection and will soon be the only way of thinking -- Vasily Klyuchevsky
  • My favorite subject was recess. Fortunately for me, I had a mother who believed I was smart. -- Ben Carson
  • I think my most favorite subject was Lena Horne, because she embodies soul and grace and elegance and 'street'. She embodies everything. And beauty รข?? great beauty. -- Carol Friedman
  • The German national character is a favorite subject of character experts, probably because the less mature a nation, the more she is an object of criticism and not of history. -- Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
  • I've wanted to be an author as long as I can remember. English was always my favorite subject at school, so why I went on to do a degree in French is anyone's guess. -- J. K. Rowling
  • When I was in school, my favorite subject was math. I took algebra and calculus. At an early age I grasped it and understood it quickly. I just enjoyed breaking the codes and solving problems. -- Chris Bosh
  • My favorite subject was English or creative writing. We did poems and making a magazine, and I did one on celebrities. I called it 'Celebrity Life Magazine.' I interviewed my good friend Kaley Cuoco. -- Ashley Tisdale
  • My favorite subject was English, and I wanted to study English abroad when I was young, when I was a kid, but my mom said 'No, it's too dangerous to go abroad by yourself.' So I gave up. -- Doona Bae
  • My favorite subject probably was math. I love math. Figures just intrigue me. I was really good at math. English probably was my worst subject. But I used to write a lot of poetry. I used to write poetry all the time. -- Herschel Walker
  • English was great because I could just write my opinion, and that was good enough. I was terrible in Math, even though I had amazing Math teachers. My favorite subject was either English or History. I had a really awesome high school education. -- Ian Harding
  • There are fashions in reading, even in thinking. You don't have to follow them unless you want to. On the other hand, watch out. Don't stick too closely to your favorite subject. That would keep you from adventuring into other fields. It's silly to build a wall around your interests. -- Walt Disney
  • He owned an expensive camera that required thought before you pressed the shutter, and I quickly became his favorite subject, round-faced, missing teeth, my thick bangs in need of a trim. They are still the pictures of myself I like best, for they convey that confidence of youth I no longer possess, especially in front of a camera. -- Jhumpa Lahiri
  • Math just wasn't my favorite. I didn't get how important math is and how it relates to real life. That's why I think I was turned off to it. Once I got down arithmetic and a little bit of algebra, I think I checked out. As I've gotten older, I think there's a lot more relation to math. English was my favorite subject. -- Adam Rodriguez
  • Stupid English." "English isn't stupid," I say. "Well, my English teacher is." He makes a face. "Mr. Franklin assigned an essay about our favorite subject, and I wanted to write about lunch, but he won't let me." "Why not?" "He says lunch isn't a subject." I glance at him. "It isn't." "Well," Jacob says, "it's not a predicate, either. Shouldn't he know that? -- Jodi Picoult
  • Favorite subject? I would have to say creative writing. -- Bindi Irwin
  • I don't have children, but I imagine if parents are really pushed on the subject, they probably have favorite children. -- Moby
  • When you're an expert in a subject, you can retain new factoids on your favorite topic easily. This only works for the subjects you're truly passionate about, though. Baseball fans can reel off stats for their favorite players, then space out on their own birthday. -- Clive Thompson