Favorite songs quotes:

  • My favorite songs change every year. -- Isaac Marion
  • Forever Young, by Dylan, is one of my favorite songs. -- Levon Helm
  • My favorite songs are the ones that really come from the heart. -- Nicole Scherzinger
  • My favorite music is never the music that anyone else likes, and other people's favorite songs are always my least favorite. -- Grimes
  • I love Mary Chapin Carpenter songs. I love her songs 'Come On, Come On' and 'I Am A Town', they're two of my favorite songs. -- Betty Buckley
  • As far as my favorite songs to perform live, most of the songs we did live were my favorite. If they weren't, I would have gotten rid of them. -- Johnny Ramone
  • Our lives were just beginning, our favorite moment was right now, our favorite songs were unwritten. -- Rob Sheffield
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  • It's [Joni Mitchell's "A Case of You"] been one of my favorite songs for my entire life. -- Jane Monheit
  • I like them all. ... They're all pictures of me when I wrote them. ... I have no favorite songs. -- Paul Simon
  • And this one I wanted to do some covers. So I just really sang some of my favorite songs. -- Katey Sagal
  • Be On Your Way is one of the favorite songs I've ever written. What a terribly sad song, but what a beautiful melody. -- Dan Fogelberg
  • My favorite songs to sing have always been songs about regret. I don't know why that is, but to me, that's country music. -- Blake Shelton
  • One of my favorite songs is 'Ghost' by Indigo Girls. Emily Saliers wrote that, and she is one of the most talented songwriters ever. -- Tig Notaro
  • I think I opened up an area with Astral Weeks that hit a lot of peoples' nerves. But you can't really say that they're my favorite songs. -- Van Morrison
  • One of my favorite songs is by Mavado. The song is called "Progress." It's something that I work out to every day. Progress is definitely the answer. -- DJ Khaled
  • I don't get into the favorite songs thing, because so many speak to different parts of my life, but the music in the '90s is just unbeatable. -- Brandy Norwood
  • The Beatles mean so much to so many people, you know? Everybody has at least one song of The Beatles that's one of their favorite songs of all time. -- Evan Rachel Wood
  • My dream artist to play at prom would be Frank Ocean. 'Thinking Of You' is one of my favorite songs. He makes really sweet music for slow dancing at prom. -- Bella Thorne
  • Paul McCartney is a genius ... Paul married Rock & Roll to beauty, and forever raised the bar for composers, musicians, and fans ... an incredible solo performer ... the creator of our favorite songs ... -- Alec Baldwin
  • In some songs, like propaganda songs-and don't get me wrong, I love some propaganda songs. They're some of my favorite songs in the world. It's just that I don't enjoy writing it. -- Iron & Wine
  • Greg Trooper writes great songs, including one of my very favorite songs in the world, Little Sister. On top of all that, there's his voice - an instrument I have coveted for 15 years. -- Steve Earle
  • One of my favorite songs from the album is a song called 'For Better or Worse,' and it's basically about unconditional love, which is, I'd say, an ongoing theme in my personal life. -- Debbie Gibson
  • All of my favorite songs can bring me to tears. Some are rock, some are blues, some are love ballads. That's why I play music - to touch other people as I have been touched. -- Kelly Blatz
  • I took a bunch of pictures. You can see 'em on my MySpace page, along with my favorite songs and movies and things that other people have created but that I use to express my individualism. -- Christopher Paolini
  • I have two favorite songs. My first is called 'Dance of The Robe' and it's a very powerful number where she is feeling the pressure from her people to take on the responsibility of leading them. -- Deborah Cox
  • I've always loved Elton John and that is one of my favorite songs by him and Bernie (Taupin). The American songbook is ever-expanding and I feel like it works well with what I was trying to say. -- Cheyenne Jackson
  • That's one of my favorite songs of all time. It's so beautiful. It's an old song, sung by Nina Simone. This is the Cat Power cover. We pushed hard to get it and were lucky. It's so stunning. -- Ellen Page
  • One of my favorite songs I've ever done is "Who Says," and I was 17 when I recorded that song. It was just so exactly what I felt, during that time. That's when I knew how powerful music is. -- Selena Gomez
  • Believe it or not, one of my favorite songs is 'La Marseillaise'. I'll watch Casablanca just to hear it. It is enough to get me off my ass and want to jump on a horse and yell, "Charge!" -- Seymour Stein
  • Every year on my birthday, I start a new playlist titled after my current age so I can keep track of my favorite songs of the year as a sort of musical diary because I am a teenage girl. -- Chris Hardwick
  • To be honest, I know this probably sounds corny or whatever because I'm a musician, but listening to music really helps me relax and calm down - listening to my favorite songs. Also, laughing and hanging out with my friends. -- Austin Mahone
  • I'm not complaining about my cell phone - all my friends are in there, and all my favorite songs and all my favorite Benedict Cumberbatch GIFs; I don't want to give it up. But cell phones are the worst for talking on the phone. -- Rainbow Rowell
  • In my head, I consider 'No Turning Back' my 'dipping the toe in the water' album. It was mostly covers of favorite songs, and there were three originals in there. So, it feels like it was just my album to see what the temperature of the water was. -- Imelda May
  • We all love to sing along with our favorite songs. We sing in the car, in the shower, and at the karaoke bar. The problem is that half the time we don't know what we're singing. We're making up lyrics as we go along and hoping no one will notice. -- Shawn Amos
  • The thing that is most beautiful about Antarctica for me is the light. It's like no other light on Earth, because the air is so free of impurities. You get drugged by it, like when you listen to one of your favorite songs. The light there is a mood-enhancing substance. -- Jon Krakauer
  • We have parties at my house. My girlfriends and I play our iPods, with all of our favorite songs. We pick our songs and jump up on the counter and dance, and do runway stuff, and we take video with my camera. When I'm with my girlfriends, I act like I'm 19. -- Avril Lavigne
  • For me, the good songs are the ones that come really naturally. There are certain songs that you rework and rewrite and the craft becomes very evident, but a lot of times those aren't my favorite songs. The favorite songs are the ones that I can't even hear my own voice in. -- Jon Foreman
  • My favorite music to sing would be my own songs, my original songs, just because I know them, you know I write the tunes, so my favorite songs are the newest ones that I write. That's what I like to sing the most, because it means something, it's real, it comes from me. -- Paul McDonald
  • I was listening to one of my favorite songs that Phil wrote and had an extreme emotional moment just before I got the news of his passing. I took that as a special spiritual message from Phil saying goodbye. Our love was and will always be deeper than any earthly differences we might have had. -- Don Everly
  • I basically taught myself how to sing and play by copying records, and that's just how it was for me. I know that's true for a lot of budding musicians out there - that's the thing that gets them inspired, is trying to learn their favorite songs. I think it's a great way to teach yourself. -- Susanna Hoffs
  • At a festival, a lot of people came to see other artists, so you have to put on a signature set and performance: 'This is what I do, this is why I'm here.' At solo gigs, I'm a DJ - I'll play two-and-a-half hours, and not just my own music, also my favorite songs by other artists. -- Afrojack
  • I got into Dio when I was still quite young. I remember seeing the video for 'Rainbow In The Dark' on MTV. That was my first taste of Dio. It wasn't until years later that I realized he had this whole career with Rainbow and Black Sabbath and even going back to Elf. When I saw that video, it instantly became one of my favorite songs. -- Corey Taylor
  • I love spin classes. I'm also very big on music, so I make a mix on my iPod that's 45 minutes to an hour long of music that pumps me up so I know how much time I've been at the gym without looking at the clock. Put your favorite songs towards the end of the mix, so this way you keep going until you hear your favorite song. -- Candice Accola
  • I love songs. Songs are my favorite things. -- Terry Gross
  • My own personal favorite Cher song is the unforgettable Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves. -- Brent Spiner
  • My favorite song depends on the day, what I'm going through, what I'm feeling. -- Hunter Hayes
  • It's terrifying to play your favorite band's song in front of your favorite band. -- Dave Grohl
  • Singing live is my favorite. When people sing along to your songs, the circle is complete. -- Hunter Hayes
  • I think my favorite song from another artist would have to be 'Superstition' by Stevie Wonder. -- Nick Jonas
  • I kinda learned to sing singing to Echo and the Bunnymen songs and Smiths songs: Morrissey would be a big favorite. -- James Mercer
  • If Paul McCartney tells me that so-and-so song is his favorite song, what do I care? What do I care what anybody else says? -- Daryl Hall
  • In most cases, my favorite Jethro Tull songs will be determined by how I feel about them as live performance songs, not by the recorded identity. -- Ian Anderson
  • Senorita was fun to sing, but I don't really have a favorite. When you write a bunch of songs, they're like your babies. You don't pick favorites. -- Justin Timberlake
  • Things that Never Cross a Man's Mind' is probably one of my favorite upbeat tempo songs because it is just a sassy song, and it's a fun song. -- Kellie Pickler
  • Nobody's favorite movie is some dark, dysfunctional slasher story. Everybody's favorite song is a sentimental song. So why all of a sudden is it bad to be sentimental in books? -- Mitch Albom
  • I'm listing to music all the time. I have favorite artists. Kid Rock loves the Civil Wars' song 'Barton Hollow.' We both said that's our favorite country song of the year. That knocks me out. -- Bob Seger
  • I really, really like 'In Rainbows.' But I also really like 'OK Computer' as a sort of flipside to that. 'Reckoner' is my favorite, just my favorite Radiohead song. That, 'Idioteque,' and 'Pyramid Song' are my top three. -- Phoebe Tonkin
  • I think my favorite Rolling Stones song is "No Expectations." I always think and talk through songs. -- Ragnar Kjartansson
  • Woody Allen movies are like Beatles songs. I can't name my favorite without you immediately naming a better one. -- Colin Trevorrow
  • My favorite album would have to be Rocket To Russia. I feel this album has the most classic Ramones songs. -- Johnny Ramone
  • Dan Harmon has this idea that characters on TV are allowed to talk about their favorite movies and TV shows and songs. -- Gillian Jacobs
  • I'm not stuck strictly doing hip-hop. Songs from the dance/electronic scene are my favorite to make and remix, and I like that world. -- AraabMuzik
  • To me, there are 3 parts of the album process: writing, recording, and my favorite part: getting to sing the songs with the fans every night. -- Eric Hutchinson
  • As far as Rap goes Tupac was my favorite, I used to sing some of his songs in my set before I ever met his dad. -- Michael Tolcher
  • I don't really have a favorite pop artist - I just listen to some pop songs here and there. Mostly, though, it's Beyonce and show tunes. -- Lilla Crawford
  • My favorite thing is coming up with titles. The majority of the songs I've every written I've always thought of the title before I've written the song. -- Bernie Taupin
  • Things that Never Cross a Mans Mind is probably one of my favorite upbeat tempo songs because it is just a sassy song, and its a fun song. -- Kellie Pickler
  • My two favorite musicals growing up in were 'Annie' and 'Sweeney Todd,' and my best friend and I would sing all the songs when I was a kid. -- Katie Finneran
  • Being in Weezer's just gotten so much more fun over the years. I love almost every part of my job. My very favorite part is working on new songs. -- Rivers Cuomo
  • Lou Reed is something like a personal favorite of mine, but you could always put me into that drawer of singers who can't really sing, who speak their songs. -- Stephen Malkmus